by AdriAnne Strickland, Michael Miller
Series: Kaitan Chronicles #1
Genres: Science Fiction
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

Firefly meets Dune in this action-packed sci-fi adventure about a close-knit, found family of a crew navigating a galaxy of political intrigue and resource-driven power games.
Nev has just joined the crew of the starship Kaitan Heritage as the cargo loader. His captain, Qole, is the youngest-ever person to command her own ship, but she brooks no argument from her crew of orphans, fugitives, and con men. Nev can't resist her, even if her ship is an antique.
As for Nev, he's a prince, in hiding on the ship. He believes Qole holds the key to changing galactic civilization, and when her cooperation proves difficult to obtain, Nev resolves to get her to his home planet by any means necessary.
But before they know it, a rival royal family is after Qole too, and they're more interested in stealing her abilities than in keeping her alive.
Nev's mission to manipulate Qole becomes one to save her, and to survive, she'll have to trust her would-be kidnapper. He may be royalty, but Qole is discovering a deep reservoir of power--and stars have mercy on whoever tries to hurt her ship or her crew.
Jay Kristoff described SHADOW RUN as “kinda like FIREFLY had an illegitimate lovechild with DUNE.” and I knew I had to read it. Kristoff was right, SHADOW RUN could be their baby. I enjoyed this sci-fi fantasy that took us deep into space and placed us aboard the starship Kaitan Heritage. Action, suspense, a brilliant crew and a splash of romance had me completely engaged.
Welcome aboard the Kaitan Heritage, a starship cargo loader captain by Qole. I loved the worldbuilding and concepts created by these authors in SHADOW RUN. Qole, the youngest person to command a ship and perhaps one of the greats. Qole and Arjan her brother hail from Alaxak and infected by shadow. Their crew consists of one of Qole’s childhood friends a hacker named Telu, Eton the bodyguard, and Basra, the merchant. These secondary characters are fleshed out and full of surprises, so be alert. Barsa is brilly and a favorite already. Also on board is their newest crew member Nev, a royal prince searching for highly functional shadow people. Disguised as a cargo loader he is about to alter the course of the ship and their lives.
Strickland and Miller deliver this story in dual narratives alternating between Cole and Nev and it worked brilliantly. The story is fast paced with the world building slowly laced throughout the story. I loved their show not tell approach. Kristoff was right in his description, and I loved the whole FIREFLY vibe of the ship and worlds. The snark, subtle romance and kick-ass crew made me feel right at home. Nev and Qole are strong, likable characters allowing me to become emotionally connected as I rooted for them.
There is a subtle romance that I hope will continue throughout the series. We did have a little triangle at one point that had cliche elements, but it is quickly withdrawn allowing readers to breath knowing we won’t be saddled with that drama.
From dual-wielding Disruptor Blades, drones and purple flames shooting from fingertips, SHADOW RUN will feed your inner geek. However, the tale is light enough to attract fans who don’t necessarily dabble in science fiction. The friction stems from resources and political power and while the story isn’t overly complex, the action scenes, kick-ass characters, and imagery bring it all to life.
The ending resolves their current issue and hints at things to come, leaving the reader in a good place. Fans of SIX OF CROWS, ILLUMINAE, and FIREFLY will enjoy time aboard the Kaitan Heritage.
Shadow Run by AdriAnne Strickland & Michael Miller delivered adventures in space Share on X

Kim Cowgar
Well comparing it to Firefly definitely caught my attention and any time snark is involved I’m on board.
I will definitely have to check this out
Anita Mitchell
It sounds good. Thank you for the chance.
Desire Swarm
Sounds really good
Amy Malone
Denise S.
Very detailed review. Looking forward to reading it!
Jennifer dunkelmann hon
I can’t wait to read this book
Kasey Bean
I usually don’t read science fiction but this sounds very interesting
Michael Bratek
An impeccable mix collaboration, but this pans out to be true, i would definitely want to read this then!
I saw “Firefly” and had to read more. Sounds fun and it’s my current favorite genre. I’d love to feed my “inner geek”. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the giveaway.
Me too. Good luck and I hope you get a chance to read it.
Sounds interesting. It’s been a while since I read space opera or spaceship-based SF, other than some of Anne McCaffrey’s books and a bit of Heinlein.
I hope you try it Lark 🙂
The Bibliophile Babe
Oooh, this sounds really good!
Glad the triangle was resolved quickly, if you have to have one, those are the best ones to have. 😉 Was this real heavy on the sci fi? For some reason I love sci fi shows but books and I don’t get along too well and I have no idea why. If it isn’t too heavy though then usually I can read them.
No, Ali this is one I would recommend to a sci-fi noobie 🙂
Mary Kirkland
I don’t read a lot of science fiction but this sounds fun.
It was. Every now and again I like to go off planet! LOL
I’m so glad you enjoyed this one, Ms. Kimba! I really love the sound of it — and I’m so glad to hear it has a great ending with no cliffhanger. I’m adding this one to the TBR for sure! Thank you for the great review and giveaway!
Good luck Mckenzie. I think you’ll enjoy this one!
Lily B
I am having the worse time with books right now but been in the mood for sci fi. Maybe I’ll give this a shot next
I hope that changes and this is fast paced and easy to slip into.
Angela Adams
This kind of reminds me of a TV show from my childhood, “Lost in Space.” Thanks for the post, Kim, and have a great weekend!
Ha, I remember that show. “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! “
Sophia Rose
Oh cool! I noticed the GR add for this and thought the Firefly-Dune reference was a clincher. So glad to see it was as good as it looked in the blurb.
Yeah, it made me nervous but when Jay said it too, I was all in.
Deborah Haupt
Okay I’m very intrigued I love a good sci-fi. Thanks Kim
It was quite good Debbie. Good luck!
I have not read science fiction and I do need to broaden my genre’s 🙂 great review and these look great! Thanks for sharing.
I love to mix it up, and try to read at least 2 or 3 a year Cindy.
Geybie's Book Blog
I haven’t read science fiction before, Kim. I’m planning to give one a try to see if I can enjoy this genre. I’ll check this one out and consider it.
Awesome review, Kim, as always. Have a great day. 😀
This is a nice one to try. Not to heavy and well paced.
It’s the first time I hear about this one I confess but it looks intriguing. sci-fi is sometimes complicated for me but why not
This is very easy to read Melliane and while there are cool gadgets and the like, it is not full of info dumps like a lot of science fiction novels.
Firefly and Dune sounds like an awesome mix
Right. Have a great weekend Linda.