by Iain Reid
Genres: Psychological Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

You will be scared. But you won’t know why…
I’m thinking of ending things. Once this thought arrives, it stays. It sticks. It lingers. It’s always there. Always.
Jake once said, “Sometimes a thought is closer to truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can’t fake a thought.”
And here’s what I’m thinking: I don’t want to be here.
In this deeply suspenseful and irresistibly unnerving debut novel, a man and his girlfriend are on their way to a secluded farm. When the two take an unexpected detour, she is left stranded in a deserted high school, wondering if there is any escape at all. What follows is a twisted unraveling that will haunt you long after the last page is turned.
In this smart, suspenseful, and intense literary thriller, debut novelist Iain Reid explores the depths of the human psyche, questioning consciousness, free will, the value of relationships, fear, and the limitations of solitude. Reminiscent of Jose Saramago’s early work, Michel Faber’s cult classic Under the Skin, and Lionel Shriver’s We Need to Talk about Kevin, I’m Thinking of Ending Things is an edgy, haunting debut. Tense, gripping, and atmospheric, this novel pulls you in from the very first page…and never lets you go.
I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid is a unique psychological thriller that will either blow your mind or leaving you scratching your head. It draws you in, sets you on edge and despite moments of utter boredom you cannot seem to set it down.
Since I read a lot, like 250-300 books a year the subtle clues in this story stood out like neon lights and I figured the plot twist out quite quickly. Having said that, I think many folks will be mind-blown. At two hundred and twenty-four pages Reid takes us on an unsettling ride. The book is strange, freaky, boring, riveting, and disturbing. Despite being uncomfortable the reader is drawn in like a gawker viewing a train wreck. They say curiosity killed the cat….
The story begins in the car on a cold crisp day. Jake is driving and our unreliable narrator known only to us as “the girlfriend” is sharing their story as it unfolds. We get a little recap from “the girlfriend,” her feeling, and her relationship with Jake. She has also been receiving strange calls from an unknown man who has her on edge. From the onset we are an uncomfortable passenger.
The two have not been dating long, but he is taking her to visit his family farm. The story is relayed mostly in her head, with brief exchanges between herself and Jake. The girlfriend ponders life, questions the universe, analyzes Jake. She rambles in her mind about everything from love to what is normal and the reader is made privy to this endless dribble. Through her, we begin to feel on edge. Things are not quite right between them. A part of you wants to get out of the car, but in the corner of your eye, you see/sense something that makes you continue reading.
One would think that being inside “the girlfriend’s” head would be boring, but it was so odd that it had me a little off kilter. Reid had me flipping the pages as the continued sense of wrongness escalated. Once we arrive at the farm things picked up quite a bit for me. I loved Reid’s quirky, descriptive writing. He revealed just enough to have me on edge and questioning everything.
At the beginning of each chapter, we are fed information in the form of conversations by unknown gossipers. These give the reader insight into the characters and give the title a second meaning. I found these tidbits interesting.
I will be the first to admit parts bored me, but once I pieced together the clues, I had to see how it all came together. I’m Thinking of Ending Things is full of mind-f@uckery and one you will either love or feel indifferent towards. However you feel, I’m Thinking of Ending Things is a book you will talk about and think about.
A trippy ride with I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid Share on X
I’m one to quickly guess twitst too so hopefully if I ever pick this up it doesn’t annoy me if I guess it. I’ve had a few books where I’ve guessed correctly and its not taken from the story – this seems like it might be one 🙂
This is unique enough that even guessing you still need to read on.
Great review! I also really liked this one — I agree that things are just going along in the book but feeling wrong and you don’t even know why. I figured this out early on, too but still love the writing and how it was constructed!
my review
Yay I am glad you enjoyed this too 🙂
I’m really intrigued by this book Kimberly. Even the title’s enticing!
This was such a different read and one I recommend
Everytime I saw you guys talking about this book, I always had to do a double take on what the heck you guys were talking about, after I calmed down 🙂
And this story sounds like freaky reads for beginners! Tee, hee… great review, girl!!! I love that you related it to your reading experience! PERFECT!!!
It was one that sticks with you Kristin
I’ve been so intrigued by this book, but at the same time I’m so skeptical! I love thrillers! I really do, but what always puts me off is a slow thriller. So I don’t know if I’ll pick this up or not :/ I’ll keep it in my “Interested” shelf and hopefully decide soon haha I was actually thinking of requesting the audiobook but when I heard the sample, I couldn’t go through with it. We’ll see. Great review, though!
It was unique, and like I said even though parts are boring because it is a short book it kept you engaged.
Katiria Rodriguez
Ahh great review Kim wow this book looks and sounds very intriguing now I am very curious about the girlfriend. I might have too try and check it out and see if I would like this book or not. Thank you for your awesome post Kim.
It is worth the read.
This sounds odd yet interesting lol
Karen @For What It’s Worth
Exactly Karen!
I was sold at “unreliable narrator!” Excellent review. I’ve been really in the mood for thrillers right now. 🙂
I love them too Erin 🙂
This sounds like a treat, like a hidden treasure! After I listened to Find Her by Lisa Gardner, my first psychological thriller I think I would’ve picked this book up and gobbled it in one sitting. Love your review!
Yay..I am devouring this genre at the moment. I hope you grab this!
Ohhh what mixed feelings you have – bored to pieces and gripped all the same time! I love the thought of all the inner dialogue and am now VERY curious about this one!
It is worth one’s time Trish 🙂
Despite some boring parts, it sounds like an interesting and different story there
Very different..I recommend it.
Sounds like a very intriguing novel. I probably wouldn’t guess the twist because I don’t tend to do so! haha
I notice that those that didn’t rated this five star..and it is quite good in that respect.
The Bibliophile Babe
It sounds really twisted! I’m not sure if I want to read it or not, but I am curious.
This is one that sticks with you 🙂
Ack! I’m not sure if I want to read this or run away fast! This would mess with my head for sure. I’m not sure if I’d like the style or not but I’m sure I’d be sucked in just needing to KNOW!
LOL..it was pretty twisted Candace
You’ve written an excellent review. I wish the book sounded more like my “thing”, but it really doesn’t. I’m glad you enjoyed it, but… probably not for me. 🙂
I have been on a twisty, thriller, mystery binge of late.. LOL
This title alone is enough to grab my attention, and i would have thought it to be a memoir, but a psychological thriller with scary undertones sounds like a keeper, for sure. Love this review! Hope all is well Kim. Hugs…RO
I hope you pick it up Ro. I am good and hoping you are the same 🙂
Mary Kirkland
I love Psychological Thrillers and how they really get to you. This sounds like it was different but interesting.
It was freaky Mary..and totally unique
I just heard about this book the other day and I while I thought it sounded interesting I wondered how it would translate to a reading experience. I’m really excited to see this review and to hear that you enjoyed it. I’ll definitely have to add it to my TBR.
I did, it was so different!
Your description of “strange, freaky, boring, riveting, and disturbing,” describe this book to a tee, and I loved every second of how such boring events sucked me into a warped sense of fear that sneaked upon me before I knew it. I loved this book for that alone and was completely mind blown. Great review, Kimba.
It was such a crazy read Kathy. I think everyone should try it.
I wonder if I had made it
This was freaky Linda 🙂
As I read (and loved!) Black-Eyed Susans based on one of your posts, I totally just put this one one hold at the library. It sounds like a fun read. And it’s short so if it doesn’t work out it isn’t a very long investment.
Thanks for sharing!
It was quite the trip and I am glad I read it. Stephanie……enjoy!
Sounds like a really strange book for sure! Not sure it would be one for me, but probably 20 years ago I would have been all over it! Glad you were intrigued? with this one 🙂
It was quite the trip and I am glad I read it.
Jonetta (Ejaygirl)
Sounds like my kind of book, even if you figured things out quickly. Thanks for featuring the title as I’ve never heard of it or the author.
It is worth a read or listen,..enjoy Jonetta
I’m intrigued and not sure what to do about it. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
It is a short read and you should do it. I don’t regret it.
Sophia Rose
Unreliable narrator and a mental twister. I think I would tolerate the boring parts just to enjoy a story that had me feeling uncomfortable like that instead of just straight up terrified.
Captivating review, Kimberly!
Yes..it is worth it Sophia!
Lol, wow, what a book! Thanks so much for a great review that set me straight. I somehow thought it was about a person contemplating suicide and didn’t even want to read other reviews. Yours explains a lot without spoiling, so I am intrigued to know more, despite the boredom you felt. Hmm, one of those controversial books you either love or hate… We need more of these discussed instead of all agreeing we love the newest hyped title. Thanks!
This is really worth a read Rita.
Tyler H. Jolley
What a cool idea. I love being inside the narrators head, it’s a unique-ish way to completely put you on edge the entire time. I’d be wondering if every little thing she thinks about is an easter egg or just a mindless thought. Thanks for sharing.
This was clever Tyler, and stays with you.
Still wanting to read this despite being bored? That is saying something if nothing else. Sorry this had it’s slow parts but it seems like the rest more than made up for it, even if it was a wild ride.
Despite those issues for me, it was a great read 🙂
For a second there I read the title of this post and thought you were saying goodbye to blogging and I was about to scream NOOOOOOOOOO at the top of my lungs:) Glad it’s just a book title! This sounds like such an interesting read Kim, I both really want to read it and am nervous to at the same time. Sometimes disturbing reads work really well for me if I’m in the right mood, and I’m definitely more than a little curious about this one:)
As Sophia would say, “Oh, no, no, no!” This was unique Jenny and worth the time
This sounds like a book that’ll creep me out so much I’ll have trouble going to bed. But your review makes me want to read it to see what happens!!! Fantastic review! (Seriously, I usually avoid books like this because of the whole can’t-fall-asleep deal.)
Also, I am impressed by how much you read in one year. How do you do this!!!
Well thankfully you can finish it in one sitting..it was freaky!
Freaky and disturbing are perfect ways to describe this one. I think I liked it a bit more than you did, but I can definitely see why some parts were boring. The writer wasn’t underhanded when it came to all the philosophical conversations. I’m glad you still partly liked it though, Kim.
Great review!
I think it was because I knew and was just waiting for the reveal.
I’m intrigued and wary at the same of this — I feel like I might not have enough patience to persevere with this. But you’ve given me food for thought!
It was unique and short enough to be worth a read 🙂
Debbie Haupt
OMG another must read it with the lights on! Great review Kim, now scoot over in the backseat and let me in LOL
*opens door*
Ms. HK
Oh i cant wait to read this book! Thank you! 🙂