Nonna’s Corner- Multicultural Children’s Book Day

January 27th, 2016 Kimberly Feature, Review 42 Comments

27th Jan

Nonna's Corner

Today on Nonna’s Corner we are celebrating  Multicultural Children’s Book Day #ReadYourWorld. I am going to share DLee’s Bad Day, book five in the DLee’s World series by author Diana Lee Santamaria and an activity to encourage reading.

The MCCBD team’s mission to spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves within the pages of a book and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, a multicultural children’s book linky and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social media.

Multicultural Children’s Book Day

Classroom Reading Challenge: Help spread the word on our  Classroom Reading Challenge . This very special offering from MCCBD offers teachers and classrooms the chance to (very easily) earn a free hardcover multicultural children’s book for their classroom library. These books are not only donated by the Junior Library Guild, but they are pre-screened and approved by them as well. What we could really use some help with is spreading the word to your teacher/librarian/classroom connections so we can get them involved in this program. There is no cost to teachers and classrooms and we’ve made the whole process as simple as possible.

You can help by tweeting the following info: The Classroom Reading Challenge has begun! Teachers can earn a free diversity book! #teachers, #books

Nonna’s Corner- Multicultural Children’s Book Day
DLee's Bad Day
by Diana Lee Santamaria
Series: DLee's World #5
Genres: Childrens
Pages: 28
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

DLee's day at school is starting off rocky. Everything keeps going wrong. DLee is experiencing emotions of sadness and madness all at the same time. She tries the obvious solutions, yelling and kicking but hurts herself in the process. In a bright, bold storybook, filled with diverse characters, this book takes a look into the day and the life of a preschooler experiencing a bad day and what she does to choose to overcome those feelings.

DLee’s Bad Day is a colorful book with bold font and repeating phrases that share DLee’s day a preschool. Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go wrong? That is just the kind of day DLee is facing only she doesn’t quite understand her feelings. She is mad and sad. She doesn’t understand why she is having a bad day. The author through repetitive phrases and DLee ‘s experience help to convey to young readers/listeners what DLee is feeling. Things escalate until DLee expresses her frustration by yelling and kicking a stick. The author through the DLee’s teacher walk her through what she is experiencing and encourage her to change a bad day into a good one. Aubrey Fajardo does a lovely job illustrating the story with bright bold and detailed photos. As part of a series featuring DLee, the author offers wonderful, diverse stories that an engaging and allow parents/teachers teaching moments.


Reading Activity

Tent Night

Make Wednesday Night- Reading Night. Make a quick easy meal then build a fort/tent in the living room. Grab flashlights, a stack of books, pillows and popcorn.  Encourage your children to climb into the tent for reading. Read aloud to them, or for young readers encourage them to read to you. Talk about the book, and their day. Leave the TV and gadgets behind and this mid-week activity will recharge all of you.


Multicultural Children’s Book Day has 12 amazing Co-Host and you can view them here.

Multicultural Children’s Book day 2016 Medallion Level Sponsors
Platinum: Wisdom Tales Press * StoryQuest Books*Lil Libros
Gold: Author Tori Nighthawk*Candlewick Press
Silver: Lee and Low Books*Chronicle Books*Capstone Young Readers
Bronze: Pomelo Books* Author Jacqueline Woodson*Papa Lemon Books* Goosebottom Books*Author Gleeson Rebello*ShoutMouse Press*Author Mahvash Shahegh*China*

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

42 Responses to “Nonna’s Corner- Multicultural Children’s Book Day”

  1. La La in the Library

    This book looks stellar. I am going to link this post on my Children’s books Facebook page and then when I get that monthly thing going on the Children’s blog I will link it there, too. 🙂

  2. Lorna

    We never had any kind of diverse books when I was growing up. No wonder our culture was so divided back in the 50’s and 60’s, and before. How can you accept and emphasize with something you have no knowledge or understanding of? This is wonderful for this day and age. Something that should have been around forever! Thank you for sharing this. Wish I had some little ones to share this with, but the children in my life are all over the age of 7 now 🙂

  3. Sarah

    This book sounds lovely. I like the idea of teaching diversity through children’s books. My mom was big on reading to us when we were small and I believe that she is a big reason I love to read and learn so much 🙂

  4. ShootingStarsMag

    Thanks for sharing – what a great day! Diverse books are important for any age. I like the Wednesday night activity too. I’d do that if I had kids. How fun!

  5. pragmaticmom

    I love your reading tent idea! Thanks so much for your wonderful book review in support of Multicultural Children’s Book Day!

  6. Heidi

    Great ideas. I make every night reading night at our house. That is the last thing I do with my kids before bed and they love it.

  7. Rita

    I love that you shared this, Kim. I no longer work in schools so I lose track of events like this, but it is so important to spotlight. That book looks like a winner for young kids.

    My eldest daughter and mother of my 3 grandkids does a reading night every week. Her job has her coming home at 8 pm on the rotating days she works but when she’s home they have a movie night once a week– with the kids choosing and popcorn and lights off… and a reading night when they all sit on the couch and read their own books together. They also made it a habit to read to the younger kids in bed every single night, whether mom or dad was home and also to have their own shelf of favorite books in the family room besides what’s in their bedrooms. She brings them to a used bookstore with lots of kids books every payday. I love that part of my family enjoys reading, because the ones living here with me don’t, lol!

  8. Candace

    I think diverse books for any and every age is incredibly important but especially so for children since this is such an important learning stage in their life. What they learn now lasts forever. I know I’m always looking for diverse books for my own kids and it can be hard sometimes. Luckily they are in a diverse school and even have immersion programs so some classrooms are taught in Spanish or Russian so they learn the language right away. But they also learn about those cultures just as much. My kids unfortunately did not land in those classrooms but they do have a lot of cultural activities within the school.
    I tweeted the tweet out. 🙂

  9. Tracy Terry

    Thank you for featuring such a wonderful event. As not only an avid reader who does enjoy a good children’s book but also an ex teaching assistant I’m all for promoting this.

  10. Bookworm Brandee

    I love picture books like this – that take the opportunity to teach a lesson and/or ways to deal with feelings that little ones can’t necessarily figure out on their own. I’ll recommend this the the Children’s Lead for story time at my bookstore. Thanks for sharing it!

  11. Jenny

    THIS IS AWESOME! I’m definitely going to check these out and send recommendations to my brother for my nieces. Thanks so much Kim!

  12. Nick

    I’m with Christy. Books like these are so important and I’m glad that you’re helping them get some visibility through your blog, Kim! As an Asian girl, I can tell you I really appreciate what you’re doing. 🙂

  13. Christy LoveOfBooks

    I’ll have to ask my teacher friends if they do this. It’s not only important for kids to see themselves in books, but for kids to see people other than themselves. Our world is diverse, so it’s good for them to see that in books too.