Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre

August 1st, 2014 Kimberly Review 81 Comments

1st Aug
Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre
Mortal Danger
by Ann Aguirre
Series: Immortal Game #1
Genres: Paranormal
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Edie Kramer has a score to settle with the beautiful people at Blackbriar Academy. Their cruelty drove her to the brink of despair, and four months ago, she couldn't imagine being strong enough to face her senior year. But thanks to a Faustian compact with the enigmatic Kian, she has the power to make the bullies pay. She's not supposed to think about Kian once the deal is done, but devastating pain burns behind his unearthly beauty, and he's impossible to forget. In one short summer, her entire life changes, and she sweeps through Blackbriar, prepped to take the beautiful people down from the inside. A whisper here, a look there, and suddenly... bad things are happening. It's a heady rush, seeing her tormentors get what they deserve, but things that seem too good to be true usually are, and soon, the pranks and payback turns from delicious to deadly. Edie is alone in a world teeming with secrets and fiends lurking in the shadows. In this murky morass of devil's bargains, she isn't sure who—or what--she can trust. Not even her own mind...

Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre is the first in the Immortal Game trilogy. It is a paranormal tale with a side of romance; a little urban legend and a twisted creep factor that grabs your attention from the beginning.

We meet Edie Kramer; a downtrodden misfit who is bullied  until she breaks. It is at this moment she meets Kian. He offers a chance to settle the score with the “beautiful people” at Blackbriar Academy. She takes a leap and over the summer, her world is transformed. When she returns to the academy, revenge becomes complicated when pranks turn deadly. The tale that unfolds has twists, turns, lore and legends.

Edie Kramer has been to hell in back. Aquirre does an excellent job of revealing the anguish she experienced. When we first meet her, she is socially awkward and dealing with self-esteem issues. What happen to her is not fully revealed until later in the story, but it clear that she was bullied at school purely based on her smarts and appearance. I am not surprised she wanted revenge but as Edie moves within their circles, she finds there is more to them than the tormented chaos they created for her. While, I did not always love Edie we did see growth throughout the story, and I suppose she deserved some selfish, shallow moments. Even when revenge was forefront in her mind, she still cared for others; even those who mistreated her. Kain started out shrouded in mystery; along with Edie, we learn his history and role. It is clear from the start he genuinely cares for Edie, and I found it endearing. While he has known Edie for much longer, these two form a connection. Romance is strictly forbidden between them further complicating their feelings and perhaps enhancing them. Other characters rounded out the tale, including the parents. It was refreshing to see them involved.

Mortal Danger had an intriguing plot that plays on a few familiar tropes and twists them. Aquirre weaves in old urban legends breathing new life into them and creates a complicated game of chess with humans as the players. The world building was interesting, and we as the reader learn and discover along with Edie adding an air of mystery and suspense. What we learned clarified things but created an entirely new set of questions. Aguirre allowed things to unfold slowly, and while this hurt the pacing especially in the middle, she set things up and created a world I am curious to explore. I am not entirely sold on the romance yet. It had an air of insta-love to it, but I am rooting for them just the same. The ending while not a cliffy leaves us dangling enough to be eager for more.

I thought Mortal Danger was an exciting beginning to this trilogy and found the last three-fourths of the novel to be the strongest. I am curious about all the players and mystery surrounding this little game. Fans of urban legends, revenge, games and paranormal romance will find this one intriguing.  Public Enemies the second book in this trilogy is set for release in 2015 and Infinite Risk the final book in 2016.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

81 Responses to “Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre”

  1. Linnae

    I am always searching for great covers on the internet and last week, this cover caught my attention immediately because it is so different. I’m entering it in our Avant Garde category for the annual contest. I’m pleased to read that the story inside is a good story….win, win.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Sweet Linnae, I like the cover it is both complex and simple

  2. Danielle

    Ok, now I need to read this! I have an ARC of it that an author friend of mine gave me like 2+ months ago from RT that is signed even but its sitting on my shelf untouched because I wasn’t familiar with the author…now I need to be lol

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I was happy Danielle. I adore her adult novels, and am anxious to see where she takes this.

  3. Michelle

    I think you are right, she does portray the anguish really well. And I am excited to see that you thought the last part of the novel was the strongest. I am liking it, but it has so many mixed reviews that it made me nervous when I picked it up. She just finished science camp, so I can’t wait to continue it 😉

    Great review!

  4. Kristin

    I JUST started reading this today and so far I like it! Aguirre is really easy to read and I like her writing style – this is my first book of hers I’ve actually read. I own Grimspace but I haven’t gotten to it yet. OH! And her new NA romances, too 🙂 I’m wondering how I’ll like the rest of this since I see a few peeps have DNF’d it. I must not have gotten to any weird stuff yet at only 10%.

    Thank you for not spoiling this for me! I loved your succinct, to the point review! 😀

    • kimbacaffeinate

      short and sweet are my favorite types of reviews. Keep reading, it waivers in the middle but by the end you will be all in!

  5. Christy

    I’ll just say that I had to DNF this at 40% and leave it at that. Glad you enjoyed it though.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh no, you are not alone. Her books are different, but I love her adult steampunk books

  6. Tressa

    I’ve heard mixed things about this one. I’m still undecided if I’ll be reading it. Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Same here, it is falling either way. Maybe wait to see how reviews are for book two Tressa.

      • Tressa

        I will probably do that. It’s not like I need more series to follow. It’s like an ever growing list. 🙂

  7. lupdilup

    Sounds like a great start to a series. That’s a great cover and now I hear it has a good story to match. I really enjoyed Enclave by this author, so I familiar with her writing.
    I just hope is not released on the 5th on audio coz I already got 3 books to
    Thanks Kimba!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      If you like her style I am sure you will enjoy it. I loved the games and twist on Urban legends.

  8. Berls

    This one keeps calling to me! It was the cover at first, but now everything I hear about it just draws me in. Edie sounds great – I love characters like her that are a complicated and the bullying really adds a dimension to her experiences. It’s already on my TBR of course 🙂 Great review Kimba!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Thanks Berls, I enjoyed this and hope you do as well.

  9. Jess

    I have been hearing a lot about this book, but I haven’t read it yet. Great to hear that it is a promising start to the series. I love when authors can breathe new life into old myths and legends. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ha..let’s just add a few extra months to summer!

  10. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I agree with you here. I wasn’t a fan of the beginning but the second half? Loved. I want to know what happens next and we both need that next book very soon. Now? LOL

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes Melissa..and I think a lot of folks gave up before that!

  11. Heidi

    I agree the pacing in this one dragged at times in the middle. Still I liked it overall and I am interested to see where the story goes from here. I know Ann won’t steer us wrong. I was especially impressed that she drew on personal experinece with the bullying and suicide thoughts.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Agreed I am confident Ann knows where she is talking us 🙂

  12. kindlemom1

    I have seen some great things about this one and while it isn’t perfect I will definitely be picking this one up next week.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Overall I was happy and the second part had me hooked.

  13. Tanja

    I have heard so much about this one and what makes me really happy is that this is not a story based only on revenge, as I was afraid. It seems to be so much more. So glad you enjoyed it. Great review, Kim 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It is well rounded, and the overall plot is quite interesting Tanja

  14. Christa

    I didn’t love Enclave so I’m a little hesitant to read this. But the premise and your review make it sound so good!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I have that entire series to read..LOL, but I do love her adult novels.

  15. Jenea

    I tried to read this one and I just couldn’t get into it. I might pick it back up later one though. I am glad that you enjoyed so much. 🙂 Great review.

  16. Candace

    I set this aside for the moment, it just wasn’t working for me, but it sounds like most everyone (I’ve seen) has liked it so I guess I need to give it another chance!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I think if you read past the first 50% you will get hooked

  17. Lily

    Ahh this one looks so good! I’m pretty excited for it and have been for months. I love ghe sounf of the plot and main character seems pretty kickass! Great review 🙂

  18. Debbie Haupt

    Kimba wow, very interesting premise. I’m happy to see authors keep reinventing this genre it keeps it fresh.
    Thanks for your great thoughts on it too!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Agreed and I love how she is able to write in YA, NA and adult

  19. Silvia

    I knew this book and at first I was curious because of the cover, now I’m really intrigued. Thanks for the great review, Kimberly!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      You are welcome I hope you get a chance to read it Silvia!

  20. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I am definitely curious about this one…and even though it is not my usual genre, I may just add it to the list.

    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Roro

    Her other series looks so interesting but this series not so much . I’m glad you liked it , Kim ( I really do need to start an anguirre book Lol )

    Lovely review BTW

  22. Rita

    Hmm, sounds interesting and a bit different. I read Enclave by her, but didn’t follow up with the rest of the series. Glad you had a good experience with this one.

  23. Cyn

    I’ve been wanting to pick this one up because of the awesome cover and blurb, haha! I noticed a bit of mixed review for this so I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it! I love when books use old tropes and gives it a good twist! Thanks for the review, Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yeah I always wait to read them until after my post is published. I liked it but thought the second half was stronger and noticed a lot did the DNF before 50% mark.

  24. Mary

    I really liked the Edie’s development — yeah, she did deserve some selfish moments (don’t we all have them, especially as teens?). Girl’s been through hell, after all, and it’s not ending anytime soon. (Yay for us!)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I enjoyed the twist on urban legends and discovering the people behind the “school image”

  25. Nick

    I’m still so unsure about this book. I’ve heard some mixed reviews and they aren’t helping me make up my mind. Despite Edie’s growth throughout the book, I’m worried that she’s going to frustrate me with her shallow attitude at times. I might have to borrow it from a library to see how it goes for me first.
    Glad you enjoyed this, Kim! Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hear you, I considered her age and circumstances and gave her pass. If she acted otherwise I may have doubted her.

  26. Amir

    I love revenge stories and this one is definitely intruiging! I like the idea of urband legends weaving in the tale too and Edie sounds like a character than you can relate to even if her character isn’t perfect. I might wait for all books in the series to be out before picking this up but I will definitely read this as the premise has all the things that I love! Revenge, paranormal and a hint of romance. Lovely review, Kimba!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I thought the urban legend twist was pretty cool Amir 🙂

  27. Katherine

    Your comment about Edie deserving some selfish moments reminded me of the demanding more of fiction post. I would be fine with this in real life but in fiction it can annoy me. This sounds like a good book and definitely an interesting concept.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Exactly Katherine and maybe because we spend time in their heads it annoys us..the question I posed plagues me now..LOL

  28. Jo

    I just finished Aguirre’s New Adult book. She really writes a good story so I will check this one out.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I want to try that one as well Jo. Glad to hear you liked it.

  29. Melliane

    Oh it sounds like a really great first book! I have a few books by the authors, at least one of each series I think but haven’t read all of them so I think I’ll finish them before starting this one too. I hope the sequel will be great too! Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I love her adult novels, and own the Enclave series in hardcover and signed..but haven’t read them..LOL #bookaddict

  30. Bieke

    I’ve heard so many mixed things about this one! I am curious though, really want to read it!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yep, I always wait to read reviews after mine publishes to avoid questioning myself (isn’t that awful) but I enjoyed this 🙂

  31. Siiri

    I love the sound of this, but the cover totally creeps me out! Secretly in love with it though. I love how it isn’t just another revenge story, but is something extra with legends and whatnot. I LOVE ME SOME FORBIDDEN ROMANCE!!!! I mean, ok, insta kind of sucks, but what can you do *shrugs* I’m glad you enjoyed this one and am looking forward to seing your thoughts on the following books 😉

  32. kim { Book Swoon }

    I’m glad you enjoyed this as must as I did, Kimba. This was my first read by Ann Aguirre read and I really enjoyed how she pulled in Paranormal, Urban Legends and “the Game” into it. Although, like you mentioned, it’s hard to agree with all of Edie’s actions, I felt all her ups & downs. I’m so curious now – so many ideas this lady has. Great review!