Twisted by Emma Chase

March 25th, 2014 Kimberly Review 80 Comments

25th Mar
Twisted by Emma Chase
by Emma Chase
Series: Tangled #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who look first, and the ones who leap. I’ve always been more of a looker. Cautious. A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans. He was so persistent. So sure of himself – and of me.
But not all love stories end happily ever after. Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Now I have to make a choice, the most important of my life. Drew already made his –in fact, he tried to decide for the both of us. But you know that’s just not my style. So I came back to Greenville. Alone. Well, sort of alone....What I've come to realize is that old habits die hard and sometimes you have to go back to where you began, before you can move ahead.

As many of you, know, I adored Tangled the first book in the Tangled series by Emma Chase. Drew was hilarious and cute and well an idiot. Twisted takes place two years after Tangled. I was nervous about Twisted since it is told from Kate’s POV. Let me tell you, Chase gave me one heck of a ride. Mini review: Heat, anger, elation, tears, and joy. Emma Chase grabbed me from page one and put me through the wringer with Twisted.

My date with Twisted:

First Date: I am nervous because it is told from Kate’s POV, but she quickly captures my attention. Things are not good in Kate and Drew land. Kate is back in Greenville, AL, and I immediately demand answers. As we sit down over coffee, she shares with me the events from the past two years. OMG!! First she has me all hot and bothered describing their relationship, and the incredibly hot sex. I mean it’s HAWT! These two are perfect together, but then she tells me everything that happened last month. *my world crumbles* I am mad, crushed and crying. I am not a pretty crier. I am destroyed.

Second date: Kate is struggling; she has so many decisions to make. For the first time, she realizes she has never really been independent. She misses Drew. Hell I miss Drew. Kate has the most amazing & supportive friends. Dee-Dee made me giggle-snort and laugh aloud. This girl will have your six and I will party with her anytime! Billy is back, and he was amazing with Kate. At this point, I am pretty angry. The whole issue here is miscommunication. Drew is an idiot and well frankly so is Kate. These two are at the top of their game professionally and complete idiots at home. Grrr! Counseling might be in order. *bangs head on Nook*

Third Date: Break out the tissues cause this last half of the book had me bawling. But then I was sighing and eventually I began to smile. I really like how Chase handled the aftermath of stupidity. The last few chapters are from Drew’s POV, and I enjoyed talking to him. Yes, he is an idiot but he is our idiot, and I still love him. After these dates, I need some chocolate. Someone had me a truffle.

Emma Chase nailed Kate’s POV mixing in snark, heat and heart-wrenching angst that nearly killed me. Twisted was well twisted, and while my stomach was in knots, Chase made me feel, and I consumed this in one sitting. One heart pounding, teary eyed sitting. In all honesty this could have been a 4 or 4.5 but the whole misunderstanding made me cray-cray. If you love Drew and Kate as much as I do, read it, roll your eyes and love them. The next book, Tamed, is Dee-Dee’s story and I cannot wait.


Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

80 Responses to “Twisted by Emma Chase”

  1. Berls

    I love how you did this review! Ok – so all the crying has me worried, but it also has me really really wanting to read the book. You know I adore the books that make me cry. I guess I’d better go check out #1… who knows I may have it already, it sure sounds familiar.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      OMG..yes Berls Tangled made my top ten and yes Twisted wrecked me and the stupid misunderstanding pissed me off but I would read it all over again!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Awe don’t be scared, it was one heck of a ride but after a few truffles and a hug I was fine. I would do it again.

  2. Faye

    Gah, so many books I’ve yet to read and you just gave me another one that makes me feel I’m missing a whole lot! Haha. Tangled seems so cool and you make it sound so engaging. I love it when a book affects me so much that I feel what the characters are feeling. That’s not an easy feat to achieve and I’m glad the book did that to you. Awesome review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This series has been wonderful from laughter to tears:)

  3. Sharlene Wegner

    I loved Tangled, but for some reason I thought that HEA was the end of their story! I guess I will have to read Twisted now! Thanks for the review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ah, nope there is a novella called Holy Friggin’ Matrimony and Twisted..which you must read..LOL and then Dee-Dee’s story is next.

  4. Dre

    My co-blogger, Kate, read Tangled, and told me to read it, too. But silly old me boxed that convo somewhere in my head and forgot about it. Thanks for reviewing book 2 because now I’m scheduling to read book 1! Brilliant review, Kimba!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      OMG Dre..listen to Kate..LOL Tangled made my top ten reads last year!

  5. sherry fundin

    I am familiar with Emma Chase’s name, but have not read any of her work. Thanks for the fantastic review. Sounds worth the read.

  6. RedIza

    I loved Tangled so much (and Holy friggin’ matrimony) I’m apprehensive because I’ve read too much miscommunication problems lately in books… But well, I’ll see, thanks for the review 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ooo Rediza..go for it, yes it will put you through the wringer, but you will love it when all is said and it’s Drew and Kate. We adore them:)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yeah but after as I lay on the floor in a fetal position and sucked on my truffles..I was glad I had read it 🙂

  7. Andrea

    Oh boy, the misunderstanding made me crazy too! I honestly think this book caused me more stress than any book since New Moon. I could not put it down.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Right?!? but when all is said and done I am so glad I read it.

  8. Michele-A Belle's Tales

    Oh, I want to read this series so badly!! I love this review; and while misunderstandings can drive me bonkers, it sounds like this one was completely worth it. Off to add this series to the list. Brilliant review, my friend 🙂

  9. Pamela D

    This sounds like a cute book, but like you the miscommunication thing would drive me bonkers. I hate miscommunication as a way to drive the plot forward.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Thankfully it was the middle and yeah it made me mad, but I adore this couple and author 🙂

  10. Debbie Haupt

    Okay Kimba, I LOVED your review and not just the content (which was fab) but the very original way you penned it was fantastic too. I’m hooked and will get twisted thank you!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am glad you enjoyed it..but lots of peeps do date with a book reviews. I was experiencing review burn out back in early February and decided to switch things up. So now you will see all kinds of reviews from minis to bullet-point.

  11. Tanja

    This series is EVERYWHERE. I don’t think any NA book captured attention this much since I don’t know, Beautiful Disaster. Anyhow it sounds like a hell of a ride and I love emotional rides. Great review, Kim 🙂

  12. Melissa (Books and Things)

    LOL! This sounds like fun. Don’t bang your head on the Nook too hard. Often these characters need a swift kick to stop being idiots. 🙂 Loved the way you wrote this review. Sounds like something I’d enjoy!

    *hands truffle* 🙂

  13. Michelle

    wow, how did I miss this series? This looks like a fun read. I want to see how steamy their relationship is. haha

    Great review! I need to pick up this series ASAP

  14. Heidi

    Miscommunication in romance drives me nuts as well. I hate it! I think though that I have to give this series a go as it sounds sexy and fun.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I do like the way Chase handled it after, so kudos for that. Heidi I laughed so hard I cried in book one, I even read bits to my hubby..from the banter to Drew’s outlandish thoughts..oh Lord 🙂

  15. Candace

    Mis-communication is something that drives me nuts in books! So I’m not sure this would be for me. I have to say that I do like snark so maybe I should consider reading the first one. I don’t know!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It was crazy, but these two have been dating for two I was invested..LOL

  16. Melliane

    I’m always anxious when whe change of POVs, but sometimes it’s so good! I’m glad you liked this new character, I’m curious to discover her.

  17. Lindy

    Wow!!! Amazing Review Kim! I love it when you do the book date review! I needed some chocolate after reading this story too! I cried and wanted to choke Drew, and felt Kate’s pain! Dee Dee was amazing and I’m so excited for her story!!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      thanks Lindy, these reviews are fun..and I just let loose 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Gads it is so good Dani! Tangled made me laugh so hard. It was one of my top ten reads

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Squee..I hope you love them even half as much as I did.

  18. Karen

    I always get nervous when there are two books. My poor little heart can’t handle too much emotional upheaval. lol

    “Yes, he is an idiot but he is our idiot.” <- Love this!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I know exactly what you mean, add chocolate and wine and you will be fine Karen 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I love Dee-Dee her snark is off the charts hilarious 🙂

  19. Lupdilup

    After waiting forever to listen to Wallwbanger and then loving it, I was really looking forward to this, I’m glad it’s till funny, but I’m a little worried about that misunderstanding you mentioned. I will still listen tho 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It will make you mad, as it did me, but overall I totally enjoyed it.

  20. Victoria (aka Zemfirka)

    Ooh! Can’t wait to read it – loved your review Kim! (Just one-clicked for my copy) I’m a bit nervous that it’s from Kate’s POV, but I’m going to trust you. 🙂

  21. Mikki

    Love your review, Kimba!!!

    I had the same feelings while reading it. I wanted to pin Drew’s family jewels to the freakin’ wall!!!! I turned into Dee Dee in that moment and wanted to smack some sense into him. Waaaaaaa!!! I was a mess!!!

    But, that Epilogue saved the family jewels … lol!!!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Exactly, but lets not forget Kate wasn’t perfect either 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It was at times and at others I laughed aloud, either way it was one heck of a ride:)

  22. Jenny

    So obviously things don’t end well for this couple at the end of the first book. Or is it that something happens in the two year interim that drives them apart? Either way, it’s an interesting choice for a romance series and I’m definitely curious to see how Emma fixes things between Drew and Kate! Thanks for the recommendation Kim:)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      LOL, I am not telling. You must read Tangled..I loved it, and don’t regret Twisted as it made me feel. I adore this couple.

  23. Nick

    I know Nereyda wasn’t as much of a fan of this one as much of the first book too. Drama that stems from miscommunication are the worst. They make me want to throw away my reader/book. I’m glad you still found some enjoyable elements.
    Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Agreed, I had a whole hate/love thing going on. It was torture and yet I enjoyed it..LOL

    • Lenore

      I felt this way too. I enjoyed Tangled, but Twisted was just too much for me. One point of miscommunication and craziness ensued. I’m glad others still enjoyed it though. I will definitely be reading Dee-Dee’s book despite my hang ups with Twisted.

  24. Amir

    I loved Tangled and I love Drew, I am a bit apprehensive with the sequal (any sequal for that matter) but from your review it looks like we’re in for an emotional ride and we still get Drew’s POV in the end! Yay! I want spoilers though, if you don’t mind? Is it because of another woman? Awesome review 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I can honestly say no actual cheating occurred Amir.

  25. Jessica

    I have Tangled and I REALLY want to read it (SOON!), but this straight-up terrified me. Misunderstandings and the resulting agony make me cray cray too . . .

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Tangled made my top ten list and I laughed so hard I cried. Just drink the kool-aid Jessica 🙂

  26. Christy

    Not gonna lie, I scared to even read your review, even the first paragraph made me sad. Drew and Kate are like one of those couples that I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to them. I don’t want to see them hurting; it gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I’ll need therapy. I’m not exaggerating. I’ll have to self-medicate while reading it. -sigh- #Booknerdproblems. lol

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am convinced you need to read this..just so you can experience what I did. I have absolutely no regrets, and cannot wait for Dee-Dee’s book.