A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson

July 15th, 2013 Kimberly Review 64 Comments

15th Jul
A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson
A Cursed Embrace
by Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls #2
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other twenty-something girls—with one tiny exception: They are the products of a curse that backfired and gave each of them unique powers that made them, well, a little weird… After Celia Wird and her sisters help master vampire Misha save his family, their powers are exposed to the supernatural community of the Lake Tahoe region. But fame comes at a price, and being “weird” isn’t always welcome. To make matters worse, Celia desires the love of Alpha werewolf Aric, but his pack is bent on destroying their relationship to preserve his pureblood status. And once weres start turning up dead—with evidence pointing to the vampires—she must face the prospect of losing Aric forever. But the chaos only masks a new threat. An evil known as the Tribe has risen—and their sights are set on Celia and her sisters

With Cursed Embrace, Cecy Robson has been added to my favorite authors’ list and The Weird Girls series is one of my favorite urban fantasy series. Fans of Kim Harrison’s The Hollows series and Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series will devour Weird Girls. Robson delivered an action-packed tale with characters I instantly connected with. She took me on an emotional roller coaster ride and I want more! Three world review: Intense, heart-breaking and brilliant.

The girls are all recovering from the escapades of the last novel and attempting to return to normal. *Pfft* Things are looking good in the love department, except for Celia who isn’t sure where she stands with Aric. When a dead raccoonwere shows up on their doorstep things are about to get ugly and normal it is not! Told from Celia’s perspective the tale kept me enthralled as we fought evil and Robson toyed with my heart and emotions.

While Celia is the most fleshed-out character, I adore them all. Each has a unique voice and it is easy to keep this cast of characters sorted. Stand out characters would be Bren who in my opinion is a total smart-ass and loyal to the end. Of the sister’s Celia and Taran are my personal favorites. To the outside world Taran is a total bad-ass, and confident, but inside she is this big old ball of heart and I’d totally go into battle with her or shoe shop. Celia is brave, caring, tormented and gads do I adore her. In battle, she is quick, smart and fearless even as her personal life resembles a vortex sucking out her very soul. The girl’s love interests are adorable, smexy wolves and we see some tender moments. The relationship between Celia and Aric is one smoking hot mess! I am totally 100% for them but my emotions shifted from elated to hunt him down and kill him. Ha! I understood him, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it! All I can say is I better get my HEA even if it takes twenty books!!!!  Ari is swoon-worthy and I one of the aspects I like about weres is their possessiveness. That whole, “mine” mentality curls my toes. Despite the whole alpha thing he is also tender, romantic and respectful. This was/ is a total turn on. *swoons* Misha is back, and he totally wants Celia and isn’t afraid to say so. While he makes his feelings quite clear, I give him credit for respecting Celia’s wishes. We have the tribal leaders, villains and other characters that both aid the plot and toyed with my emotions. Grrr!

While we see plenty of action and the threat is fascinating, the central theme in this second novel is the relationship between Aric and Celia Whatever it was, it kept me flipping the pages and caught up in the action. I verbally engaged with the tale shouting my frustrations, oohing and ahhing it was totally crazy and I loved every friggin’ minute of it. Robson introduces us to a serious threat and makes us privy to some diabolic violence. While I learned more about the girls, their boyfriends and life in Tahoe, I really want to know more about the different supernatural beings and different classes of weres. Hopefully, those things are answered in the next book. The girl’s relationships talk, shopping trips and boyfriend issues had me giggling aloud as these moments helped me catch my breath between the non-stop action scenes. The relationship between Aric and Celia was one hell of a ride. We get some seriously hot moments and a few romantic ones.  The climactic scene right before the ending had me reeling, making the cliffhanger ending more manageable. I understood it, but dang it I want more. I immediately searched out the next book’s release date and I am now counting the days.

Fans of urban fantasy with kick-butt heroines and smexy weres and vampires need to check out Cursed Embrace and the Weird Girls series. Curse Moon a novella will be released in December and Cursed By Destiny book three will be released in January of 2014. *are we there yet?*

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

64 Responses to “A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson”

  1. Lauren

    I’m so happy to hear you love this series! It seems like all my trusted blogger pals are in love with this series, and I love the Mercy Thompson books, so I know this is going to be a hit with me. I already bought my copy and am super excited to get to Aric and Celia sexy-times. 🙂 Awesome review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Squee! I cannot wait to hear what you think, thanks Lauren and happy reading!

  2. Lindy Gomez

    This sounds like a great Urban Fantasy Series! Excellent Review Kimba! I love Alpha Men like Aric! He sounds steamy! I think I would love Taran! I love a bad-ass with a big heart! Thanks for sharing! As always, your reviews are a delight to read.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  3. Danielle Chapman

    This is another series I am looking forward to reading. Great review!!

  4. Michelina D

    Never heard of this series, will add it on my TBR list! Awesome review Kimba 🙂

    Mikki @ A Bookish Escape

  5. Pabkins

    Hunt down and kill him!! Ok – checking to see if I have the first book buried in my library somewhere….

  6. Naomi Hop

    Climatic endings!! Argh!! Just when you are right into the book! Great review Kimberly, I think I will have to get into this series!

  7. Pnrurbfantasyreviews

    I MUST start this series! I already own the first book, and I’ve heard this is a must for fans of UF. You know I love Kick-butt heroine’s and throw in some sexy were’s and vamps and you got me. Thanks for kicking my butt into starting this series, today!!

  8. kindlemom1

    Yay! I ADORE this series and I can not wait for December for Bran’s story, I love him, actually I love ALL the characters in this series, it is just fantastic! I am glad this one made a fan out of you!!
    And the best part is that Cecy is a sweetheart as well!!

  9. thegeekyblogger

    Oh I need to get this series 🙂 There are WITCHES! 🙂

  10. Jenny

    Okay I skimmed your review a bit Kimba because i haven’t read book one though I have it on my shelf and can’t wait to read it:) I haven’t started a new Urban Fantasy series in a good long while, probably not since I started the Kate Daniels books, so I’m super excited to meet Celia and Aric and the rest of the cast:) So glad this second book got such a high rating from you, that’s always a good sign:)

  11. Jennifer Bielman

    Briggs and Harrison are my fav writers so I am all over this series. Just added book one to my to-read list. I hadn’t heard of this UF before but I am always looking for a good, new UF series.

  12. Nick

    Yeah, I’m totally adding this to my TBR! Heidi loved it too and now you too!! I totally want to read this series right away. In fact, I just went on to B&N and bought the ebooks for myself. I was gifted a B&N gift card by a friend, so I figured I might as well make use of it!!
    I love the sound of Celia and the other secondary characters! And Aric! I’ve already started swooning over him! There’s something uber sexy about a guy who is possessive but gentle and romantic at the same time! *faints*
    I haven’t read any urban fantasy book in over a year now, so I’m beyond excited!
    Fabulous review, Kim! Keep swooning over hot book boyfriends! 😉

  13. Traci Horton

    I love, love, love this series!!! A Cursed Embrace pushed so many buttons for me that I could not put it down! I can’t wait to see where the rest of the series takes the girls.
    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  14. Carmel

    I want to read these books SO BAD! But I’m drowning in my TBR pile right now. Argh! What to do… Great review Kimba, you’re making me want to kick myself for delaying so long. LOL

  15. Aurian

    I am just skimming your review, this book is at the top of my TBR! But I am glad you love this series as much as I do.

  16. Jenea Whittington

    You’e killing me, I want to read this series so badly. It sounds soooo good. Awesome review.

  17. Andrea

    I really don’t have time to start new series, but when you compare a series to The Hollows, that catches my attention. Great review, Kim!

  18. Tanja

    At the times when I avoided UF I neglected this series. I have heard nothing but great things for the first book and I’m so happy to see that the second one didn’t disappoint. Great review 🙂

  19. candacerobinson

    Everyone seems to be loving this series! I really must be sure to get the first book ASAP (though I’m not sure when the heck I’ll manage to read it…).

  20. Heidi

    I agree I still want to understand more about the weres and the relationship between Aric and Celia is frustrating as all heck. Iw ant to bang my head against the wall. Still loving this series!

  21. Melissa (Books and Things)

    OMG! I NEEDS this one. I have the first one and haven’t started it yet, but I can tell I NEED this one already. NEED! These characters just sound SO good!! Brilly review! You have me wanting this one so much. Can you tell? LOL

  22. Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

    I’m pretty sure (yep just checked) that I added the first in this series to my wishlist based on your previous review. I really need to fit these in-I think I’d love them!

  23. GRgenius

    Sounds like this one really made its mark on you. Good to know! Might need to look into it one day…

  24. Diana Leigh

    Hmm, definitely a series that shouldn’t be missed, huh? Love that they’re the “Weird Girls.” Cool.

  25. Darlene's Book Nook

    Okay, you’ve convinced me 🙂

    I’m a Briggs fan, so I’ll definitely be checking this series out! Great review, Kimberly!

  26. Lindy Gomez

    Excellent Review Kimba! Wow 4.5 cups of coffee, and this author has been added to your favorite’s list? I need to check this series out! Plus, I love smexy Were’s and Vampire’s and a kick-Ass heroine! Thanks for sharing!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  27. Doctors Notes

    Great review like always Kim. If you added this author to your fav list I really need to move these up on my tbr list.