Dead Heat is the fourth book in the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs. I listened to the previous books but was offered an advanced print copy of Dead Heat. Ironically, I could still hear the narrator in my head as I read. For those who are curious, I fully intend to continue the series in audio format. Dead Heat was intense and brought us closer to Charles and Anna.

Black Wolf’s Revenge by Tera Shanley
I really enjoyed Silver Wolf Clan the first in the Silver Wolf Clan series by Tera Shanley and dove right into Black Wolf’s Revenge. Fast paced, with twists, drama and danger I quickly consumed this. Despite being a little annoyed to find this was another novella I am eager to continue Morgan and Grey’s story.
Silver Wolf Clan by Tera Shanley
Lorna @ Rabid Reads turned me on to the Silver Wolf Clan series by Tera Shanley and when I saw that Silver Wolf Clan was free on Amazon I jumped at the chance to read them and snagged book two Black Wolf’s Revenge from NetGalley. Both reviews posted today so be sure and check out my thoughts on Black Wolf’s Revenge.
Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs
In August, I read an anthology collection by Patricia Briggs called Shifting Shadows. I am a huge fan of the Mercy Thompson series, but in the collection, there was an Alpha & Omega story. I knew I had to visit this world and bought Cry Wolf on audio. I am so glad I did. I love how the world crosses over into Mercy’s world. As for Anna and Charles –le sigh.
A Curse Awakened by Cecy Robson
Fans of the Weird Girls series are going to love the glimpse back offered in A Curse Awakened by Cecy Robson. We travel back to the time right before the sister’s headed for Tahoe. We learn how they break the binding spell that is messing with their abilities. Action-packed, A Curse Awakened is filled with humor and danger as it answers questions about the girls’ powers and introduces them to the supernatural world.