Foreplay by Sophia Jordan was a wonderful surprise. I knew I was getting a tattooed bad boy, and a flawed heroine but Foreplay delivered so much more than I expected. Jordan gave me a hot romance, wrapped in a coming of age tale that completely swept me away. Mini review: heart-warming, hot, and the characters totally stole my heart.
Demanding Ransom by Megan Squires
Going into Demanding Ransom I expected the book to be filled with romantic angst based on the synopsis but Megan Squires delivered a twist I didn’t see coming and a ride I thoroughly enjoyed. This is a wonderful romance, filled with growth, forgiveness and taking chances. Three word review: memorable, heartwarming, tender.
Review: Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover
Hopeless was the first book that I read by Colleen Hoover and I adored the characters and was swept up in the tale, so I was really excited and nervous to read Losing Hope. Told from Holder’s point of view Hoover gave us a fresh look at the events and insight into Holder himself. Three word review: captivating, heartbreaking, beautiful.
Coffee Pot Reviews: Try Me by Diane Alberts & Faking It by Cora Carmack
Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! I have two yummy adult books to share with you. Adult books contain mature content and are not intended for readers under 18 years of age. I’ve got iced mocha coffee so grab a cup and enjoy!
The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen
I adored The Secret of Ella and Micha, book one of the Secret series and was excited to delve into The Forever of Ella and Micha. While I felt the tale could have ended with book one, Sorensen provided a heartwarming, gut wrenching sequel and once again had me swept up in the story of Ella and Micha. Three word review:breathtaking, bittersweet and intense.