Changes by Jim Butcher

March 14th, 2019 Kimberly Review 24 Comments

14th Mar
Changes by Jim Butcher

I took off my headphones and screamed, “Holy Shit!” or a slightly more colored variation, but people, Changes by Jim Butcher, the twelfth novel in the Harry Dresden Files was intense, mind-blowing, hilarious, heartbreaking and full of twisted fu@kery. Yeah ok, I liked it.

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Doctor Who: Scratchman by Tom Baker

March 6th, 2019 Kimberly Review 19 Comments

6th Mar
Doctor Who: Scratchman by Tom Baker

Tom Baker was one of my childhood Doctor and the fourth Doctor Who played by Tom Baker. I remember him with Sarah Jane and Harry Sullivan, so naturally when I saw an ad for Scratchman written and read by Tom Baker I had to listen. A trip down memory lane with a twisted new story that has our threesome facing great danger. 

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