Somewhere to Dream by Genevieve Graham

November 13th, 2013 Kimberly Review 44 Comments

13th Nov
Somewhere to Dream by Genevieve Graham

Last year I read and enjoyed Sound of Heart book two in Genevieve Graham’s MacDonnells series and truly enjoyed the tale. In Somewhere to Dream we meet Adelaide, a young white woman adopted by the Cherokee Indians and named Shadow Girl. Mini review: authentic, heart-warming and powerful.

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Tempting Bella by Diana Quincy

November 12th, 2013 Kimberly Review 52 Comments

12th Nov
Tempting Bella by Diana Quincy

I love arranged marriage tropes and Diana Quincy offered up a most unusual one in Tempting Bella the second book in the Accidental Peers series. While I did not read Seducing Charlotte the first book, each works as a standalone. With fleshed out characters, intriguing secondary characters and a unique arrangement I became completely caught up in the tale. Mini review: intriguing, romantic, witty and refreshing.

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The Marriage Wager by Jane Ashford

November 9th, 2013 Kimberly Review 30 Comments

9th Nov
The Marriage Wager by Jane Ashford

I am a sucker for tropes with marriage wagers, bargains, and agreements. They never work as planned and offer up a delicious tale as the characters find things more complicated than they ever imagined. Jane Ashford’s Marriage Wager delivers a historical romance with suspense; unique characters and a complicated romance between two stubbornly flawed characters. Mini review: entertaining, colorful characters, romantic.

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Foreplay by Sophie Jordan

November 7th, 2013 Kimberly Review 78 Comments

7th Nov
Foreplay by Sophie Jordan

Foreplay by Sophia Jordan was a wonderful surprise. I knew I was getting a tattooed bad boy, and a flawed heroine but Foreplay delivered so much more than I expected. Jordan gave me a hot romance, wrapped in a coming of age tale that completely swept me away. Mini review: heart-warming, hot, and the characters totally stole my heart.

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Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield

November 5th, 2013 Kimberly Review 64 Comments

5th Nov
Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield

Bellman & Black was my first foray into the mind and writing of Diane Setterfield. I have heard countless recommendations and praise regarding her earlier work, The Thirteenth Tale and decided to take a chance. The writing is beautiful, dark and unsettling at times. Mini review: atmospheric, dark, clever, and unsettling.

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