Bad Nights by Rebecca York

September 9th, 2013 Kimberly Review 46 Comments

9th Sep
Bad Nights by Rebecca York

Bad Nights by Rebecca York drew me in with its synopsis and promise of fast-paced suspense. I enjoy romantic suspense and when you throw in a former Navy Seal as the hero I begin to drool. This was my first experience with the author and I found it to be entertaining. Three word review: suspenseful, and action-packed, with some hot insta-love.

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The Trouble with Being a Duke by Sophie Barnes

September 7th, 2013 Kimberly Review 46 Comments

7th Sep
The Trouble with Being a Duke by Sophie Barnes

I have always loved Cinderella and The Trouble with Being A Duke offers us a delightful twist on the tale. This is the first book in the Kingsboro Ball series. Barnes delivered an engaging tale with lovable characters and I am looking forward to reading more of her work. Three word review: enchanting, romantic with some humor.

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It Takes Two to Tangle by Theresa Romain

September 5th, 2013 Kimberly Review 53 Comments

5th Sep
It Takes Two to Tangle by Theresa Romain

Theresa Romain’s new Matchmaker Trilogy starts off with a bang with It Takes Two to Tangle. She offers up to unique characters who a drawn to each other in friendship and discover something more. I easily consumed this and was delighted Romain offered a dish different from the usual courses served in this genre. Three word review: warm, enchanting and romantic.

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The Angel Stone by Juliet Dark

September 3rd, 2013 Kimberly Review 69 Comments

3rd Sep
The Angel Stone by Juliet Dark

The Fairwick Chronicles by Juliet Dark (a pseudonym for Carol Goodman) has been an absolutely delightful journey and I was both excited and sadden to begin Angel Stone the final book in this trilogy. From the setting to the supernatural creatures this has been a magical journey with fascinating creatures, and a romance that kept me on edge. The final book delivered as we saw character growth, and had questions answered. Three word review: enchanting, thrilling and filled with folklore.

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A Rake’s Midnight Kiss by Anna Campbell

September 2nd, 2013 Kimberly Review 51 Comments

2nd Sep
A Rake’s Midnight Kiss by Anna Campbell

I thoroughly enjoyed Seven Nights in a Rogue’s Bed the first book in the Son’s of Sin series by Anna Campbell and was delighted to begin reading A Rake’s Midnight Kiss. This time we get Sir Richard Harmsworth tale and what a fun romp it was. The tale and its characters quickly captured my attention leaving reality behind. Three word review: romantic, humorous and enchanting.

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