Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh

September 11th, 2024 Kimberly Review 4 Comments

11th Sep

Sophia Rose is here with a review of Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh. This is the eighth book in the Psy-Changeling Trinity. If you are a fan of paranormal romance filled with suspense, you’ll want to grab this one!

Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh
Primal Mirror
by Nalini Singh
Series: Psy-Changeling Trinity #8
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh takes us into a family dark with shadowy secrets, as the world of the Psy hangs on the edge of a final catastrophic collapse…

Daughter of two ruthless high-gradient telepaths, Auden Scott is not the child her Psy parents wanted or expected, even before her brain injury. Her thoughts are scattered, her memories fuzzy—or just terrifyingly blank. The only thing she knows for certain is that she must protect her unborn baby…a baby she has no recollection of conceiving and who draws an abnormal intensity of notice from her dead mother’s closest associates.

Leopard alpha Remi Denier is a man driven by the primal instinct to protect. Protect his pack, protect his allies… and protect the mysterious woman who has become a most unlikely neighbor. With eerie eyes that see too much and a scent that alters in ways disturbing and impossible, Auden Scott is the enemy…but nothing about this strange Psy is what it seems, Remi’s feline heart as fascinated by her as the human half of his soul.

Then Auden asks Remi to help her shatter the wall of secrets that is the Scott bloodline. What they unearth will reveal a nightmare beyond imagination. This time, the battle is to the death…

Sophia Rose’s Review

A new pack alpha stumbles on a mysterious Psy woman and further contact leaves him with great interest and few answers even as the woman finds herself trusting this Changeling outsider with everything she holds dear.  Nalini Singh’s Psy Changeling Trinity world continues to offer that exciting blend of sexy paranormal romance and tension-wrought, intriguing urban fantasy.

Primal Mirror is the eighth in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series which is a sequel to the original Psy-Changeling series.  Definitely read them in order to get the most out of the world of both series.

Though Auden Scott is a new character, her parents were characters I loved to hate and wanted to see them defeated throughout the earlier series.  I found it interesting seeing their dark legacy thwarted in Auden.  Auden is purposefully nothing like either parent.  She has imperfect Silence, for one thing.  She always did because her powerful Psy affinity is telemetry.  She reads emotions and visions from what she touches and this never allowed her not to feel.  There is a mystery surrounding her and the baby she carries.  As the story progressed, I had a horrible suspicion about what was going on and I really was hoping to be wrong, but no, I was way too right.  Thank goodness, Auden had an inner strength and she had Remy.

Remy is a leopard changeling and the alpha of a newly-formed pack.  Up until now, all the Changeling stories have involved established packs and I found it exciting and fascinating that details were given of how Remy and his people are working to establish themselves.  Remy is a treasure.  He went through hard times himself with a bully alpha, abandoned by his dad, and having to lose his beloved mom to a long-term illness and this honed him to being a protective, loving, and loyal alpha to his own people.  He doesn’t see himself as anything special so is always surprised that such good people have come to work alongside him and help build the pack.  Auden gains Remy’s interest from the start first because of the oddity and mystery about her, but then he slowly gets to know her and their friendship grows into something more right when she needs him most.

And, as Auden and Remy’s story is going on, there are brief moments with the greater situation of the world as others are working to fix the Psy Net to save the Psy race and the situation with the Scarabs.  I was on the edge of my seat when the failing psy net situation came to a head and a surprise twist happens at zero hour.

All in all, this was so good and leaves me craving the next installment.  If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and make a bookdate with the Psy-Changeling and then Psy Changeling Trinity series.

Amazon | Audible

About Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of the Psy-Changeling, Guild Hunter, and Rock Kiss series. She lives in New Zealand but travels as much as possible (the travel bug bit hard from when she escaped working as a lawyer to run away and teach English in Japan). Nalini loves to write, loves to read, and thinks chocolate is a food group.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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4 Responses to “Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh”

    • Sophia Rose

      Yes, this was sooo good, Anne! I am in awe of her setting the bar high and hitting it every time. Oh yeah, the progress on the series plot was so interesting.