I am continuing the attack on my backlist and devouring urban fantasy. Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher is the eighth novel in the wickedly wonderful Harry Dresden urban fantasy series.

The Dresden Files
Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
I love Necromancers..creepy right? Well, I love stories involving them. In Dead Beat, Harry Dresden battles them. He even raises some trouble of his own! I devoured this on audio and loved everything from the characters to the intense plot.
Blood Rites by Jim Butcher
Whoa nelly, Blood Rites proved to be a hilarious, action-packed and revealing tale as Harry takes on a case as a favor to Thomas, but something else is going on. Harry is determined to get to the bottom of it. It felt good to slip back into the world of Harry Dresden.
Death Masks by Jim Butcher
Death Masks by Jim Butcher is the fifth audio in the Dresden Files. When life seems to good..you know trouble is coming and that is just what Harry finds, as Marsters rocks the narration.
Summer Knight by Jim Butcher
I am continuing my journey with the Dresden Files and recently devoured Summer Knight by Jim Butcher, narrated by James Marsters. Fairies, pizza and the courts of Summer and Winter made for an engaging listen.
Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
Grave Peril by Jim Butcher is the third novel in the Harry Dresden file and once again I listened to the narration provided by James Marsters. In this third book the stars seem to align and I know this series and I are about to embark and a beautiful friendship.