Chaos Reigning by Jessie Mihalik the third audiobook in the Consortium Rebellion series delivered danger, swoons, secrets and betrayal. If you haven’t already discovered this series, come check out my thoughts…

Network Effect by Martha Wells
June is Audiobook Month, and Network Effect is the perfect audiobook to kick off the celebration. It’s the first full-length audio in the award-winning Murderbot series and one of my most anticipated audiobook for 2020. Gear up because Wells delivered a complex, fascinating and brilliant story that made me laugh even as it kept me on edge.
Broken by Rebecca Zanetti
If a team of misfit agents, a dog with a drinking problem, and a swoon-worthy romance with an intense case sound like your kinda thing…. run don’t walk to grab Broken by Rebecca Zanetti.
Starbreaker by Amanda Bouchet
Starbreaker by Amanda Bouchet is the second audiobook in the Endeavor romantic science fiction series. Once again things started off slow, and it took me a bit to get comfortable but buckle up for suspense, revelations and swoons….
Close Up by Amanda Quick
In Close Up by Amanda Quick, a photographer soon finds herself a serial killer’s next mark. Travel to 1930s Burning Cove, California, a favorite travel destination of the stars.