We are back with final installment in the Scorpius Syndrome series. Knight Awakening by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth novel in this dark, sexy, romantic suspense set in a dystopian world. This continues the overall story arc and shares the romance of Marcus Knight.
🎧 How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu
Narrated by a full cast featuring Julia Whelan, Brian Nishii, Keisuke Hoashi, MacLeod Andrews, Jeanne Sakata, Greg Watanabe, Kurt Kanazawa, Matthew Bridges, Kotaro Watanabe, Brianna Ishibashi, Joe Knezevitch, Micky Shiloah, Stephanie Komure, and Jason Culp, How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu delivers a science fiction dystopian that will haunt you long after you’ve finished.
The Way Out by Armond Boudreaux
Delivered from multiple perspectives, The Way Out is the first in the Forbidden Minds science fiction thriller by Armond Boudreaux. Narrated by Nicole Poole, it thrust listeners into an eerily realistic dystopian .
The Cursed Dead by Rhiannon Frater
The Cursed Dead by Rhiannon Frater is the third novel in the Hidden Necromancer series. The dead aren’t the only danger Ilyse faces as she escapes the Atonement Settlement.
Malorie by Josh Malerman
Malorie by Josh Malerman is the follow up sequel to his blockbuster hit Birdbox. Narrated by Cassandra Campbell, Malerman delivered a story I didn’t even know I wanted. Brilliant, thought-provoking and addictive.