Caffeinated is being taken over by other bloggers this week and today we have Ginny @ Gin’s Book Notes to share a discussion on fall reading and she is offering a fabulous giveaway as well. Grab some hot cocoa and enjoy. Ginny is a muti-talents woman who not only blogs, but is also a graphic designer who works with authors and more. She discovers amazing indie authors, and reviews adult and young adult in all genres. Thanks for being here today Ginny…
Reading Away the Days: Are you ever too old to read YA?
Caffeinated is being taken over by other bloggers and today we have Megan from Reading Away the Days to share a discussion on reading YA books. Grab your favorite caffeinated beverage and read what Megan thinks about the subject, then share your opinion. Reading Away the Days is a fantastic blog for the young adult fan, and Megan reviews a variety of genres. Be sure and check out her blog, you may just find your next YA read. Thanks for being here today Megan…
Finley Jayne reviews: Seven Deadlies by Gigi Levangie
Caffeinated is being taken over by other bloggers and today we have Sara @ Finley Jayne’s Going to the Library. Grab a mocha lattes and check out her review of Seven Deadlies. Finley Jayne’s Going to the Library is a unique blog featuring a wide variety of books and discussions! Enjoy Sara’s review, I know she has me curious about Seven Deadlies. Thanks Sara for sharing with us today….
Night Owls by Lauren M. Roy
I grabbed Night Owls the first book in the new urban fantasy series by Lauren M. Roy for the setting. The tale takes place in the college town of Edgewood at a bookstore called Night Owls. Roy offered an engaging tale with a motley crew of supernatural and human characters. Mini review: With a new supernatural creature and interesting characters, it holds the promise of an exciting new series.
Grimm Consequences by Kate SeRine
Kate Serine’s Transplanted Tales have delighted me, and I was so excited for Grimm Consequences. This is a novella that takes place between Red and the Better to See You. It shares the back-story of Nate Grimm the sexy reaper who won Tess’s heart. Serine brought him to life and made me swoon, shed a tear and fall deeper in love with this reaper. Mini review: Fans of the series will be deeply satisfied with Nate’s tale.