by Kate SeRine
Series: Transplanted Tales #1.5
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

You reap what you sow...Saying Nate Grimm has a dark past is an understatement. Fortunately, no one's bothered to look too closely at the Fairytale Management Authority's lead detective and part-time Reaper. And that's the way Nate wants to keep it. For after centuries of torment and loneliness, he's finally found happiness with the hot and hard-charging love of his life, Tess "Red" Little. Of course, his love for Tess is the reason there's a posse of Reaper judges after him, led by a sadistic bastard acquainted with Nate from once upon a time. Now, Tess will pay the price for Nate's transgressions unless Nate severs his ties to the transplanted Tales--and Tess--forever. His enemy has the advantage in speed, malice and brutality. But the Reapers have underestimated the depth of Nate's love and devotion. And the fury of his wrath. . .
Kate Serine’s Transplanted Tales have delighted me, and I was so excited for Grimm Consequences. This is a novella that takes place between Red and the Better to See You. It shares the back-story of Nate Grimm the sexy reaper who won Tess’s heart. Serine brought him to life and made me swoon, shed a tear and fall deeper in love with this reaper. Mini-review: Fans of the series will be deeply satisfied with Nate’s tale.
Nate Grimm is the lead detective at the Fairytale Management Authority and a part-time reaper. He is also romantically involved with kick-ass detective Tess “Red” Little. Nate has secrets, and a dark past and all of it is about to put those he loves in danger. The tale that unfolds is suspenseful, emotionally engaging and completely swoon-worthy.
Call me crazy but I love Reapers and Nate Grimm is one of the favorites. I imagine him as old-fashioned, sexy and debonair. In my mind, he resembles Neal Caffrey, from the hit television show White Collar. Now imagine tattoos and beautifully defined abs..yep. Swoon-worthy from the way, he walks to his sharp attire and finger worthy hair. From the beginning of the Transplanted Tales series, Nate’s love, respect and need to protect Tess has been evident. In Grimm Consequences SeRine reveals just how long Nate has had these feelings. She shares details about his past and I loved learning how and why he became a reaper.
Grimm Consequences was action-packed, suspenseful and had my heart racing as Nate and Tess’s fate was tested. SeRine gives us characters to loathe and fear all while exposing Nate, placing Tess in danger and keeping my heart in my throat. It was brilliant and completely satisfying.
If you haven’t tried the Transplanted Tales yet I urge you to do so. SeRine takes urban fantasy, crime thrillers, and fairy tale characters and creates magic. The tales currently available are Red, Grimm Consequences, The Better to See You, and Along Came a Spider. The fourth book, Ever After, will be released in August of 2014. All of the books deal with one Tale, a case and their romance.
Guest Post
“Nate was standing at the stove with his back to me. His bareback. As I had noticed in the past, his shoulders were strong and broad, but my imagination hadn’t done him justice. His was by far the most incredible male physique I’d ever seen. He made the chiseled beauty of Achilles and sculpted perfection of Vlad look like rough drafts of the masterpiece.
As I watched him in stunned silence, he moved with a kind of mesmerizingly sinewy grace, his lean muscles bulging and rippling in a carefully choreographed dance. Adding to the breathtaking beauty of his movements were the black flames I’d noticed on his neck and scalp. I was surprised to find they didn’t end there but, in fact, started there, fanning out across his shoulders to engulf his biceps, then dancing down his back in intricate designs, licking his skin with fiery sensuality…”
–from Red (Transplanted Tales #1)
Although it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact moment Tess “Red” Little fell for Nate Grimm, the Fairytale Management Authority’s lead detective and part-time Reaper, I suspect the time she walked into the kitchen and saw him cooking breakfast for her—sans his shirt—might be in the running.
Since then, Nate has made a habit of cooking breakfast for Red whenever he can. One of his favorite dishes to prepare is a delicious breakfast casserole that has become one of Red’s favorites. And after a little nagging from me, he’s agreed to share the recipe.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Nate Grimm’s Breakfast Casserole*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
8 eggs
6 slices of whole wheat bread
1 lb. ground breakfast sausage
1 c. milk
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 medium onion, diced
1 green pepper, diced (or half green pepper, half red pepper)
1 (12 oz.) can pineapple bits
1/2 lb. sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
Cook sausage; drain and set aside. Mix eggs and ½ cup of milk. Mix cream of mushroom soup with diced onions, diced peppers and remaining ½ cup of milk. Arrange bread slices in 8×10 inch greased a casserole dish. Spread cooked sausage over bread slices. Pour soup mixture over sausage layer. Spread pineapple over soup mixture. Pour egg mixture evenly over pineapple. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Cover with foil and cook at 375 degrees for 45 minutes or until mixture begins to firm up. Uncover and cook for 15 minutes or until mixture is firm and cheese is completely melted. Enjoy with someone you love. Shirts are optional. 😉

I put this books on my TBR list and I can’t hardly wait to read them,in the meantime I just could dreaming about this hottie on the cover.
I’m pretty sure that this series is already on my tbr, but I’m off to double check in a minute. I love old-fashioned guys and I seem to have a soft spot for reapers, so this is right up my alley!
I love Tess and Nate…enjoy!
Wendy Darling
Okay, so. After falling for Tod in Soul Screamers, I have a soft spot for Reapers, too. And if this one is sexy and old-fashioned, I’d better meet him right away!
This series is fun, snarky, and sexy. I think you will like how kick-ass Tess is too 🙂
Sharon - Obsession with Books
A great cover & that recipe sounds delicious! I’ll have to check out this series, I am a big fan of reapers.
Thanks for sharing Kimba 🙂
I love reapers too Sharon 🙂
Jennifer Bielman
Oooh, nummy nummy, so my type of book. I need some action in my life right now, lol. And now I want a breakfast casserole.
This series is fun Jennifer:)
Michele-A Belle's Tales
Well, if you’re going to urge me, then I suppose I must! LOL This sounds fab — I love me some reapers and breakfast casserole so how could I go wrong with this one? Thanks for the recipe and the awesome review!
This series is fun Michele 🙂 I love the characters and the cases.
Why have I not heard of this series before??? Seriously, I love reapers and Urban Fantasy. Hello, Transplanted Tales! Thanks for bringing a new series to love to my attention. 🙂
I am so happy to introduce it to you..:)
I have 4 of her books in my TBR list. These books sound so good!!!
LOL, you need to read them 🙂
Wow, he sounds sexy! I think I would like this series, I’ll be checking my library for it. 🙂
He is one sexy reaper Jenea, thanks 🙂
Mary Preston
Such an amazing cover. Looking forward to this.
This was great, enjoy Mary 🙂
Mmmmm… well I was sucked in by the cover, then at Reapers, then your fab review! I love the sound of this series and will have to look into it Kimberly!!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
My job is done 🙂
I believe Red is on my wish list. Thanks for the novella review; glad you liked it.
Sweet Lauren, enjoy!
I’ve had my eye on this author for ages and this sounds so good (plus the cover is enticing). Glad you enjoyed that one so much and I can’t wait to try the recipe!
thanks Kimberly and the recipe does sound yummy. I hope you read the Transplanted Tales 🙂
Pamela D
Thank your for the giveaway. Also, I am going to have happy dreams now of imagining Neal from White Collar with tattoos and six-pack abs. 😉
hehehe..happy dreams 🙂
Vanssa N.
This one sounds great. Love the covers.
I do too Vanssa, good luck!
Linda Townsend
I love this series! It’s captivating and funny too! Every one has been fantastic!
Yay, I am so glad you enjoy them too Linda!
Braine Talk Supe
Her heroes are always great cooks. Seth was one too if I remember correctly…
Yes, Seth was smexy too 🙂
A Voracious Reader
I swear I’m going to get to this series this year. Stop snickering! I am! 😀
i will have to research if this novella will be available in print too ( or at least pdf.) Melliane Recommended it to me so it’s on my wishlist and i’m really hoping to get those books soon ( so tempting) i must say i’m no fan of retelling but these ones sound perfect
thank you for telling me about teh novella
I know it is available in all formats check Kensington’s site:)
This series is still on my TBR! That casserole looks delicious!
I hope you get to it Michelle 🙂
I loved Red 🙂 Congrats to Kate on the series and thanks for sharing!!!!
Welcome Erin and good luck!
Theresa Fischer
I read the first book in the series and loved it!
Sweet I always love to hear that Theresa, good luck!!
I haven’t read anything paranormal in a long time and this sounds promising. A hot, tattooed reaper who knows to cook- count me in! Thanks for sharing 🙂
hehehe…yes a man who can cook for me is always swoon-worthy!
Melissa (Books and Things)
So he looks like that (nice casting, btw) and cooks? Um… yes please. 😀 This whole series sounds like a lot of fun. So need to get that first book.
It is fun Melissa, and they are quick reads that make me smile:)
Wow, I’d never heard of this series – but I just TBR’d the whole thing. I love reapers too. They totally have the scary sexy going on. I think your review really sold this for me, and I can’t wait to dig in!
Liz these are fun with a nice mix of mystery, suspense and romance 🙂
Kim, you have my mouth watering right now! Sexy, debonair, tattoos, and defined abs? He sounds like a fantasy come true! Great Review! I love stories about reapers, and can tell that you enjoyed this novella! Thanks for sharing 🙂
thanks Lindy, this series has been a blast 🙂
Oh I saw this series around but actually had no idea it was this good. I love the sound of it and I think I’ll get to it someday. Also that breakfast is something I’d love to share with that sexy reaper 😀 Great post, Kim 🙂
Breakfast with a sexy reaper sounds perfect!
Hmm the breakfast casserole is different not sure about the pineapple in it. You are right, Kimba, I have got to read this series. You have been telling me about it for over a year and I am reading more adult and I love reapers so it sounds like a win. Going to hunt up a copy of the first book immediately.
Ham and pineapple is good, but I think you can mix and change the ingredients to suite your own pallet. Enjoy Heidi, these are fun and I love figuring out what character is what tale.
This series sounds fantastic! This is the first I’ve heard of this series but definitely checking it out! I enjoy fairytale retellings and I like that it’s geared toward adults too. Adding Red to my TBR! Awesome review! And thank you Nate Grimm for sharing your recipe 🙂
Thanks Amir, I have enjoyed this series immensely and hope you get to read it.
I love it when authors blend fairy tale elements with paranormal ones! Case in point, my review today. LOL Anyway, I love the look (oooh, did you see those tats??) & the sound of this one. Plus, that breakfast casserole looks WAY better then my toast. Hehe Thanks for the chance!
Agreed Nate’s casserole looks yummy. I love the blending of genres too Carmel and Nate is one hot reaper!
Finley Jayne
just added Red to my tbr list 🙂
Wahoo! Enjoy Finley 🙂
An urban fantasy series I haven’t heard of????? Adding it to my TBR list now!
I definitely need to read this based on your review 😛
Thanks for sharing the recipe and wonderful review as always, Kimba!! 🙂
Enjoy Rashika, I love Tess and Nate and hope that you enjoying this series too 🙂
This sounds good, I also like books with Reapers, there are some really good ones out there.
I love Reapers, I am not sure why but I do. Ooo and I agree there are some awesome books out there 🙂
Debbie Haupt
Hey Kimba, thanks for the great review and what a fascinating premise. I’m always intrigued by new ways to look at paranormal/urban fantasy
Thanks Debbie I love the twist with tales in this one 🙂
A comparison to Neal Caffrey?! Umm… yes please! This one really sounds amazing! I hadn’t heard of it, I don’t think. But now I’m dying to read it!
Dreamy huh? Hope you pick this up Candace 🙂
I know I keep saying this but I really am going to start this series. It looks too fantastic not too and to say that Matt Bomer reminds you on the lead character, well that just solidified the deal for me!
Bomer is lovely and yes that is exactly how i see him 🙂
Your review has made it abundantly clear to me that I need to get my hands on this story ASAP! Love this series. 🙂
LOL, I am glad you found a new book Mirjam!
sherry fundin
I love reapers and this sounds like an awesome story. I haven’t tried any of Kate’s books, so maybe this would be a good place to start. Thanks, Kim, for the great review and something to snack on while I am reading it. ^_^
Thanks Sherry, this series is a blast 🙂
Nate sounds so smexy! Sweet and he has lickable abs? Of course I need to meet him now! 😉
Yes, yes he does..LOL Thanks Nick!
kim { Book Swoon }
I still want to read Red, and now there’s Grim Consequences with such a fantastic cover, I can’t help bu be excited. Great excerpt and recipe too!
Thanks Kim, I loved Red and all the Transplant Tales 🙂
Red is at the top of my TBR list. This series sounds fabulous. AND I printed out the recipe too 😉
Enjoy Jessica it is a fast-paced quick read that I enjoyed 🙂
What an awesome book, I really love the sound of the series! It reminds me so much of the Fables graphic novels, and I love how he’s a reaper. Adding it to my tBR!
Enjoy Jeann, this is a fun series with the prefect blend of mystery and suspense.
I did try to read it but when it comes to ebooks I am more likely to give up on page 1, I am very harsh there
Well darn, I love Kennsington ebooks 🙁
Well, the cover got me here..LOL but now your review is making me add it to my TBR.
I’m sold! Thanks 🙂
Enjoy Loupe, I am not sure if this series is on audible but they are fun, fast, reads 🙂
Nice recipe! I’m starting this one right now and I’m sure I’ll love it as well because Red is my fave character!
Enjoy Melliane and I am glad you love the series too. I adore Tess and Nate!
I just had to print that recipe for my brother, because that is so something he’d make and eat. This series looks like a lot of fun. I’m digging reapers too now, so I’m definitely interested in this.
Nice. What time is he cooking us breakfast? This series is a blast, with snark, action, swooning and giggles.