The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Fraterfest will wrap up tomorrow night. Winchester got sick after his vaccinations and gave me a scare, but 12 hours of fasting seemed to turn things around. Our weather is crazy from record lows to highs in the 80s. This week I’ve worn everything from a coat to shorts. I am staying on top of my reviews. Now finding room for all of them on my calendar is another matter all together. I am going to try really hard to take advantage of the Kindle Unlimited I signed up for and want to read a minimum of 2 books a month from there. Today we are watching Hazel. We haven’t seen her in a week, so I am excited. Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- 🎧 Guardian Of Chaos By Michelle Manus (audio review)
- 🎧 The Whisper Man By Alex North (audio review)
- Sophie Go’s Lonely Hearts Club By Roselle Lim (book review, guest post)
- 🎧 Travel By Bullet By John Scalzi (audio review)
- 🎧 Where The Drowned Girls Go By Seanan McGuire (audio review)
This Week on the Blog
- 🎧 Ghost 19 By Simone St. James (audio review)
- Vanishing Hour By Laura Griffin (book review)
- 🎧 Twenty Three By Murray McDonald (audio review)
- 🎧 Rosemary And Rue By Seanan McGuire (audio review)
- 🎧 The Midnight Club By Christopher Pike (audio review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- Deadbeat Druid by David R. Slayton
- Raven Unveiled by Grace Draven
- Biergarten of the Damned by Seana Kelly
- The Final Girls by Mira Grant
Special thanks to Penguin Audio & Tantor Audio
Around The Blogosphere
- Let’s talk bookish ➙ Do book titles matter? @Books and Dachshunds
- Thankful for Books Giveaway Hop November 21-28th
- #HoHoHoRAT2022 Readathon Sign Up! November 18-30th
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I’ve got two events coming up and have ARCs and ALCs available.
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Crazy weather is pretty much the norm for us here 🙂 and I am going to check out Sophie Go’s Lonely Hearts Club ….
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
It’s hard to dress when the weather is so back and forth. What drives me crazy is when it’s cold in the morning but warm in the afternoon. Depending on what I wear, I’m either going to freeze in the morning or swelter in the afternoon. LOL
Mary Kirkland
I’m glad Winchester is feeling better.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Driving across country this weekend was interesting. The weather was nice most of the way, but it was really windy across the middle of the country on Saturday. I gather that a change in the jet stream was bringing colder weather to the western half of the country, and warmer weather to the eastern half. Robin says it snowed in their high-mountain New Mexico town today (Monday.)
I hope you enjoyed your time with Hazel. And congratulations on being, and staying, caught up with your reviews!
Yes, the weather swings last week were jumpy. I hope your crew is staying healthy.
Have a good week and Happy Reading!
That’s so scary about Winchester, but I’m glad he’s feeling better now. We had high winds and hail last night.
Sophia Rose
Our weather took a dip below freezing, but this week we’re getting high sixties- so not as drastic as yours. Yay for staying up on your reviews and getting to see Hazel this weekend. I’ve had a good time with Fraterfest. That reminds me. I need to get my Instagram post up today. 🙂
Have a good week, Kimberly!
So glad Winchester is doing better! Wow, that’s quite a range in temps. Lol. We seem to be having some consistent (though warmer than normal) temps here in Central Maryland. The fall colors are really coming through right now too. Have a great week! 🙂
Vi @Inkvotary
Oh yes, I know what you´re talking about. I go out of the house, convinced that I am wearing the perfect clothes combination. Ha! Either too hot or too cold… Enjoy your time with Hazel! Happy reading.
I am loving this warmer weather! Went to a family event yesterday and sitting out on the deck soaking up the sun and fresh air was delightful. I just hope it holds at least in the 50s through next weekend.
Have a great week!
Lover of Romance
October is always such a weird month haha This week its been 70’s but we just had a rain storm this weekend and now we are in the 40’s haha Good for you staying on top of your reviews though! It can be so trying at times right? Love seeing that you added a Grace Draven, and hope you love that one!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Same crazy weather where I live! I’m ready for just fall weather!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Yay for keeping up with your reviews! That’s a stress lifted. We’ve been having warm weather in the upper 70s low 80s but yesterday things cooled down quite a bit. We have highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s for the foreseeable future. I’m currently reading *listening* Vanishing Hour and loving it!
Enjoy your day with Hazel!
Our weather is doing the same thing and it’s giving me so many sinus headaches! I’ll be happy when it picks a temperature and sticks with it 😂
S. J. Pajonas
We’ve also had wild weather swings here. It’s been crazy and tough on my head.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Our weather has been up and down too. We had freezing temps and then yesterday it was almost 80. So crazy, but welcome!
Jennifer @ Book Den
These weather swings are not easy on my migraines! I hope you all have a wonderful week this week.
Carole @ Carole's Random Life
Yes, the weather here has been all over the place. I wore layers and a jacket some days and was sweating on others. Have a great week!
Whew! I’m glad Winchester recovered from his vaccinations! Enjoy your day with Miss Hazel! (I love that name so much!)
Anne - Books of My Heart
We’ve had a bunch of that all over the map weather here too. But this next week will be really nice. I am trying to stay on track with reviews also.
I’m glad Winchester is feeling better. Great haul and crazy weather! Have a wonderful week ahead.
Here’s my The Sunday Post: https://www.thathappyreader.ca/the-sunday-post-28-rain/
A Voracious Reader
I’m glad Winchester is better!
Ooooh you have Deadbeat Druid. I got Trailer Park Trickster for my birthday but haven’t had time to read it yet. I’m so far behind on all the books I want to read. This year sucks.
Sorry to hear about Winchester getting sick after his vaccinations, but good to hear he’s doing better now. The weather there really sounds all over the place, here we had a week of relatively mild temperatures. Have a great week!
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I hope Hazel is behaving for you 😉
The humidity is awful here right now, at 100% practically 24/7. I’ve had to turn the aircon on to suck the moisture out of the air several times over the past week.
Wishing you a great reading week
Cindy Davis
Glad Winchester is doing better! Our weather has been weird too. Enjoy your new arrivals and have a wonderful week!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Yeah, we’re having that crazy weather too. I am not liking it at all. I already miss the cool temps and feel of fall in the air. It’s most upsetting to be back in summer weather.
Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
Enjoy your time with Hazel!
Tizzy @ Curious Daydreams
Glad Winchester is feeling better after giving you a scare.
How strange that your weather has been so extreme. It’s very wet and stormy here in England, which is what I’d expect for this time of year.
I need to make the most of Kindle Unlimited too, but I have so many new paperbacks calling me…
Good luck with Kindle Unlimited! I have so many services I have to try really hard to make sure I’m using them!
I’m glad Winchester is ok. Enjoy the Kindle books. Fraterfest has been fun!
So glad you enjoyed it.
Mareli @ Elza Reads
Hi there Kimberly! Oh sorry to hear Winchester got sick after his injections! I remember during 2020, Elza got her shots the day before lock-down hit. She also got terribly sick and they had to open the vet practice the following day for her… Well of course they will – it’s Elza after all! But we also got quite the scare.
I Loved Fraterfest as always! The week just flew by so fast….
Have a good week and enjoy having Hazel around!
Elza Reads
Oh, no…. I am glad she is ok now though. Glad you enjoyed Fraterfest. I am hoping to go out with a bang.
Damn Kimberly! From coat to short??? Also I am glad everyone is ok now! It’s unseasonably warm here but so far I am happy about it with the energy crisis LOL Have a great week!
Oh yes, I am hoping you all have a very mild season.
Have a great weekend, and glad Winchester is doing better. It’s been crazy here too weather wise- it was in the 70’s yesterday- weird for late October. Take care this week! .
When we first moved to NE, 16 years ago, it snowed in October. Times a changing. It was 88 today.
It is so different now. It feels too warm here today even though it’s just in the 70’s lol.
Emily @Budget Tales Book Blog
Hope everyone is ok now. The weather is crazy here too from rain to sun (in the same day!), but the temperature has remained fairly constant.
Have a great weekend.
It was 88 today…lol, but the wind has picked up this evening and rain is in the forecast.
There are some wonderful books on KU. Hope you enjoy the ones that you choose. So glad to hear your staying on top of your reviews. I know that’s a good feeling! Have a great week!
It really is. I used to blog weeks ahead and am now posting in reviews for November & December. It feels wonderful.
You’ve been doing so good with your reviews! It’s super motivating. I hope you have an awesome week ahead Enjoy the remainder of Fraterfest!
Thank you, Sara! Have a good week.
So glad Winchester is feeling better! These weather transitions are always such a challenge for figuring out to wear. I tend to rely heavily on layers! Have a great week!
Yes, layers are a good idea!
It really cooled off here today. 80’s yesterday upper 60’s today. I hate this time of year when I have to remember to wear warmer clothes and grab my jacket again. By the time winter comes, I’m back in the habit, fortunately.
I have my windows wide open now but it will be rainy and cold come Monday. It’s harder to dress the kids as it is 40 when they head into school and 80 when they come out…lol
Laurel-Rain Snow
Our weather is cooling off and it looks like rain ahead. Enjoy your reading, and your reclaimed time with Hazel.
Taylor @ Taylor Fenner’s Bookish World
Our weather has been up and down too. I won’t complain about not having to wear my winter jacket the past couple days. I’m hoping to get back a little reading time tomorrow with The Dead House to finish up Fraterfest. I’ve been really busy the past 3 days so I didn’t have reading time.
Happy reading! I am hoping to finish my current audio and one more book before Monday night.
Thanks Laurel!