🎧 Trailer Park Trickster by David R. Slayton

October 25th, 2021 Kimberly Review 6 Comments

25th Oct

Narrated by Michael David Axtell, Trailer Park Trickster, the second audio in the Adam Binder urban fantasy series by David R. Slayton delivered from character growth to an ending that left me begging for more.

🎧 Trailer Park Trickster by David R. Slayton
Trailer Park Trickster
by David R. Slayton
Series: Adam Binder #2
Narrator: Michael David Axtell
Length: 8 hours and 42 minutes
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.3x

They are my harvest, and I will reap them all.

Returning to Guthrie, Oklahoma, Adam Binder once again finds himself in the path of deadly magic when a dark druid begins to prey on members of Adam’s family. It all seems linked to the death of Adam’s father many years ago—a man who may have somehow survived as a warlock.

Watched by the police, separated from the man who may be the love of his life, compelled to seek the truth about his connection to the druid, Adam learns more about his family and its troubled history than he ever bargained for, and finally comes face to face with the warlock he has vowed to stop.

Meanwhile, beyond the Veil of the mortal world, Argent the Queen of Swords and Vic Martinez undertake a dangerous journey to a secret meeting of the Council of Races . . . where the sea elves are calling for the destruction of humanity.

LGBTQ smartfunny urban well written

Our story picks up right where White Trash Warlock* left off. Adam, our warlock, is reunited with his family, but suffers a loss that has him returning to Guthrie, Oklahoma, to find answers. He arrives just in time to encounter a dark druid and save a family member.

Did I mention Adam leaves without telling Vic or anyone else where he is going? Adam is a hot mess with communication, but he’s a nice guy and you can’t help but root for him, even if you want to slap him in the back of the head. Of course Vic, his Mom and Bobby follow.

Vic travels with Argent, the Queen of Swords, and there are chapters from his point of view. I loved this, especially now that he isn’t entirely human and tethered to Adam. The two have a mission of their own and I enjoyed time in the veil.

The dark druid is going after family members. Adam and his family are suspects in an arson. I loved how Slayton revealed family history and gave more details surrounding the murder of his father. Silver and others offer aid as the suspense and danger built.

My heart weeps for Silver and his sister. The old feelings and friendship between Silver and Adam is bittersweet and made my heart hurt, even if I am team Vic. These side threads that weave through Adam’s life and form the man he has become are as captivating as the central storyline. The author brilliant brings forth these secondary characters allowing the reader/listener to become engaged with them.

The characters are complex and Slayton further developed the characters as they interacted. We further understand just how difficult a life Adam has had. We see character growth, particularly in Adam. He’s only had a strong attachment to Sue, and he struggles to open up and make himself vulnerable. There is a side of him that feels unworthy of being loved.

The romance has some bumps because of self doubt, fears and miscommunication, but we were left in a good place in that respect. However, the ending was the teaser of all teasers. It ended in such a way I am counting down the days until the next audio.

Fans of urban fantasy with warlocks, fae and more will love this character rich series. The Adam Binder series has become a must listen thanks to the talent of Michael David Axtell. He captures the characters brilliantly, bringing forth their personalities and uniqueness. His tones amp up the danger and suspense, having me on edge one moment and weeping the next.

Amazon | Audible*

Trailer Park Trickster by David R. Slayton delivered with a captivating second installment to the Adam Binder #urbanfantasy series. #audiobook #mustlisten #MichaelDavidAxtell #LGBTQ #AutoBuy Share on X

Adam Binder Series

Sale: 99 cents White Trash Warlock*

About David R. Slayton

David R. Slayton

David R. Slayton grew up in Guthrie, Oklahoma, where finding fantasy novels was pretty challenging and finding fantasy novels with diverse characters was downright impossible. Now he lives in Denver, Colorado, with his partner, Brian, and writes the books he always wanted to read. White Trash Warlock is his first novel. In 2015, David founded Trick or Read, an annual initiative to give out books along with candy to children on Halloween as well as uplift lesser-known authors or those from marginalized backgrounds.

About Michael David Axtell

Michael David Axtell

Michael David Axtell currently lives in New York City with his wife and dog. He works as an actor, singer, narrator and pianist. He is a passionate performer and storyteller and is fascinated by communicating to audiences through different mediums. For a time after college, he pursued music and toured with the Grammy Award-winning vocal ensemble, Chanticleer. However, he realized he craved a more theatrically based performance path, so he left Chanticleer to pursue my MFA in Acting from The New School for Drama ('17). He also began recording audiobooks for ACX which opened up an entire industry of exciting possibility and opportunity! He currently has twenty credits to my name available.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

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