Nonna’s Corner is a special feature where I share books I’ve reviewed with my grandchildren, affectionately referred to as the “Royals” here at Caffeinated. We hope you enjoy them and find books to share with your little ones.

by Mona K
Illustrator: Korey Scott
Genres: Childrens
Pages: 36
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

Even Your Breakfast Has Bad Days!
Grumpy Frumpy Croissant isn't happy, and he's taking it out on the breakfast plate! Toast, Scone, and Milk think he's being mean, but Croissant thinks they're being mean. A sip of Milk and ten deep breaths help everyone calm down and talk to each other.
Beneath the charming, hand-drawn illustrations in Grumpy Frumpy Croissant is a lesson about misunderstandings that any child can grasp. Croissant learns about letting anger pass by stopping and breathing, and how he hurts other's feelings when he yells. It's a simple story for parents to introduce ideas of managing feelings to children.
Today we are sharing The Grumpy Frumpy Croissant written by Mona K and illustrated by Korey Scott.
The story shares what happens when Scone and Toast don’t leave enough room on the plate for Croissant. Croissant gets very grumpy and his friends get upset. Their friend Milk intervenes and has them all take a sip of milk and deep breaths while counting to ten. The book also contains coloring pages and a recipe for Croissants.
Now the Royals loved the colorful illustrations and breathed right along with the breakfast friends. Sophia, (six years old) interjected with reactions such as, “Why doesn’t he ask his friends to move?” and “he should take a time out.” Clayton, (four years old) just nodded his head. Both asked me to read it again.
The illustrations were colorful and silly. They told the story through visuals that the children enjoyed. They like the Veggie Tales so they didn’t even question food talking or being friends.
While the Royals loved the book and received the simple message of dealing with frustrations and talking things through, I struggled with a few things.
I felt the opening sentence was awkward, something about on a kitchen table in a kitchen. It should have read on a table in a kitchen.
I appreciated the breathing technique that milk suggested, but the whole drinking their friend seemed weird, but hey it’s animated food.
Ok, now the last one has to do with the booklover in me. The coloring pages in the back were awesome…however, the pages weren’t perforated and the idea of allowing the children to color in an actual book freaked me out and goes against everything I’ve taught them.
While not my favorite story, the children enjoyed it and were engaged. This allowed for conversation about dealing with anger.
*I was compensated for this review by Red Clover Digital. All opinions are my own.
Today on Nonna's Corner learn about The Grumpy Frumpy Croissant written by Mona K and illustrated by Korey Scott. #review #sponsered #childrens Share on X
Wonderful review Kimberly. I love when the kids already know what he should do. I agree, you can’t colour in a book!!!
Debbie S Haupt
Fantastic lesson learned Nonna 😉
Oh, how fun! Must keep an eye out for my niece!
Tyler H. Jolley
Sophia’s interjections cracked me up. She sounds like a smart and level-headed girl. I completely agree with the coloring IN the book. It sends a confusing message to little ones.
Although not your favourite, I’m glad your grandkids enjoyed it 🙂
Ah a bit complicated for this one, I understand