If I Could Wave A Wand…

May 22nd, 2019 Kimberly Discussion, Feature 36 Comments

22nd May

As a reader, I often dream about randomly bookish things. Like favorite authors writing a book together, getting my letter from Hogwarts and celebrating magical book holidays. Grab an iced coffee and check out some random wishes. Then be sure and share some of yours.

I want a story where the Aeslin mice from the Incryptid series meet and aid Harry Dresden from the Dresden Files. ALL HAIL The WIZARD OF IMPOSSIBLE PROBLEMS! Jim Butcher and Seanan McGuire can we make that happen?

I want a day where book lovers around the world get together and share their favorite reads. Like a community tea party. Could libraries or pubs around the world plan this please?

I want to consume books in my sleep..like dreams and wake up remembering everything. Imagine being able to listen to ALL the Books!!

I want my favorite series to NEVER end. (sometimes)

I’d like to have magical powers. I could be a Witch, Wizard, Druid or Time Lord.

I want all my fandoms to become movies or shows. (but they must be epic and accurate)

What about you? What bookish things do you dream about?

Make a wish….

If I could wave my wand…. bookish wishes #aeslinmice #HarryDresden #series #booklove Click To Tweet
Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

36 Responses to “If I Could Wave A Wand…”

  1. Olivia Roach

    I love this post and I completely agree! Readers should have a day off where we can have a bookish tea party (coffee is allowed as I know a lot of people love that too!) And our fave series should really never never have to end <3 And all the great adaptions please! No more bad ones ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. MarthaE

    Fun wishes. Great idea for community day. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love the idea of the mice and Dresden too.
    I’m with you too on sleep reading. I try but wake up having missed several chapters.

  3. Sophie

    A community day would be awesome Kimberly! I would so love meeting you all and chat “live” with you!!!
    Add a personal wish as an international blogger: that publishing houses would send physical ARCs to us the same way they do to US bloggers

    • Kimberly

      You mean publisher’s in other countries don’t? In all honesty, I prefer downloading directly to my kindle.

  4. Melissa T.

    These are all great wishes.

    I will forever be waiting for my Hogwarts letter, of course. If I could, I’d love to be a witch with magical powers.

    I’d also love to be able to hang out with some of my favorite characters. Just to grab a bite to eat, and chat, like the friends they feel like when we’re reading their stories.

  5. Lorna

    Great wishes! Iโ€™d want to visit inside my favorite series-The Mageri in particular. I would also love to magically travel to all the locations that I fell in love with through books. Magical powers would be fun-good witches and Dannika Darkโ€™s Mages would both be fun. Or even a shifter that doesnโ€™t experience any pain with shifting. Oh, you have my mind pondering now. I could probably fill a page.

  6. blodeuedd

    Yes on the community tea party! And the possibility to travel through a portal through them so that I could meet all my US peeps!

  7. Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits)

    I know there’s a wine bar in Hailsham, UK, that has its own book club. It’s a lovely venue ๐Ÿ™‚
    Maybe we book bloggers could start something. Say one day a month we try to get together for coffee in various locations around the globe. I’m currently in Chef Boutonne, France – anyone within 20 miles?!

    Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits) recently posted: Spices And Seasons by Rinku Battacharya
  8. Kathryn Trask

    Love this idea, wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a day where you could meet up and share your favourite book – very doable. My wish would be that I could magically step inside some of my favourite books and be there.

  9. Sam@wlabb

    Being able to consume books as I sleep would really help me knock out my TBR. I wish I had more IRL places to fangirl about books too.

    Sam@wlabb recently posted: #AmReading YA
  10. tonyalee

    Ha, I would love to read in my sleep! But alas.

    I can’t remember the last bookish dream I had. It’s been a while!

  11. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    A Book Loverโ€™s Holiday would be amazing, and yes to my favorite seriesโ€™ never ending, and fandoms being made in to awesome accurate shows/movies! I would wish for lots of uninterrupted quiet time to read, to be able to meet all my favorite authors, to be able to attend BEA (thatโ€™s a big wish for myself,) and to having an awesome blog that is fun, interactive, and a ton of people like to visit to talk about books, (like yours ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    I’d love for little slice of life updates on all my favourite UF couples… Like an online diary updated with them just living their lives, sharing the little moments and not constantly surrounded by the mystery and drama and high action that is prevalent in the books.

  13. Heidi

    Yes, I want some of my favorite series to keep going on as long as they donโ€™t jump the shark. Yes, to more author collaborations. Yes, to more book love and book sharing!

  14. sherry fundin

    Fabulous post. I have had thoughts similar to yours pass through my mind at times. Especially since I go a great deal on Hulu and have been binging on….wait for it….Twilight. I don’t care what anyone says I LOVE the movies. I can’t even remember if I’ve read the books, and as long as I have Hulu I don’t care. I watch all of them at least once a week. Mr Wonderful can’t believe it., and, to tell you the truth, neither can I. LOL

  15. Debbie Haupt

    Well you don’t want much do you Kim LOL ๐Ÿ˜‰
    hmmm, my biggest bookish wish would be to be granted interviews with my favorite authors (which has happened to some extent) because I just love to pick their brains about the whys-wheres-whats and wherefores about their writing. I would also like to clone myself so that while me #1 is reading my books for editorial reviews me #2 can read for pleasure books. I know not much either right xo

  16. kindlemom1

    Oh I love LOVE the idea of being able to talk to so many people (bloggers) that I would love to meet in real life about books! Have a whole day with nothing to do but nerd out on all our favorite series and authors!!