Nonna’s Corner: How To Be A Lion by Ed Vere

October 3rd, 2018 Kimberly Review 22 Comments

3rd Oct

Nonna's CornerWelcome to another edition of Nonna’s Corner where I share books I’ve read with my grandchildren, affectionately referred to as the Royals. Today I have a hardcover edition of  How to be A Lion by Ed Vere.

Stop Bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Children’s Random House is sharing books that help spread the world.  How to be A Lion sends the perfect message to young ones. Grab a cup of coffee and see why we loved Leonard and Marianne.

Nonna’s Corner: How To Be A Lion by Ed Vere
How To Be A Lion
by Ed Vere
Genres: Childrens
Pages: 32
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

In this timely and charming story about the importance of being true to yourself, mindfulness, and standing by your friends, we meet Leonard, a lion, and his best friend Marianne, a…duck. Leonard and Marianne have a happy life together - talking, playing, writing poems, and making wishes - until one day a pack of bullies questions whether it’s right for a lion and a duck to be pals. Leonard soon learns there are many ways to be a lion, and many ways to be a friend, and that sometimes finding just the right words can change the world…

This sweet, funny, thoughtful, and much-needed story will open up readers’ eyes to the importance of being who they are and not backing down to hurtful criticism. It’s an empowering tale about connecting with others and choosing kindness over bullying, and shows children how angry and provocative words can be overcome by empathy and courage.

How to Be A Lion by Ed Vere was a fun story featuring a lion named Leonard and a duck named Marianne who become fast friends. Leonard loves writing poems and discovers Marianne does too.

The Royals and I loved their friendship. When other lions discovered Leonard was friends with a duck they became quite upset. After all, that’s not how a lion is supposed to act. Princess Sophia was not at all happy with those lions and worried that Leonard would listen. I loved how involved she got and the emotions she expressed. She stood up declaring, “He can be friends with anyone Nonna!” “Isn’t that right Nonna?” This led to wonderful discussions about embracing our differences, pursuing things we like and the acceptance of others and their choices.

 How to Be A Lion address so many issues. It’s ok to be you, to be different. It also teaches children to stand up for their friends.  I loved the message and how the story allows for discussion.  What would you do?  What should Leonard do? How do you think Marianne felt?  It was delivered in a simple fashion with illustrations that highlighted the text without overwhelming it. Grab a copy for your bookshelf or gift one to your child’s classroom.

How To be a Lion by Ed Vere

  • Age Range: 3 – 7 years
  • Grade Level: Preschool – 2
How to be A Lion by Ed Vere sends the perfect message to young ones. Grab a cup of coffee and see why we loved Leonard and Marianne. #StopBullying Click To Tweet
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

22 Responses to “Nonna’s Corner: How To Be A Lion by Ed Vere”

  1. Silvia

    I’m so happy when books spread the word about such important matters, and this one sounds like a real winner! It’s one I’d definitely gift to a young reader and, why not, I’d read it myself 🙂

    Silvia recently posted: Waiting on Wednesday (#72)
  2. kindlemom1

    Yay! Is it weird that I’m excited they are starting to talk more about this at a younger age? Awareness is everything!!