Three Aussie Authors You May Have Missed

May 9th, 2016 Kimberly Feature, Guest Post 56 Comments

9th May

All this week Caffeinated will be hosting guest bloggers from around the world in the Caffeinated BEA Takeover. They will be discussing books, boyfriends, tips, tricks and more. Our first guest is Deborah from Deborah is an Australian blogger with a passion for writing. Today she is sharing Three Aussie Authors You May Have Missed. Grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage and make her feel welcome. Deborah will be replying and visiting all of you today!



When the opportunity to guest blog on Kimberly’s site first came up I decided it was the perfect chance to showcase Australian literature.

I was planning to talk about recent winners of some of our writing awards… And there are a stack: Ned Kelly Awards (for crime fiction); Romance Writers of Australia; and Aurealis Awards (for speculative fiction). And then there’s the recently-held Stella Prize for women writers and finally the Miles Franklin Literary Award and many others I can’t be bothered trying to remember!

However, I’m also conscious that a lot of Australian writers are well known internationally – such as Peter Carey, Kate Morton, Richard Flanagan, Thomas Keneally, Tim Winton, Mem Fox, Michael Robotham, Kate Grenville, Isobelle Carmody, Liane Moriarty, Graeme Simsion and…. okay… I’ll stop there.

So because I’m somewhat self absorbed I thought I’d offer up a few of MY favourite Aussie writers who may not (as yet) be on your radar!

Three Aussie Authors You May Have Missed

Favel Parrett

 I read Parrett’s second book When The Night Comes in 2014. And I fell in love with the story of a Danish seaman on board a vessel bound for the Antarctic and a young Tasmanian girl whose mother he befriends. Parrett’s writing is stunning and I was enchanted.

And it was only recently that I read her first novel, Past the Shallows – a somewhat devastating tale about two young boys and their distant and neglectful fisherman father… and I fell in love again. Parrett features the ocean in both and it’s akin to another character. Her passion and respect for its alluring, yet dangerous beauty is very evident. I cannot wait for what’s next.

Favel Parrett 

Candice Fox

With a ‘you-don’t-quite-count’ nod to Aussie expat, Michael Robotham, Candice Fox is easily my favourite Aussie thriller author. Her recent series, Hades, Eden and Fox got progressively better…and darker. Centred around a prickly Dexter Morgan-like serial killer and cop (Eden) and her adopted father and former crime-boss Hades, the series offers readers the opportunity to consider our own morals, boundaries and sense of right and wrong.

Fox has also very recently co-authored two books with James Patterson which I’m yet to read.


Rachael Johns

Regular readers of my blog will be surprised I’ve included Johns here as I’m not a reader of romance. Romantic suspense yes, but romance (and rural romance in particular)…. No. Nope. No sirree.

However, I know many MANY fans of Aussie author Rachael Johns who writes rural romance and what she describes as ‘Life-Lit’. Her novels are quintessentially Australian and loved by many. I follow the delightful West Australian author on social media and know – if I ever get past my antipathy towards romance* – I would love Rachael’s work.

There are so many more wonderful Australian novels and writers I couldn’t do them justice. I’ve included links to the Awards I mention above, so if you have a chance, check out some of the recent winners.

I’m embarrassed to admit I avoided Australian writers and books set here for years. I read to escape, so I didn’t want to read about my own backyard. But I realise now what a disservice I did to myself and my reading repertoire and am now – most certainly – trying to rectify that.

Rachael Johns

Do you have any favourite Australian authors?


* I think my aversion towards romance is borne of the fairytales, Sweet Dreams novels and Mills & Boon all read in my youth and the promise of great love from an adoring wealthy and charismatic Mr Darcy-like suitor. Needless to say it didn’t happen and I’m probably still nursing my bitter and twisted heart as I plummet into old age!


debbish.comThank you Deborah! Deborah Cook lives on the Fraser Coast in Queensland, Australia and blogs about books, not-dieting and life in general at I met Deborah through the Sunday Post and love the diversity she brings her to blog through reviews, discussions and life posts. Her reviews have depth and she communicates her opinions without spoilers, something I appreciate it. I enjoy her discussion posts where she shares her journeys in writing and everyday challenges. Follow on Bloglovin’

You can follow Deborah on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook. takes over Caffeinated & shares Aussie authors, come say hello Click To Tweet
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

56 Responses to “Three Aussie Authors You May Have Missed”

  1. Sharon - Obsession with Books

    Being an Aussie I love this post! I haven’t read these authors but they sound great. I am a huge fan of romance in the books I read, even if it is a smidgen, it needs to be there 😉

    A lovely post!

    • Deborah

      Ah yes, I like romantic suspense Sharon and have to admit… most of the thrillers and suspense novels I read usually have an smidgeon of romance!

  2. Christy LoveOfBooks

    You Aussies bust out some great authors down there, that’s for sure. 😉 I haven’t read these three, but it looks like I need to.

    • Deborah

      Ha! Most definitely Christy.

      And we have so many good actors and authors cos there’s lots of wide open spaces and we’re so far from everyone we have to entertain ourselves! 😉

  3. Daniela Ark

    haha I love how you say “I’m not a reader of romance…No. Nope. No sirree” that is what I SAY too lol I do read paranormal romance so. I’ll give Romantic suspense a try. I don’t think I ever read it. Great post Debbie 🙂

    • Deborah

      I do seem to read a bit of romantic suspense Daniela… and of course there’s often a hint of romance in the most suspenseful thrillers!

  4. Lorna

    I haven’t heard of any of these authors. My favorite Australian author is Keri Arthur. I am sure there are others but that’s the name that came to my mind. Great post!

  5. Nick

    I’m a big fan of Australian authors, but I’ve only read YA authors. But even the YA is handled so maturely and with so much beauty. Thank you for the recs.
    I’m particularly interested in Candice Fox. Her books sound right up my alley.

  6. Laurel-Rain Snow

    These authors are all new to me, but they are definitely going on my list. Great post, Deborah, and enjoy your reading.

  7. kimbacaffeinate

    Deborah, thank you so much for guest posting today. I have added Cox to my wishlist. I love a good thriller and have been craving them lately.

    • Deborah

      Good to hear Kimberly and the good thing is that there’s an entire series to catch up on – well, just the three…. which is do-able!

      Enjoy BEA and thanks for letting me drop by!

  8. Braine Talk Supe

    I’m in a thirller kick so I’ll be sure to check out Cox.

    You now, I never really pay much attention to where the authors are from. I do remember reading this one military romance that’s written by an Aussie author, Kate McCarthy. It is a beautiful and emotional book! It’s one of my favorites

    • Deborah

      I haven’t heard of Kate McCarthy but I’m glad you loved her book.

      There are some Aussie authors who write beautifully about Australia – or even their part of Australia. Tim Winton often writes about Western Australia for example, and I’ve read a few romance novels by Victoria Purmann who writes about South Australia.

      Quite a few authors have the wonderful ability to write in a way that is quintessentially Australian – focusing on the outback or our beaches – for example.

  9. Deborah

    I’m the same – but from the suspense side Sophia – so branch out into romantic suspense. And yes I’ve read Lizzy’s as well (think I”ve reviewed both books on my blog). And I met her at a book blogging thing here in Australia a few years ago. She’s a wonderful supporter of women writers!

  10. Sophia Rose

    Glad to read your post, Deborah! I like the sound of all three actually. Romance is my primary reading genre, but I branch out particularly to thrillers. I read a lot of Escape Publishing’s books and they are all Aussie authors. One of my favorites is Lizzy Chandler and I also like Bec McMaster, Kendall Talbot, and Elizabeth Rose. I know there are more, but those are the ones coming to mind at the moment. 🙂

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    First, have fun at BEA!

    Oh I’ve heard so many good things about aussie authors. I need to read more. I’m also curious about Candice Fox even though she wrote with James Patterson (don’t dislike but he outsources too much). I’ll have to check out Rachel Johns. If someone recommends a book outside of their genre and loves it, I need to check it out! 😀 I read almost everything. LOL

    • Deborah

      I haven’t read the Fox / Patterson collaborations Melissa. And I agree he can be a bit too prolific…

      He partnered with another Aussie author (Kathryn Fox) last year for one of his ‘Private’ series. I interviewed her about the collaboration – which had intrigued me.

  12. Katherine

    What a great idea for a post! These authors are all new to me but they all sound fantastic. I’m especially curious about Favel Parrett. When the Night Comes sounds like a book I would love.

  13. Rita

    Deb, I love this! I do read Australian authors, but not as much as I would like because, let’s face it, British authors get much more fanfare over here in U.S. than Australian or New Zealand region authors. I would love to get to know more good authors, no matter where the heck they originate from 🙂

    I assume that Amazon has these authors on their site? I know Trish had recommended an Irish author to me last year and her books weren’t on the U.S. site so the author sent me a couple for review. Just wondering if you know. If not, I will stop being lazy and do the research myself, lol!

    I’m going to check out your awards links for bunches of new-to-me titles, and also the three authors you highlighted. Fun! A big thanks to you!

    • Deborah

      I thought I might have been a bit over-the-top in linking all of the awards in the blog post Rita but wanted to showcase as many as possible.

      And yes, all three are established enough to be available on Amazon though I will check and let you know if it’s not the case.

  14. Tash

    I’m an Aussie and ashamed to say I never heard of Favel Parratt. Someone to definitely check out in the future. For those fans of the good old Harlequin Rachael John has three books coming out with them later this year for the Special Edition to keep eye out for. She is a wonderful author that I’m surprised hasn’t become known more internationally consider the extensive backlist and the fact she started of her writing career with Carina Press.

    • Deborah

      I love Favel’s work but only discovered her a couple of years ago myself Tash.

      As for Rachael, I’m akin to a social media stalker and kinda think she seems like someone I’d be friends with (and it’s not just our shared love of Diet Coke!). 🙂

    • Deborah

      I suspect a lot of Australians haven’t heard of them either Dani. It’s funny how you can stumble across an author and wonder how you’ve not heard of them before!

  15. Aurian

    Thanks for this guestpost Deborah! I haven’t heard of ANY of the authors you mentioned in the post, but I have met and became a fan of Australian authors Annie West and Kelly Hunter, who write for Harlequin. And I do have books of Anna Campbell, but haven’t read them yet.

    • Deborah

      You’re very welcome Aurian. I haven’t heard of the Harlequin authors you mention – as I said in the post, I don’t read a lot of romance – but will keep an eye out!

  16. Bookworm Brandee

    I hadn’t heard of any of these authors but I’ll definitely check them out. I’m particularly interested in Candice Fox and Rachael Johns. As for a favorite Aussie author, I’m quite fond of Geraldine Brooks. 🙂

    • Deborah

      Oh yes, of course.

      I hope you get the chance to check out the work of Candice and Rachael.

  17. Stormi

    I need to read some Aussie authors. I am sure I have heard of some of those by following your blog but off hand they don’t sound familiar. I know I do want to check out any that write mysteries and thrillers. 🙂

    • Deborah

      You’d definitely love Candice Fox then Stormi. (I also like Michael Robotham – though he doesn’t live here now – but he’s pretty well-known already!

  18. Maggie

    Great post Deborah – I haven’t seen those authors before but I am certainly willing to check them all out. I have read 2 books by Tania Joyce (Aussie author of the Strictly Business Series) also Patti Dun Roberts (Paradox) I feel like I need to diversify a little more. Thanks for sharing!

    • Deborah

      I need to diversify as well Maggie. Interestingly in my Sunday Post this week I mention a book I accidentally downloaded – worried I wouldn’t like it as I’m not a fan of historical fiction…. Well, it’s after midnight in Australia and I’ve obsessively read the whole thing tonight!

      I seem to make assumptions about my taste and tolerance which are often wrong!

    • Deborah

      Thanks Tracy. I appreciate Kimberly having me drop in… from around the other side of the world!

  19. kindlemom1

    I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t tried any of these authors. Thanks for the recommendations though, it is always fun to try something new.

    • Deborah

      Oh no it’s completely understandable. As I said in the post, I avoided Aussie authors for ages only reading some of the bigger names myself!

  20. Tonyalee

    Ah, more books for me to add! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Deborah

      Oh, I hadn’t heard of it so had to google it. I don’t read enough YA novels but it certainly sounds interesting!

  21. cindy

    I enjoyed reading this post! I have never heard of these authors and the books look like ones I would enjoy. Thank you for bringing these authors to my attention.

  22. Deborah

    Ah yes, I actually only discovered Moriarty fairly recently too Greg, though had heard of her previously.

    I follow Favel Parrett on Instagram and there are a lot of ocean, beach and surf-related pics!

  23. Greg

    Some writers have a love for the sea and Favel Parrett sounds like one of those- her books sound quite interesting. The only author I know I’ve read that is Australian is Liane Moriarty, who I discovered recently. I’d like to try more! 🙂

  24. Anna

    Great post Deborah! I’ve never actually heard of any of these authors, but I have to check them out. 🙂

    • Deborah

      Yay Anna. I figured they weren’t widely known outside of Australia. I hope you track them down and enjoy their work!