by Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls #3
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

Celia’s a girl in trouble. Her heart is bound to Aric, but he is a pureblood were who must deny her or risk condemning his species to extinction. And that’s just her love life. She’s also been called to take down a group of demon terrorists looking to overthrow the paranormal world. (No pressure.) In order to bring them down, Celia must ally herself to Misha, the master vampire who has made no secret of his desire for her. And if that weren’t enough misfortune for one girl, a clairvoyant’s prediction could destroy Celia and Aric’s love for good. The only way to protect the world from unbridled supernatural terrorism is for Celia to bind herself to her destined mate. And that doesn’t appear to be Aric .
Confession; I have mad love for the Weird Girls series and author Cecy Robson. When I got my hands on an early copy of Cursed by Destiny there may or may not have been a lot of fangirl squealing. Once again, Robson had me in her grips as she took me through this action-packed installment that gave us more of Aric and Celia while having us battle the Tribe. Mini-review: My thoughts on closing the book-intense, kick-ass, action-packed and Cecy Robson is evil, evil, evil.
Celia has taken up residency in Misha’s guest house as she trains to take on the Tribe. She and her beast long for Aric while the pack continues to plan for his upcoming nuptials. Misha continues to put the move on Celia, and we learn clairvoyant prophecies about Celia and her mate saving the world. The only problem it’s not Aric. As if that wasn’t enough to make a girl cry the demon and supernatural community are trying to kill her.
I love the bond between Celia and her sisters; Taran, Shayna, and Emme. These girls are tight, and I love how they have each other’s backs. We see growth in all of them regarding their skills, and I felt like we learned a little more about each of them. The love triangle fizzled as Celia made it clear to everyone where and with whom her heart lies. Misha revealed some of his softer side and his temper. He is snarky, and I continue to enjoy him and his minions. Celia actually begins to friend some of them, and I liked the banter between them. We see Aric suffer as he struggles between his loyalty to the pack and his love for Celia. There were moments where he made me angry, and I wanted him to grow a pair, but Robson explained pack rules and helped me understand his inner struggles. We see romantic development, and I truly had moments of happiness. Robson introduced a new character a shifter lion named Tye. I loathed this king of the jungle from the moment I met him. Then Robson weaved her magic and made me think him noble. Damn her!
Cursed by Destiny was an intense, action-packed ride with plenty of kick-ass action scenes. The growth in the girl’s abilities was fan-friggin-tastic and I cannot wait to see them grow stronger. We travel around the globe, fall from planes and even battle mythological beasts. Robson has tight control over the threads of her tale but she also likes to tease. She dangles what we crave in front of us making us feel complacent and then turns us upside down and the story twists leaving us winded and oddly begging for more. Oh please torture me some more! The last chapter had reveals and heartbreaking moments that left me spent and frantic for the next book. Like author Darynda Jones, Robson likes to leave you with a closing revelation in the last few sentences. These usually result in me screaming, OMG! What? Cecy Robson once again gave me one heck of a ride and left me at her mercy.
If you haven’t read the Weird Girls series and like Urban Fantasy with kick-ass characters and action-packed scenes you need to rectify this immediately, Fans of the series, plan before you read because you won’t want to set Cursed by Destiny down.

Terrie Lynn
No I haven’t read this series. I have read the synopsis and read reviews though and it sounds like a series I will enjoy. I am looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.
Good luck Terrie 🙂
Donna Reynolds
I have not read these yet but they sound so good I can’t wait to find the time to start Thank you for the great giveaway.
Enjoy Donna and good luck!
Jana Leah
Looking forward to starting this series. Thanks for the giveaway.
Good luck Jana, this is a fun series and I hope you enjoy it 🙂
I’ve seen this series a few times now and I’m always struck by the sister dynamic- I wish there were more books out there that focused on positive female relationships! I bummed though b/c the novella that starts the series is $2.99 for only 99 pages. I’m on a book budget now so Idk about that. I can’t find it in a library either, so I may have to bite the bullet since I do really want to read the series. Great review as always.
psst *whispers* I never read the little novella prequel 🙂
Oh really?! I tend to be such a stickler for reading everything in a series and in order… but maybe I’ll just skip to book 1 then!
I lost count of how many times I’ve seen this series around lately… I get your review as a strong sign that I’d better add it to my TBR list 🙂
hahaha..I hope you join the fandom!
I can’t wait to get to this one. That was an amazing review and you know how much I love this series. I need more of this in my life.
Good luck Shy and I love when a book allows reality to slip away 🙂
A Voracious Reader
I have this series on my TBR. I would love to read it this year. 😀
Oh Carol you must read them..LOL Good luck!
I just won one of her books this morning! I’m so excited about getting to check the series out and finally see what she’s all about. Yall have been tempting me for months with them. lol
Sweet, so excited you are starting this series, enjoy my friend! I look forward to chatting with you about it and hearing your thoughts 🙂
Maja (The Nocturnal Library)
Like you, I have so much love for this series! The sisters are all amazing, and Misha and his vampires always hilarious. I AM getting tired of everything going against Celia and Aric all the time, but hopefully that will change soon. I don’t think these too can take much more.
Fabulous review!
I agree these two need a break 🙂
Victoria (aka Zemfirka)
Haven’t read this series yet… but as always I’m very intrigued with your review! 🙂 Thanks for so many great giveaways.
I’m starting to sense a theme here – is January a Paranormal month on the blog? 😀
hahaha…we go dark, but weave in a few romances. LOL
Sharon - Obsession with Books
I love your passion for this series Kimba! I bought the first book but still need to read it. The characters all sound amazing but the romance sounds like one that would frustrate me, I’m curious though.
A lovely review 🙂
Enjoy when you get to it Sharon it is a fun, pull your hair out series!
closing revelation … excellent way of putting it. I actually like them, even though they kill me. lol. Love this series!
I’m simultaneously super excited to read this and also terrified! I keep hearing that Robson likes to pack a punch with her endings. “Cecy Robson is evil, evil, evil” <—I think a lot of readers would agree with this! 🙂 Can't wait to read this nonetheless, and I'm so happy to hear that you are still loving the series!
Her endings aren’t cliffhangers per-say, more like one sentence bombs, that leave you eager for the next installment..LOL If you have read the Charley Davidson series you are very familiar with this last line zinger.
Janie McGaugh
Great review; I have to read this series!
Good luck Janie!!
I thought the summary was confusing but apparently it’s me not recognizing a series read. Any series/book that can make you fangirl has to be good. I love sister bonds or any type of family bonds in books ^__^. Happy you enjoyed the continuation of Weird Girls!
LOL, Adriana I have done that. This series is such fun 🙂
You know I can’t wait my hungry little ears all over this book….. And now your review has me dying with anticipation 🙂 I have to wait for the audio, I hope there’s no delays!
Oh no, I am glad to hear the audio version is good too 🙂
I want to read this series because it seems like everyone is raving about it! It sounds absolutely wonderful! One of these days…
I hope you get a chance to try them 🙂
I’m sold! I am looking up this series on Amazon as soon as I finish typing! Great review and I can’t wait to read it myself 🙂
Awesome, enjoy Lindsay!
I think that the bond between the sisters is my favorite part of this whole series. Sure, their mates are hot but the interactions between the sisters really keeps me reading.
I so agree Mary 🙂
Yet another series that I haven’t heard of but I know I would love since we seem to enjoy the same type of UF books. I went ahead and wrote book 1 on my calendar for April. Looking forward to reading it!
Squee, I am so happy you are going to read these Ginny!!
The sisterly bond sounds great, thats something I love when well done
Oh I hope you get a chance to read this series Brandi!
I want to read the weird girls series for a couple of reasons.
1) because you fangirled sequeed when you got the book 🙂 (that is almost enough of a reason for me lol)
2) because I love that the female characters have a good bond and that they have each others backs. Too often I see friends and sisters going at it and just flat out not being good friends. it kind of makes me sick.
3) I love paranormal series that have kick but abilities and characters. This seems like it will be right up my alley.
Great review 🙂
I totally think you will enjoy this Michelle and the paranormal creatures and plot thread are wicked. I agree I love that the girls have a strong bond.
Melissa (Books and Things)
I just won this one so I have all 3!! I so need to get started on book one and I really can’t wait. It is one of those series I will devour one right after another. So happy you enjoyed this one so much! 😀
Well if you won all three then the fates are saying you must read them!!! Enjoy my friend:)
This series is on my must-read list in 2014; actually, I think I’m going to give the audiobooks a go. And, we’re all allowed our little fan girl moments every now and then. There’s no shame in it Kimberly! Hehe 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
Oh I fangirl all over the place..LOL I am anxious to see what you think of the audio. Oooo and I loved Bitter Spirits, so I will stop by to see what you thought.
What a nice review. Thank you kindly for the feature!
Thank you Cecy!!!
sarah c.
I have read the first book and enjoyed reading about the girl’s unique abilities and the funny moments!! I just recently picked up the 2nd book and getting close to reading that one soon!!!
Enjoy book two Sarah, and good luck!
I have mad love for this series as well. The romance was definitely a trial this time around and I was dying at the end. We needs the next book now I tell ya!
I so agree, that wait is a killer between books!
Debbie Haupt
Kimba, I do, I do love this kind of series, thanks for the great review and recommendation. I’m stuck at home today snowbound it’s a Currier and Ives picture outside my window but as far as I’m concerned snow is a four letter word, bring on Spring 🙂
Oh my friend, we have some snow on the ground, but it is bitter cold (feels like -40) and the winds of hell at nipping at my house. Hope you get to try this series, enjoy your snow day!
Krysten M
Love this series! Great review! Can’t wait to get this book in my hands 🙂
Sweet, so glad to hear you love this series too Krysten 🙂
Debra Kay Neiman
This is definitely a new series for me to dive into. Love this genre. Happy New Year from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Thanks Debra I hope you get to try this series and that it is warmer in Oklahoma then Nebraska today 🙂
This is the second time this series has been brought to my attention. I’ve already checked my library and they have it, yay!
Yay, so glad you library has a copy, enjoy Tammy!
So glad you loved it! The book has been pre-ordered and I hope it lands on my doormat soon.
so excited, hope the mailman brings it soon:)
Tyler H Jolley
Great Review, Kimba. Very thoughtful.
thanks Tyler and good luck 🙂
Pamela D
I have definitely fangirl squealed when I got a book that I really wanted early. 🙂
This sounds like a fun series. I haven’t read too much urban fantasy, but I want to give it more of a try this year.
I think you will enjoy this series, it is fast paced with an interesting and fun cast of characters.
Oh… I’m *dying* for this book 🙂 Love, love, love this series and Cecy is one of the very few authors that I can tolerate cliffhangers from. Thanks for turning the screws on my addiction to this series!!!
Ha, you are welcome and I agree her cliffies are good.
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
This is a series I’ve been eyeing since I saw your review of book one! Sounds like it keeps living up to expectations!
Oh yes, you so need to read them Melissa 🙂
Must read this Kim! I have the first book, but your comment about last sentence OMG revelations has me thinking I should wait until this series is complete (or nearly so) before I get addicted to it. Because I have no doubt I will:) Glad the love triangle fizzles in this one and Celia makes a romantic decision, love triangles in UF don’t bother me as much for some reason, but I still don’t like it when they’re dragged out too long. So happy that’s not the case here!
cheater…LOL These are not major cliffs or anything just startling revelations that get you super excited for the next book, exactly like the ones in the Charley Davidson series 🙂
Anita Yancey
Great review! It sounds like a wonderful book with great characters. I love the super cover. Thanks for having the giveaway.
you are welcome Anita, and I hope you get to meet the Weird Girls!
I am so happy that love this so much. I have the first two on my list to be read soon. 🙂 Awesome review.
Ooo enjoy them!!
Yay! So glad you loved this every bit as much as I did Kim. You know how much I adore this series!
That ending was tough and I can’t wait to see what Cecy comes out with next for the Celia.
ah yes and now we wait….LOL
I read the first book because of your review Kim and I absolutely loved it. I already have book 2, but I think someone mentioned a cliffhanger, so I’m waiting for this one to come out. I do love these characters dearly too. I loved the bond between Celia and her sisters. They are so adorable! And Aric! <3 I'm frustrated already that he does some annoying things in this one, but at the end of the day, I don't think I can hate him for too long!
Great review, Kim! I'm excited to read this.
Heather Jonassen
I am chomping at the bit! Not too long before I can download it to my Kindle!!
Enjoy Heather!
Jennifer P
I adore these books so much-the humor, the bond between the sisters, the puppies…not the heartbreak so much, though I have faith! And I’m dying to meet Tye!
Enjoy and good luck Jennifer 🙂
Viki S.
Nice review. I like the sister bond too.
I’m wondering how this is going to play out.
Thank you.
Oh me too Viki 🙂 and now we wait…
Book 1 is on it’s way so one day
Awesome 🙂