The Trap by Andrew Fukuda

November 27th, 2013 Kimberly Review 35 Comments

27th Nov
The Trap by Andrew Fukuda
The Trap
by Andrew Fukuda
Series: The Hunt #3
Genres: Dystopian
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

From author Andrew Fukuda comes The Trap, the explosive finale to The Hunt trilogy—perfect for fans of The Hunger Games!
After barely escaping the Mission alive, Gene and Sissy face an impossible task: staying alive long enough to stop an entire world bent on their destruction. Bound on a train heading into the unknown with the surviving Mission girls, Gene, Sissy, David, and Epap must stick together and use everything they have to protect each other and their only hope: the cure that will turn the blood-thirsty creatures around them into humans again. Now that they know how to reverse the virus, Gene and Sissy have one final chance to save those they love and create a better life for themselves. But as they struggle to get there, Gene's mission sets him on a crash course with Ashley June, his first love . . . and his deadliest enemy.

Since the beginning, I have loved Andrew Fukuda’s twisted  Hunt trilogy. His unique take on vampires in The Hunt and then the mind-bending twists of The Prey The Trap was one of my most anticipated books for 2013 and boy howdy, Fukuda did not disappoint. The Trap was a non-stop, action-packed tale, with a conclusion that once again blew my mind. Mini-review: smart, spine-chilling, with intense action scenes and revelations that will leave you screaming!

When we open up The Trap, we are still on the train heading into the unknown. Gene, Sissy, David, and Epap are all on board. Together they must protect each other from the Duskers and use the cure to save the world. The tale that unfolds is intense, with moments of violence, growth, discovery, and danger. Fukuda held me captive and in awe as I flipped the pages in a maddening race to save the world.

Gene and Sissy have struggled time and time again to escape the Duskers, find Gene’s father and save the world. I loved how loyal these two are to their friends. They are fearless, and yet vulnerable allowing me to connect with them. We see growth in Gene as he struggles with life and death situations. He must confront his first love, Ashley Jane, again, and make difficult choices. Sissy is incredibly brave. She is very comfortable with who she is and what her beliefs are. She just rocked as our heroine. Ashley Jane was creeptastic and was a pivotal character in the overall plot for she holds many answers. While there is a romance, and one that has been obvious it was not center stage as the action and plot took over. I mean who has time for kissing when you have Duskers wanting to eat you? The Duskers are creepy and one of the most original vampire species that I’ve ever read about. They lose complete control when they scent a Heper (human) and they turn into a drooling, mindless, pack of wolves. The advisers and ruler at the Palace were freakishly creepy and gave me the shivers.

The entire Hunt series has increased in intensity, with reveals, and questions as Fukuda cleverly steered us towards this final chapter in The Trap. While we didn’t see the stranger side of the Duskers, with their scratching wrists we did see their animalistic side, and it was horrifying. The scenes at the Palace still make me shiver. The search for Gene’s father and the cure has been a central theme throughout the novel and the driving force for Gene and Sissy’s incredible journey. After the big reveal at the end of The Prey regarding the origin and Genesis project, I thought I knew where this ending was headed. Fukuda you clever, wicked man…well done! I stated on Goodreads midway through that Fukuda has a twisted imagination and yet, I would love to have coffee with him. That still holds true. He had complete control of this tale from the beginning and like gears in one of those impossible puzzles, all of the pieces suddenly clicked into place and bam! You sit back and look, and cannot believe how brilliant it all is. I still have a few questions, but none that I will lose sleep over. Just my insatiable curiosity. I thought the ending was perfect for this trilogy. I cannot wait to see what Fukuda does next.

The Trap offered a brilliant and satisfying conclusion to the Hunt Trilogy. If you are looking for an epic tale, with a dark, gritty landscape, and non-stop action then you should try the Hunt Trilogy.


Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

35 Responses to “The Trap by Andrew Fukuda”

  1. Lauren

    I loved the first book and need to catch up on the series, but I am beyond thrilled to hear that you thought this was a satisfying end to the series! I am dying to see what little plot twists and surprises are lying in wait for me. This sounds like a brilliantly plotted series overall. Wonderful review!

    (ps – sorry if this is a duplicate comment, I commented on this on my phone earlier in the week while traveling and I don’t think it went through from the looks of it)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Nope not a duplicate, and this trilogy really impressed me. It took a turn in book two and wow.. you so need to continue this one!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      *runs and hugs you* How are you my friend? I am unplugged this weekend to recharge and its been wonderful but I saw your comment on my smartphone email and had to reply..ssh don’t tell anyone. Book two is really a game changer and I felt the last two books were more powerful..hope you enjoy them.

      • Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

        *Hugs you right back*

        I’m good! And yes I am finally back and hoping that by cutting back a bit and planning ahead better that I’ll be able to better balance blogging (including what are the most important aspects to me and what brought me into the community-reviewing & visiting and commenting on other blogs) and my crazy real life. I kept thinking that work would level off or that things with my grandmother would get easier…but I finally had to accept the fact that those things aren’t changing so I need to change how I’m blogging if I am to fit it all in.

        Hope you had a wonderful unplugged holiday..filled with lots of great food, time with family & friends and extra reading time 🙂

        • kimbacaffeinate

          I am glad you are back and adjusting. Yes, the bloggy break was what I needed. Sometimes unplugging refreshes your batteries. Have a wonderful week Melissa 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I really enjoyed book one, but the trilogy really took a different direction in book two, and the ride was intense, so I hope you will try it 🙂

  2. Pamela D

    I had not heard of this series before but I love an action-packed tale. I am glad that you found the final book satisfying. That doesn’t happen with all series.

  3. Christy

    Word, yo! This trilogy was fantabulous. I still have questions too … like where Claire from the 2nd book ended up.

  4. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Usually the last book in a series is not my fave, but I love the way you describe it. I love it when one piece of the puzzle brings it all into focus! Sweet! I have been wanting to read this since the first book came out. Looks like I’ll be upping them ALL on my wishlist. 🙂 Your fault. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      The series just continued to build and the mind-bending twists rocked!

  5. Giselle

    I only read the 1st one in this series and let’s just say it wasn’t for me. I’m glad that it keeps being a strong story for its fans though.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ha, I remember how much you didn’t like book one..the series really became incredible. Have a wonderful weekend Giselle :

  6. Jennifer

    So glad to hear that this trilogy wrapped up well. I kind of forgot to read book 2 when it came out. I just adored The Hunt, so I am happy to hear that the rest of the trilogy and the ending keeps pace with the first book. That is really encouraging!

  7. Megan

    This sounds fabulous! I really loved the first book in this trilogy, but I never really continued it. I guess I just haven’t had the time! But I remember really liking Gene, and YES to thinking that Fukuda was twisted yet awesome. Great review, Kimba! 🙂

  8. Jenea

    I have this trilogy sitting on my shelf, but I haven’t started it yet. *hides face in palms* I’m glad that you enjoy this one and the other two as well. I really want to read soon. 🙂

  9. kindlemom1

    I just scanned through your review since I have started this one yet but I am so happy that you were okay with the ending. I always worry about that in trilogies.

  10. Tanja

    Now this sounds badass and that’s exactly what I’m looking for. I have heard great things about this series and the whole portrayal of vampires sounds amazing. So glad you enjoyed it Kim! 🙂

  11. Ginny

    I guess I have been living in my own little world this is the first I’ve heard of this series and you have me scared and fascinated. I loved the Hunger Games but this one seems like it might be too much for my wimpy heart to handle. Ugh…I want to one click but I’m scared. Okay, just tell me will it give me nightmares? lol…I know I sound like I’m 7 trying to decide if the risk is worth the punishment.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This is book three, and you so need to read them in order. It is scary in the sense that we are dealing with slobbering, mindless vampires but it is YA, and not graphic.

      • Ginny

        I will definitely start with book 1 and thanks for letting me know about the scare factor. I can handle “slobbering, mindless vampires” that is low on the gore scale. I will pick up book 1 this weekend. 🙂