The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

April 21st, 2013 Kimberly Review 44 Comments

21st Apr
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa
The Eternity Cure
by Julie Kagawa
Series: Blood of Eden #2
Genres: Dystopian
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally. Even as Allie faces shocking revelations and heartbreak like she’s never known, a new strain of the Red Lung virus that decimated humanity is rising to threaten human and vampire alike

Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa was on my top ten list for young-adult reads in 2012. Earlier this year I read the novella Dawn of Edena prequel to book one that was dark and gritty. As you can imagine I was excited to begin Eternity Cure. Kagawa once again immersed me into this plague ridden world, holding me captive and ripping my heart out only to leave me gasping at the end!

Allison Sekemoto hunts for her sire through her blood bond traveling by night and holding up by day. While she sleeps she can hear Karin’s cries of agony as he suffers at the hands of a psychotic vampire named Sarren. Along the way she picks up unlikely allies and finds herself journeying back to where it all began. The tale that unfolds is action packed filled with twists and turns. The characters and story had me laughing one moment and screaming the next.
Allie is evolving and we see growth in this kick-ass vampire girl. She learns to trust her enemy and keep her anger in check. She has hardened but she still embraces her humanity, and loves fiercely. Jackal is back and oh my does the vamp know how to take center stage! He is snarky, witty, totally untrustworthy and I absolutely love the snake! He made me laugh, scream, feel pity, have violent thoughts and then want to hug him. Karin carries so much guilty and despite what he has done there is goodness in him. If ever there was a character to fear its Sarren. He embodies all that is evil in a vampire and his plans gave me the shivers. We learn what broke this vampire and I did feel a twinge of pity for him but it was short lived. Zeke is back and you cannot help but love this preacher’s son. He was looking all badass with his weapons and he is fearless and noble. He helps Allie stay in touch with her humanity. The banter between Zeke, Allie and Jackal was fantastic and brought them all to life. We visit the inner chambers of New Covington and the Fringe it is here that Alli encounters those from her past, and it was quite intense.

The tale progressed slowly in the beginning but once the characters reached New Covington I was completely ensnared. Kagawa provided us with back history regard the characters and the outbreak of the Red Lung disease. I enjoyed all of the details and felt a closer connection to the characters both human and vampire. Kagawa held nothing back and this tale was dark, gritty and at times very violent. It was realistic, detailed and brutal and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hey, I am not a sicko but we are talking vampires, power plays, and a deranged sociopath! The tale called for darkness, blood and gore and it was brilliantly done. The relationship between Zeke and Alli heats up, despite her attempts to remain friends. I feared a triangle in the first book with Karin, Alli and Zeke. Karin is portrayed more as a father figure and I have come to respect him. The romance takes a backseat but it directly impacts Alli and the events that unfolded. They have nicknames for each other and it helped offset some rather dark moments. Let’s talk about the ending it was epic, gut wrenching and totally did a number on me. It is not a cliffhanger but it did leave me screaming and OMGing all over the place. The last chapter had me singing, sobbing and then Kagawa friggin blew my mind! We are left knowing what direction the third book will take and who its key players will be.

Fans of Immortal Rules do not want to miss Eternity Cure. Is the Blood of Eden series new to you? I recommend the series to fans of dark paranormal stories and dystopian settings. This is young-adult but it pushes the envelope and I would recommend it to older teens and adults.

Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

44 Responses to “The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa”

  1. Lauren

    “It was realistic, detailed and brutal and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hey, I am not a sicko but we are talking vampires, power plays, and a deranged sociopath!” <----Haha this made me giggle! Don't worry, you're not alone, I enjoyed it too, and I'm not a sicko either. 🙂 Awesome review!

  2. Melissa

    Ga! Everyone is scarfing this book down. lol. Glad you enjoyed it too. I have the first here, and need to get to it. 🙂

  3. GRgenius

    I could only skim this one because it is SO on my wish list and I want it all to be fresh the first time around but your “do not want to miss” line definitely has me even MORE excited. ^_^ (happy reader)

  4. kimbacaffeinate

    Everyday I feel a little better, my vocal cords are damaged from coughing and I sound like a freak..and yes Jackal was fantastic!

  5. Jennifer Bielman

    I am so excited for this one. I am reading it just now. I did hear it was slow in parts but it seems like everyone really liked it. Happy you did too.

  6. thegeekyblogger

    This is on everyone’s lists today! I think Kelley about squeed all over it 🙂 Great review and I hope you are feeling better!

  7. Heidi

    I am starting this soon, and I cannot wait to get back into Kagawa’s world. She is a master world builder! I am so glad that there is no love triangle and super excited to hear we get more back story! Hope you are better!

  8. Candace's Book Blog

    I started reading this and have been reading a little bit at a time. I’ve been nursing constant headaches so avoid my kindle fire when I can. I’m really loving it so far though! I’m glad it was great all the way through!

  9. Heather

    I thought Eternity Cure was fantastic too- my thoughts ran the same as yours. My review went up today too, I didn’t realize yours was going up today… Anyhow, when does book 3 come out? I can’t wait for it! Book Savvy Babe

  10. Christa

    I loved The Immortal Rules (as I love all of her books) and I am really looking forward to this book when it comes out. Glad to hear it’s just as enjoyable as book one!

  11. kindlemom1

    Jackal sounds exactly like someone I would love to meet! Great review Kim! You make me really excited to start this series. It seems last year people either hated it or loved it. I love dark reads and I have been loving dystopians lately so I think this will be one I will love.

  12. Nick

    I have this for review soon and I’m so excited to see that you loved it. A lot of readers seem to really like this one. From your review, it seems that I’m going to fall in love with Zeke even more!
    Fab review, Kim. 🙂

  13. Sharon - Obsession with Books

    My review for this will be up next week & I loved it just as much as you 🙂 I absolutely adore the world and characters Kagawa has created & I agree with you about the ending! So excited for the next book.

    A wonderful review Kimba!

  14. Celine

    Great review Kimba, I’m glad to hear Zeke is back. I liked The Immortal Rules, so I think I’ll like The Eternity Cure as well.

  15. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’m with you! I loved this one and it was so perfectly dark! I really loved Jackal in this one and he was such a great arse! 😀 Brilly review!!

  16. Ana

    I’ve been hearing so much about this book and your review just makes me want to read it more! 😛 I love it when our main character is one kickass lady and we get a bonus of a snarky-funny character. 🙂

  17. karina

    Yep, all my love went to Jackal in this book, Kimba! 🙂 Awesome review! and I agree it dragged until New Covington only then the book picked up the pace. Still I’ll be reading next for sure.