by Patricia Briggs
Series: Mercy Thompson #4
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

In a world where "witches, vampires, werewolves, and shape-shifters live beside ordinary people" (Booklist), it takes a very unusual woman to call it home. By day, Mercy Thompson is a car mechanic in Eastern Washington. By night, she explores her preternatural side. As a shape-shifter with some unusual talents, Mercy's found herself maintaining a tenuous harmony between the human and the not-so- human on more than one occasion. This time she may get more than she bargained for.
Bone Crossed the fourth installment in the Mercy Thompson series was my favorite thus far. In this action packed novel, Mercy manages to get herself in some predicaments. I consumed this in a few hours and loved every minute of it.
The tale picks up right where the last one left off. Finally it looks like, Adam and Mercy might share an intimate moment; NOT. Mercy’s Mom shows up to check on Mercy, and an old friend from college seeking Mercy’s help with a ghost. Complete chaos right? Not even close, because Mercy’s vampire friend Stephan shows up and he‘s starving. Marsilia knows about Mercy killing the second vampire and wants her dead. Mercy’s shop is vandalized and an attack occurs against one of the pack. Mercy now has a death threat on her head; she’s trying to deal with panic attacks caused by the rape, and accept Adam as her mate. It’s decided that Mercy will head out of town and help her friend with her ghost problem. Adam will try and negotiate with the vampire queen to save Mercy and prevent anymore of his pack from being injured. Sounds simple right? Not when your name is Mercy. The tale that unfolds has Mercy in peril as she attempts to save a little boy and his family from much more than a ghost.
We learn a lot more in this novel and I love how Brigg’s explains Stephan’s absence. Marsilia is shaping up to be a very complex character, which surprisingly I am beginning to like. Mercy begins to realize that Adam truly loves her, and that it’s ok to depend on someone. The other characters old and new bring a sense of believability to the tale. The suspenseful predicament that Mercy finds herself in, had me complete engrossed. The supernatural creatures she encountered along the way were delightful, horrifying, and had me fearing for Mercy’s life.
I highly recommend Bone Crossed and the entire Mercy Thompson series to fans of urban fantasy and paranormal romance. The next book in the series is entitled, Silver Borne. I will be bringing you that review next month. Brigg’s is on my list of top favorite authors. Bone Crossed is available in paper, audio and eBook format.