Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

September 19th, 2014 Kimberly Review 65 Comments

19th Sep
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty narrated by Caroline Lee was an audiobook I simply devoured. Moriarty takes us into suburbia, parenting, playground politics and shares with us what happens behind the closed doors of several families homes. It was a captivating mystery leading up to a school function that had the police questioning everyone. Riveting, funny, sad, and thought-provoking Big Little Lies held me spellbound.

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Lock In by John Scalzi

September 18th, 2014 Kimberly Review 40 Comments

18th Sep
Lock In by John Scalzi

Do you ever start reading or listening to a book and almost immediately slip into the world and realize you are about to take an epic journey? That was my experience with the audio version of Lock In, the first book in the Lock In series by John Scalzi and narrated by Wil Wheaton. Lock In is a brilliantly told mystery crime thriller set in a futuristic science fiction world. The geek in me was completely giddy! The world was fascinating, frighteningly realistic and friggin cool my friends.

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The Witch With No Name by Kim Harrison

September 9th, 2014 Kimberly Review 70 Comments

9th Sep
The Witch With No Name by Kim Harrison

My journey with the Hollows series by Kim Harrison has been one of pure joy and maybe a few head-bashing moments. Watching Rachel grow, crying over lost characters and going from loathing an elf to loving him; I took a moment to reminisce over all of the heart-stopping moments and those times where my opinions and affections changed. It has been one hell of a ride, sometimes exhausting, sometimes filled with tears, but always a truly fantastic escape from reality. I was beyond ecstatic when Harper Voyager sent me a finished copy of the final book in the series; Witch With No Name. The hardcover is beautiful and I adored the little butterflies topping each chapter. I was both sad and excited to begin this final novel with Rachel Morgan our beloved day-walking demon and Harrison delivered in spades!

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Night Unbound by Dianne Duvall

September 8th, 2014 Kimberly Review 52 Comments

8th Sep
Night Unbound by Dianne Duvall

I was excited to begin reading Night Unbound the fifth Immortal Guardian novel by Dianne Duvall. This action packed paranormal suspense series has a unique twist on vampires and immortals with heated swoon-worthy romances. In Night Unbound, we get Zach and Lisette’s story wrapped in danger and a strengthening of the Immortal Guardians.

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