A Rake’s Midnight Kiss by Anna Campbell

September 2nd, 2013 Kimberly Review 51 Comments

2nd Sep
A Rake’s Midnight Kiss by Anna Campbell

I thoroughly enjoyed Seven Nights in a Rogue’s Bed the first book in the Son’s of Sin series by Anna Campbell and was delighted to begin reading A Rake’s Midnight Kiss. This time we get Sir Richard Harmsworth tale and what a fun romp it was. The tale and its characters quickly captured my attention leaving reality behind. Three word review: romantic, humorous and enchanting.

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What Matters Most by Bette Lee Crosby

July 16th, 2013 Kimberly Review 211 Comments

16th Jul
What Matters Most by Bette Lee Crosby

I have read and enjoyed a few of Bette Lee Crosby’s books and was delighted at the chance to read What Matters Most. Crosby brings her characters to life and shares with us friendship, change, growth and most of all “what matters most.” Three word review: touching, realistic, inspirational.

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A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson

July 15th, 2013 Kimberly Review 64 Comments

15th Jul
A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson

With Cursed Embrace, Cecy Robson has been added to my favorite authors list and The Weird Girls series is one of my favorite urban fantasy series. Fans of Kim Harrison’s the Hollows series and Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series will devour Weird Girls. Robson delivered an action-packed tale with characters I instantly connected with. She took me on an emotional roller coaster ride and I want more! Three world review: Intense, heart-breaking and brilliant.

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Invisible by Carla Buckley

December 11th, 2012 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

11th Dec
Invisible by Carla Buckley

I was intrigued by the synopsis of Invisible and wanted to know what secret the sisters were keeping. This novel offered so many different elements; compassion, addiction, mystery, a cluster of unexplained illness, and an emotional journey. I became swept up in the tale, the characters and discovering the truth.

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