The Wolf in Winter: A Charlie Parker Thriller by John Connolly

December 4th, 2014 Kimberly Review 56 Comments

4th Dec
The Wolf in Winter: A Charlie Parker Thriller by John Connolly
The Wolf in Winter
by John Connolly
Series: Charlie Parker #12
Narrator: Jeff Harding
Genres: Mystery, Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 4 cups

Prosperous, and the secret that it hides beneath its ruins . . .The community of Prosperous, Maine has always thrived when others have suffered. Its inhabitants are wealthy, its children's future secure. It shuns outsiders. It guards its own. And at the heart of the Prosperous lie the ruins of an ancient church, transported stone by stone from England centuries earlier by the founders of the town . . .But the death of a homeless man and the disappearance of his daughter draw the haunted, lethal private investigator Charlie Parker to Prosperous. Parker is a dangerous man, driven by compassion, by rage, and by the desire for vengeance. In him the town and its protectors sense a threat graver than any they have faced in their long history, and in the comfortable, sheltered inhabitants of a small Maine town, Parker will encounter his most vicious opponents yet. Charlie Parker has been marked to die so that Prosperous may survive.

When I was offered an audio of Wolf in Winter by John Connolly, I found myself intrigued by the synopsis. I immediately wanted to know what was happening in Prosperous, Maine. I did not realize at the time that this was the twelfth book in the Charlie Parker thriller series. While I struggled here and there due to the series arc, the heart of the tale dealing with Prosperous was an odd curiosity that kept me intrigued.

Charlie Parker a tenacious, private investigator begins to investigate the death of a homeless man and his daughter’s disappearance. His investigation leads him to the strange little town of Prosperous, Maine where the folks all descended from an English town whose church they brought to America, brick by brick and rebuilt. Folks do not move away here, and their consensus data is oddly skewed. Parker sticks his nose into Prosperous a little too far and soon has the Elders of the community concerned. The tale that unfolds was well developed and gripping.

The Wolf in Winter was narrated by Jeff Harding and he did such a wonderful job giving voice to the characters from the homeless friends of the deceased to the old biddy who rules Prosperous. I felt a little left out with respect to the overall plot arc of the series. It deals with the Collector a seriously sick serial killer and the beginning of the novel had me thinking I would never find my footing. Nevertheless, I did and despite those issues, I enjoyed this thriller. For fans of the series, I am sure The Wolf in Winter will be a welcome installment, as it appears progress was made regarding the Collector.

Wolf in Winter was a solid thriller and a captivating listen. I plan to listen to Every Dead Thing the first novel in the series to see if I want to play catch up. It will be interesting to meet Charlie Parker from the beginning.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

56 Responses to “The Wolf in Winter: A Charlie Parker Thriller by John Connolly”

  1. Naomi

    It would be hard to pick up a book that is the 12th in a series, but it sounds like it captured your interest. The series sounds promising! Good luck starting from the beginning!

  2. Mary

    Haven’t yet read the first one but it sounds like I need to check it out! I love when you’ve got a solidly satisfying read on your hands.

  3. Linda Boa

    I’m a big John Connolly fan, although I’ve had so much else to read and review I’m slightly behind – I think The Lovers is next in the queue! I’d really recommend starting the series from scratch, it’s a great set of books with some fantastic characters!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I plan to try book one, I love the protagonist and look forward to getting to know him

  4. Jess

    I can’t believe you jumped in at book 12! The fact that you still enjoyed it says a lot. 🙂 I think it is great that you are going back to the first one to see if you want to fill in the gaps. Happy reading!

  5. Candace

    I’ve never had the urge to read this author before but this one sounds pretty good! I want to know what’s going on too!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It was Candace, but perhaps begin at the beginning. I think once you have read a few jumping around will be easier

  6. Stormi

    Okay so it’s good to know that i might be a little confused at the beginning but over all I can still read it and enjoy it cause I have it as a review book but I had been putting off once I found out it was #12 in a series. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes..the present case is well done, The rest you will kind of pick up bits and pieces.

  7. Lauren

    It’s great that you were able to jump in and still enjoy the listen without all the background. I like the sound of Charlie so maybe I’ll give Every Dead Thing a listen so I can start from the beginning. Lovely review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I was able to enjoy the current case, but admittedly I was a tad lost here and there.

  8. Esty

    Looks like the kind of book a Sherlock fan would like! It sounds really interesting, thanks for sharing!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am a huge Sherlock fan Esty, and yes if you like crime thrillers this series would be a good pick

  9. Heidi

    I have seen this series around and have been curious. I like that you were able to jump in and that you weren’t too lost. I will have to try this series sometime.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Best to start at the beginning. I threaded water quite a few times.

  10. Debbie Haupt

    Kim, great cover. I haven’t read any of the Charlie Parker novels, I have interviewed John and he’s on my pile so before I read the one I have I think I’ll catch up on the series.

  11. Bookworm Brandee

    I met John Connolly a few years ago when he came into the bookstore where I work just to sign stock. He’s very charming and I naturally picked up a few of his books. I haven’t read them yet, though. I’m glad you enjoyed Wolf in Winter despite the series being so advanced. I really enjoy thrillers so I may have to add this series to my Connolly collection. 🙂

  12. Braine Talk Supe

    Sounds gripping! I’m in a weird funk right now, only suspense and mystery novels seem to interest me lately. I like the voice of the narrator, thanks for sharing that sample.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I liked his voicemail too. I am looking forward to trying the first. Right now I am listening to Kate Daniels back to

  13. Alreem

    sound like a complicated book ,, not my type of books but happy you enjoyed hope your next read is even better 😀

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Nope it was quite good minus the parts that I couldn’t quite grasp

  14. Jenny

    Nothing like inadvertently starting on book 12 Kim!!! Glad you were able to settle in well enough though, with only a few things here and there to remind you that you weren’t starting at the beginning:)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I almost gave up a,few times but was so curious about Prosper :snort:

  15. Felicia the Geeky Blogger

    This is one series I wish I liked more. I have met JC a few times but his writing and I just don’t click. That being said, I am thrilled that more people like it 🙂 He really is a great guy!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I will let ya know my opinion after I try book one. I did enjoy the PI.

  16. Bea

    Laura Curtis was just raving about this series the other day and I put book 1 on my wishlist. The premise for this one sounds intriguing.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Good to know. This case was quite good but starting at the beginning is best.

  17. Katherine

    This sounds like an interesting series though one that might be better started at the first book? I’ve seen Connolly’s books around but never really looked at them. I’ll definitely have to look for the first one. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Glass

    I admire you for starting at the end – I know that series like this can be read randomly, but I’m one of those readers who need to start from the first book.
    Great review, Kimberly!

  19. Melanie Simmons

    This book does look good. I’ve done that before though too, where I’ve picked up a book because it looked intriguing only to find out partway through that it was in the middle of a series. At least it didn’t ruin the whole story.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Right. I need to slow down and double check..but the synopsis and setting just got me.

  20. Melliane

    I only tried one book by the author but I really enjoyed it! I loved his world and writing style but I haven’t tried more for now, i really should! It sounds like he did other great things. Great review!

  21. Teddyree

    I love this series … I’m a bit behind though. I’ve read the first 6 (hope you like Every Dead Thing and continue on) Thanks for including the audio sample, I’ve only read these but I might try catching up with audio.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh good to know you like these. I am looking forward to going back to the beginning.