Swerve by Vicki Pettersson

July 13th, 2015 Kimberly Review 82 Comments

13th Jul
Swerve by Vicki Pettersson

Are you looking for a terrifying, dark thriller this summer? Swerve by Vicki Pettersson just might fit the bill. Toted as being the next Gone Girl, Pettersson takes the reader on a twisted, intense journey over the July 4th weekend. Set against the backdrop of the Mojave Desert, Swerve was an intense thriller that is sure to make you shiver.

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Queen of Tomorrow by Sherry D. Ficklin

July 10th, 2015 Kimberly Review 69 Comments

10th Jul
Queen of Tomorrow  by Sherry D. Ficklin

Queen of Tomorrow is the second book in the Stolen Empire by Sherry D. Ficklin and it rocked its predecessor as Ficklin began Catherine’s transformation. With it the tone of this trilogy darkens and in a word is was brilliant. Set in Russia and loosely based on a young Catharine the Great I found myself swept up as Catherine navigated the Imperial Court.

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The Shore by Sara Taylor

July 9th, 2015 Kimberly Review 49 Comments

9th Jul
The Shore by Sara Taylor

As a reader, I am sure you often wonder what draws another reader to a particular book. Is it the cover or perhaps the synopsis? I was drawn to The Shore for a number of reasons. If I am being honest, MacLeod Andrews name listed as a narrator first piqued my interest. Do you do that? The second thing that spoke to me was the setting, as I am very familiar with the shores along the Chesapeake Bay. The Shore is a collective of stories and perspectives that both intrigued and frustrated me.

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Flight from Death by Yasmine Galenorn

July 8th, 2015 Kimberly Review 56 Comments

8th Jul
Flight from Death by Yasmine Galenorn

This year I have been making a conscious effort to try new to me authors and when an opportunity presented itself to read Flight from Death by Yasmime Galenorn, I jumped. Flight from Death is the first in her new Fly by Night, urban fantasy series. While it takes place in the same realm as her popular Otherworld series, it is not necessary to read them. Did I mention the main character is a DRAGON! An intense haunting and rarely seen supernatural creatures make Flight from Death a great read for fans of urban fantasy.

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Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

July 7th, 2015 Kimberly Review 82 Comments

7th Jul
Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

Amazing world-building, brilliant characters and an overall tone of suspense throughout made Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine a thrilling read. This is the first book in the Great Library series and this dystopian fantasy delivers in spades.

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