Wicche Hunt by Seana Kelley is the second audiobook in the Sea Wicche Chronicles and takes place in the same world as her Sam Quinn books. Arwyn Cassandra Corey, the Sea Wicche of Monterey, is a clairvoyant and artist who speaks to sea creatures and assists the local police besides her witchy duties. Suspenseful, funny and at times dark, this is an addictive series.
Sea Wicche Chronicles
Bewicched by Seana Kelly
8th Jun
I enjoyed the Sam Quinn trilogy and was excited to begin the Sea Wicche Chronicles. Narrated by Samantha Desz, Bewicched by Seana Kelly we meet Arwyn Cassandra Corey, the sea wicche, or the wicche who lives by the sea. Magic, danger and romance await you….