Hells Bells, Battle Ground narrated by James Marsters and written by Jim Butcher delivered action, twists, epic battles and consequences. It also brought death, revenge, and left me excited for the next installment.
Peace Talks by Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files are a favorite here at Caffeinated, and in the past two years I’ve devoured the audiobooks. Like most of his fandom, Peace Talks by Jim Butcher was one of my most anticipated releases for 2020. Butcher did not disappoint as he weaved his magic.
Brief Cases by Jim Butcher
Brief Cases written by Jim Butcher and narrated by Jim Butcher, James Marsters, Cassandra Campbell, Julia Whelan, and Oliver Wyman takes listeners into the world of Harry Dresden.
Skin Game by Jim Butcher
Hells Bells, Harry Dresden is prime in Skin Game by Jim Butcher. Narrated by James Marsters this addictive urban fantasy with it’s fearless quirky characters is as addictive as ever!
Cold Days by Jim Butcher
I listened to Ghost Story and Cold Days by Jim Butcher back to back. I have no regrets. So many cool things my mouth is still agape.