Review: Imaginable by J. Meyers

June 23rd, 2013 Kimberly Review 4 Comments

23rd Jun
Review: Imaginable by J. Meyers

Last year I read and enjoyed Intangible the first book in J. Meyers Intangible series and I found it to be a refreshing tale filled with Fae, prophecy, vampires and danger, so I was excited to dive into Imaginable book two of the series. Imaginable quickly drops us back into this exciting world as our protagonists confront danger and move towards stopping the prophecy. Three word review: captivating, magical and action-packed.

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Immortal Eclipse by Sherry Soule

June 9th, 2013 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

9th Jun
Immortal Eclipse by Sherry Soule

Immortal Eclipseby Sherry Soule offers paranormal elements, and a suspenseful murder mystery complete with ghosts, the occult and a side dish of romance. I found it to be a suspenseful, dark and haunting tale that I easily consumed. Three word review: suspenseful, eerie and strange.

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Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan

April 28th, 2013 Kimberly Review 53 Comments

28th Apr
Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan

I have enjoyed David Levithan’s previous works and so I was excited to read Invisibility his collaboration with Andre Cremer. He takes his readers on a journey that leaves them in awe at the close of the book(s). From magic, to romance to friendship I was completely caught up in the tale and its characters. While I clearly heard Levithan’s voice throughout the novel, I was equally impressed by Cremer and look forward to explore more of her works. Invisibility is a book to be both devoured and savored.

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Everbound by Brodi Ashton

April 14th, 2013 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

14th Apr
Everbound by Brodi Ashton

Everbound delivered everything I wanted and was an amazing middle book in the Everneath series. After the climatic ending of Everneath, I had a strong sense of where this story was heading and I wasn’t disappointed. Ashton effortlessly transported me into her world and from the very first page I found myself enthralled by Ashton’s take on mythology and Everneath. Brilliant middle book and Ashton has earned herself a place on my auto-buy list.

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