Narrated by Katharine Lee McEwan, Raven Unveiled by Grace Draven is the third audiobook in the Fallen Empire romantic fantasy series. Siora & Gharek’s story delivered suspense, danger and romance as they traversed the killing fields of the collapsing Krael Empire.
Sign Here by Claudia Lux
I was drawn to Sign Here and curious to see Claudia Lux’s version of hell. The story that unfolds is dark, humorous, well-paced tale that pulls the reader in as Peyote Trip works on a deal that will get him out of hell.
🎧 Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuireÂ
Narrated by Whitney Johnson, Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire is the seventh novella in the Wayward Children series. Where do children go when Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children can’t save them? Why they go to Whitethorn Institute. Travel with Cora as she attends Whitehorn.
🎧 Guardian of Chaos by Michelle Manus
I am always on the lookout for new urban fantasy series and was intrigued by Guardian of Chaos by Michelle Manus. Narrated by Desireé Ketchum, this first in the Nyx Fortuna series introduces us to Earth’s hub for the magical universe and its new guardian, Nyx Fortuna.
🎧 Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha
Narrated by Lidia Dornet, Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha is the third audiobook in the Mercenary Librarians’ fantasy series. Our band of mercenary librarians are gearing up to take down TechnoCorp. Failure is not an option. Filled with suspense, romance and a motley crew you’ll fall in love with.