Narrated by Eva Kaminsky Crimson Summer by Heather Graham is the second novel in the Amy Larson & Hunter Forrest FBI. A calling card from an apocalypse cult soon has Amy and Hunter facing a war they cannot afford to lose.
Knight Awakening by Rebecca Zanetti
We are back with final installment in the Scorpius Syndrome series. Knight Awakening by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth novel in this dark, sexy, romantic suspense set in a dystopian world. This continues the overall story arc and shares the romance of Marcus Knight.
๐ง Serve โNโ Protect By Tee O’Fallon
I love the romantic suspense genre, especially when there is a K-9 unit. Serve โNโ Protect By Tee O’Fallon, is the fifth in the Federal K-9 series and delivered from a slow-burning romance to suspense. Narrated by Vanessa Daniels, a wounded secret service officer finds love.
Little Girl Gone by Amanda Stevens
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog with one of my favorite authors. Little Girl Gone by Amanda Stevens is the first novel in the Procedural Crime series. Grab a cuppa and see what Sophia has to say about it.
๐ง Rare Danger by Beverly Jenkins
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog with an audiobook review of Rare Danger by Beverly Jenkins. You’ll want to add this one to your listening library.