Hanover House by Brenda Novak

February 18th, 2016 Kimberly Review 69 Comments

18th Feb
Hanover House by Brenda Novak

Hanover House by Brenda Novak is a prequel novella in the Hanover House Chronicles. Book one, Her Darkest Nightmare releases in September 2016. Hanover House is a romantic suspense with a dark bite to it. Novak weaves in the mind of a serial killer as she thrusts us into this thriller

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Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce

January 21st, 2016 Kimberly Review 18 Comments

21st Jan
Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce

Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce is the second novel in her Wind series. Bruce shares the misadventures of Megan Docket, a lawyer and self-professed snoop. Set against the landscape of rugged, rural Western Nebraska, Bruce combines mystery, character growth and suspense into this small-town series. If you love a cozy but want a mystery with kick, Bruce is an author to try.

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Forgotten Promises by Jessica Lemmon

January 18th, 2016 Kimberly Review 22 Comments

18th Jan
Forgotten Promises by Jessica Lemmon

Forgotten Promises by Jessica Lemmon is book #1.5 in her Lost Boys series. Forgotten Promises offers a heart-breaking story with a flawed, damaged hero who will anger you and have you wanting to heal him all in the same breath. Lemmon continues to amazing me with her unique storylines.

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Sweet Potato Casserole & What Happens Under the Mistletoe

December 16th, 2015 Kimberly Feature, Review 61 Comments

16th Dec
Sweet Potato Casserole & What Happens Under the Mistletoe

Today I am sharing Sweet Potato Casserole & What Happens Under the Mistletoe . This scrumptious casserole dish is one that I serve for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is to die for. It’s like dessert for dinner. Years and years ago when I worked in the corporate world we use to have pot lucks, and a gentleman from the IT department brought in this dish, and then was gracious enough to share the recipe. I will forever be thankful. Enjoy and be sure to check out my thoughts on What Happens Under the Mistletoe, this month’s book recommendation.

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