Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce

January 21st, 2016 Kimberly Review 18 Comments

21st Jan
Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce
Alone in the Wind
by Judy Bruce
Series: Wind #2
Genres: Mystery
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

In the second installment of the misadventures of Megan Docket, she learns of the investigation of meth dealing in the area. A gut feeling forces her to question the motives of a DEA agent residing in the area. As she snoops on the agent, she becomes protective of a young teen and a young autistic, who works at the local diner. The meth use in the community causes the deaths of two friends and ensnares the local residents in the drug trade. Meanwhile, discord with her husband Brian creates problems at home. When the DEA agent and the chief of police commit murder, Megan uncovers the truth. After she impulsively takes action against the men, it blackens her soul and plunges her into a personal hell. Burdened with grief over the community tragedies and her own guilt, she seeks redemption.

mystery WTF? CRIME well written

Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce is the second novel in her Wind series. Bruce shares the misadventures of Megan Docket, a lawyer and self-professed snoop. Set against the landscape of rugged, rural Western Nebraska, Bruce combines mystery, character growth and suspense into this small-town series. If you love a cozy but want a mystery with kick, Bruce is an author to try.

Megan Docket is one tough little cookie who doesn’t take any sass and will defend those she cares about or perceives as threatened. Her intuition tells her when something is off and she does not hesitate to investigate. In Alone in the Wind, Megan struggles with marital woes, town troubles and living with the consequences of her own actions and motives.

Bruce is wonderful at weaving a compelling story and drawing the reader into its world. As I read, the cliffs, prairies and small-town came to life for me. I felt Megan’s emotions, admired her wiliness to help others and her protective nature. Bruce revealed more about our heroine while sharing threads on townsfolk. An undercover FBI/DEA investigation involving Meth has Megan on high alert. Megan trusts her gut and together with help from friends and family, she begins to piece together the mystery. While at times I felt Megan drew hard lines in the sand once she had formed an opinion, I respected her and her intentions. Her actions towards the end of the book left a bad taste in my mouth. Even though the author did, an excellent job of showing Megan’s own struggles with these actions it left me angry and disappointed. View Spoiler »

While the mystery/thriller was the focus if Alone in the Wind, Bruce weaved in home life issues. She also shared the lives of those affected by the case and I enjoyed these threads. One thread was that of a young autistic man and his first job in a local dinner. It is clear Bruce is well-educated with his disorder and I fell in love with Davy. Death, friends helping friends, and some of Megan’s cases made both the town and characters genuine and tugged at my heartstrings. While the plot was intense as the investigation heated up, Bruce did a wonderful job of providing ordinary, mundane moments that added depth to both the story and the characters.

Alone in the Wind was in some ways stronger than its predecessor. I devoured it and despite being upset with Megan’s actions, I am eager to return to this small-town.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

18 Responses to “Alone in the Wind by Judy Bruce”

  1. Judy Bruce

    Megan certainly does go wrong, and in a much bigger way than most people do. Her foul deeds haunt her into the next book, Cries in the Wind, a cold-case murder mystery.

  2. Lorna

    I like a good cozy book occasionally. I like the sound of this small town and the mundane mixed with the mystery. I did read the spoiler and it probably would have angered me as well. Glad it was still a fairly good read for you 🙂

  3. Angel Erin

    This sounds like a good series! And even though I haven’t read any, I did read your spoiler. 😉 I can see why you didn’t care so much for that.

  4. Bookworm Brandee

    I like the idea of a mystery with a kick, Kimberly. Megan sounds like a great character and the story sounds pretty exciting. But I also like that Bruce was able to transport you to the locale through her words. I like that in a book. I also like that the mundane is explored – kinda makes Megan more ‘real’. Great review, my friend!

  5. Heidi

    I think I would like Bruce as well. I like the sound of the characters and the story, I will have to look this one up.

  6. Lekeisha

    Megan seems like a great character that I could get behind. Hmm, I may have to read the first book and go from there. Great review Kim! And I hope you’re holding up okay. *Prayers*

  7. Candace

    This one has me curious. I’m also familiar with the setting but am wondering if it takes place in a real town, or a made up one. My grandpa lives in Chadron so I know that area pretty well.
    The mystery interests me, especially since I know how bad meth is out there in the small towns. Probably a bit of an emotional read too though.

  8. Jenny

    Hm. I read the spoiler so I know what actions you’re referring too and I’m not sure how I feel about it Kim! I’m glad she was a solid character for the rest of the book though, and maybe in context her actions will be less bothersome for me than they were for you:)

  9. melliane

    It’s great to see that this one is even better than the last one and that you had a good mystery as well as a good story!

  10. Nick

    Megan sounds like a fantastic character, Kim. And I read your spoiler, I can definitely understand your frustrations with her for that.
    I like that this also blends in home and life issues together with the story..
    Lovely review, Kim!

    P.S I hope you’re doing well! *hugs* to you! <3