The Au Pair written by Emma Rous and narrated by Elizabeth Sastre & Nicola Barber offered a suspenseful domestic-noir that held me captive. I first learned about the book at Between my Lines and jumped at the chance to review the audio. Rous takes us to the New England coast in this gothic tale as a distraught young woman searches for clues about her past.
Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher
I am continuing the attack on my backlist and devouring urban fantasy. Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher is the eighth novel in the wickedly wonderful Harry Dresden urban fantasy series.
Blood Rites by Jim Butcher
Whoa nelly, Blood Rites proved to be a hilarious, action-packed and revealing tale as Harry takes on a case as a favor to Thomas, but something else is going on. Harry is determined to get to the bottom of it. It felt good to slip back into the world of Harry Dresden.
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
Narrated by Kevin R. Free, Artificial Condition by Martha Wells is the second novella in the Murderbot Diaries an off-planet science fiction that is wildly addictive. The audio is just the right length to devour on a road trip or as I did while doing mundane Saturday chores which suddenly became exciting.
Dark Peak by Adam J. Wright
I discovered Dark Peak by Adam J. Wright in an offer for audio review copies and was initially drawn to the cover. Once I read the synopsis, I knew I had to uncover the mysteries surrounding Blackden Edge. Is there a serial killer? What happened to Sarah?