In Alone in the Woods, Detective Wyatt and her team are dealing with a grisly home invasion and the kidnapping of two teenage girls.
Dreaming Death by Heather Graham
15th Jan
A new FBI Agent hunts a serial killer in Washington, DC, in Dreaming Death by Heather Graham. Suspense, romance and an intense case with a touch of paranormal elements await you in the newest Krewe of Hunters.
The Toybox by Charly Cox
9th Jun
The Toybox by Charly Cox is the second novel in the Detective Alyssa Wyatt series. Dark, nail-biting suspense awaits you with this crime thriller.
Seeing Darkness by Heather Graham
29th May
Seeing Darkness by Heather Graham takes us to Salem, Massachusets as we hunt for a serial killer. Spirits, deadly visions and romance await you….
Broken by Rebecca Zanetti
28th May
If a team of misfit agents, a dog with a drinking problem, and a swoon-worthy romance with an intense case sound like your kinda thing…. run don’t walk to grab Broken by Rebecca Zanetti.