I adored The Secret of Ella and Micha, book one of the Secret series and was excited to delve into The Forever of Ella and Micha. While I felt the tale could have ended with book one, Sorensen provided a heartwarming, gut wrenching sequel and once again had me swept up in the story of Ella and Micha. Three word review:breathtaking, bittersweet and intense.
Coffee Pot Reviews: The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden and Someone to Love
9th Feb
Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! I have a few New Adult books to share with you today..enjoy and stick around for a cup of mocha coffee! Today I am sharing the Coincidence of Callie & Kayden and Someone to Love.
Coffee Pot Reviews:Unravel Me and Ella & Micha
29th Dec
Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! Enjoy all of these New Adult reads I have discovered. New Adult is a genre between YA and Adult that features men and woman around college age and under thirty. They contain mature content and may not be for everyone.