Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog as we celebrate Audio Month. Today she is answering questions to Audiobook Tag 2.0. Grab an iced coffee and enjoy!
Island of the Mad by Laurie R. King
Give a warm welcome to Sophia Rose, who is here today sharing the Island of the Mad by Laurie R. King. Come see what Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes are up to as they work to solve another mystery.
The Glory of the Empress by Sean Danker
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog today as she shares The Glory of the Empress by Sean Danker, the third book in the riveting science fiction series, Evagardian. I loved book one, so I am excited to see what Sophia has to say. Enjoy!
Death in the English Countryside by Sara Rosett
Please welcome Sophia Rose as she shares her thoughts on Death in the English Countryside by Sara Rosett. Fans of cozy mysteries, Jane Austen, and movie settings will want to add this one to their shelves.
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell
Please welcome Sophia Rose as she shares her thoughts on The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell. This historical suspense laced with horror sounds perfect for a late night read!