It’s time once again for Nonna’s Corner where I shared books I’ve read with my grandchildren affectionately referred to as the “Royals” here at Caffeinated. Today we have the cutest book about bath time. How Do You Take a Bath? by Kate McMullan, illustrated by Sydney Hanson.
Origins by Ilona Andrews
When you need an Ilona Andrews fix and find an old novella on your Kindle! Somehow I bought Origins in 2016, in fact on its release date and then forgot about it. This was a fast-paced off planet tale that left me craving more.
Lost Library by Kate Baray
I am sucker for libraries, and if you make it magical, I am all over it. This is how I ended up grabbing Lost Library by Kate Baray. Lycan, spelled books, and a lost library pulled me into this tale that has us jetting around the world.
Pecan Pies and Dead Guys by Angie Fox
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog as she shares Pecan Pies and Dead Guys, a paranormal cozy mystery written by Angie Fox with us. Grab a pumpkin spice latte and read why she loved about this a book and the series.
Death Masks by Jim Butcher
Death Masks by Jim Butcher is the fifth audio in the Dresden Files. When life seems to know trouble is coming and that is just what Harry finds, as Marsters rocks the narration.