Narrated by Holly Jackson, Blood & Ash by Deborah Wilde offered a snarky protagonist and an interesting case as the first audiobook in the Jezebel Files series.
Nonna’s Corner: Ollie’s Haffiness by Riya Aarini
The Royals and Caffeinated curled up to read Ollie’s Haffiness written by Riya Aarini and illustrated by Virvalle Carvallo. Come check out our thoughts….
House on the Harbor by Elizabeth Bromke
House on the Harbor by Elizabeth Bromke is the first audiobook in the Birch Harbor women’s fiction romance series narrated by Lisa Larsen. With the promise of siblings, secrets and an inn set on Lake Huron, I was excited to begin.
Sassy Witch by Danielle Garrett
Sassy Witch is the ninth audiobook in the Beechwood Harbor Magic Mysteries by Danielle Garrett. I love this cozy paranormal mystery series featuring Holly and the other residence coastal manor. Sassy Witch was perhaps my favorite installment to date!
Lost Talismans and a Tequila by Annette Marie
Lost Talismans and a Tequila, by Annette Marie, delivered action, suspense, sibling trouble and passionate kisses. This is the seventh audiobook in the Spellbound series and holy misfired paintballs it was good.