Sunday Post #600th Edition

November 5th, 2023 Kimberly Sunday Post 28 Comments

5th Nov

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

It’s the end of Daylight Savings. For the month of October, I read/listened to 24 books. Fraterfest kicked it up a notch. I am currently at 193/200 for the Goodreads challenge and 124/125 for the Audiobook challenge & 10/12 for the library challenge. Woot! Of course, I am behind on reviews and plan to knock a few out today. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
This Week on the Blog
  • The Price Of Lemon Cake By Jennifer Ashley (book review)
  • The Porcelain Maker By Sarah Freethy (book review)
  • Iron Lake By William Kent Krueger (audio review/ guest blogger)
  • An Inheritance Of Magic By Benedict Jacka (audio review)
  • Murder By Degrees By Ritu Mukerji (audio review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:

A special thanks to Simon Audio, PRHAudio

Around The Blogosphere

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Link Up Your Edition Of The Sunday Post

Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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28 Responses to “Sunday Post #600th Edition”

  1. Katherine

    Great job on your challenges! I’m doing pretty good but there are a few that are going to be a bit close! I hope you’ve had a great week!

  2. Lover of romance

    I absolutely hate daylight savings time. And I really wish that legislation would push through to end it. I just don’t understand the dark days of winter. lol shouldn’t it be the opposite *shrugs* You are doing so great with the challenges!

  3. Lola

    Our clocks went back last week already, it’s been a bit of a struggle adjusting to the new time. You’re doing great on your challenges! I hope you reach all your goals and good luck with getting some of those reviews written.