The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
The past week was brutal. Now summer is my favorite season, but between menopause and 100 + temps with humidity in the 80s I am melting. My poor A/C unit was humming non-stop. Every year my husband’s company hosts an event at Val’s Pumpkin Patch. The Royals & Hazel love it. We get to spend the day there today with all the fun and without the long lines. Thankfully the high will only be 80. Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- The Invisible Hour By Alice Hoffman (audio review)
- Knockout By Sarah MacLean (book review)
- Beneath Dark Waters By Karen Rose (book review / guest post)
- Shadow Of Death By Heather Graham (book review)
- Once Broken Faith By Seanan McGuire (audio review)
This Week on the Blog
- Light Bringer By Pierce Brown (audio/book review)
- Guardian Of Madness By Michelle Manus (audio review)
- The Starlite Heist By Ember Holt (book review)
- Masters Of Death By Olivie Blake (audio review)
- 2023 Fraterfest Readathon Sign-Up (event)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- A Demon’s Guide to Wooing A Witch by Sarah Hawley
- City of Bones by Martha Wells
- Black Soul, White Heart by Hailey Edwards
A special thanks to Berkley, Tor & Tantor Audio
Around The Blogosphere

- Save the Date! 2023 Fraterfest Readathon October 12th through 16th. Hosts needed. Sign up will post on September 1, 2023.
- Save the Date! 2023 HoHoHo Readathon November 16th through 27th. Hosts needed. Sign up will post on September 29, 2023.
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I think I was a summer person up until maybe age 18? So I’ve been over it for so long. Your temps there have been ridiculously high. I moved states just to end up hotter than where I moved from while they enjoyed 70’s and low 80’s. I used to love going to pumpkin patches with the children in my family. They are all grown up now.
I am so done with this heat and like you I’m normally a summer person. The pumpkin patch sounds fun! Hope you’re having a great week!
Mary Kirkland
Yes menopause is brutal. Thankfully the hot flashes are done for me. The pumpkin patch sounds fun.
Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
Hopefully it cools down a bit for you. Have a great week!
Oh gosh….what horrible weather! I hope it felt a ton cooler at the pumpkin patch so you could all enjoy it.
Oh my word! No wonder you’re melting, Kimberly… Our top temp today is 71 with 53% humidity. As hardly anyone in the UK has aircon, I can’t imagine what you’re going through – it must be like being in an oven… How do people work outside in those temps??? I hope you get some relief soon:).
Laura Thomas
The Pumpkin Patch sounds so fun. And I hear ya about the heat and humidity. Your weather sounds like mine.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
I hear you on the 100 degree temps in combination with menopause! I’m not handling the heat as well as I used to, either. Thank goodness, I’ve spent most of this August at in high altitude in the NM mountains, where it’s both cooler and drier than August in Virginia.
I hope you enjoyed your pumpkin patch outing with the Royals, as well as the (somewhat) cooler temperatures. I can’t wait for fall!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
It was pretty hot where I live too, but things are cooling down a bit.
Sorry you are suffering in the heat. But I hope you enjoyed the pumpkin patch!
I like the looks of your new books. Happy Reading!
Sophia Rose
We only hit those temps for a couple of days and that was plenty to make me appreciate our usual summer heat. Glad you’ve got a nice day for your pumpkin patch trip.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
Lisa R. Howeler
I hope the humidity and high temps got better. I couldn’t stand it all before but after perimenopause or menopause or whatever, I’ve been a mess. I try to stay in as much as I can when the weather is like that. I’ve also developed silent migraines so my head feels super weird when the pressure drops. Good times.
100+s.. that is hot! glad you will be able to cool down a bit soon..
Anne - Books of My Heart
It has been brutal. It’s sort of the normal July-August here but the other 10 months are gorgeous so I am not complaining. We haven’t had a temp over 100 although the real feel is over some days. We are mostly in the 90s and when the humidity is lower that isn’t too bad.
Jennifer @ Book Den
I love summer, but this summer just feels like death out there. I’m ready to move into fall!
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy
I hope your weather cools down soon! Have a good week:-)
A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch sounds like it’s all kinds of fun! 😀 A high of 80 sounds absolutely delightful. I hope you get some consistent relief from the heat soon. Have a great week! 🙂
Last week’s weather was brutal! I am no looking forward to the electric bill!
The Pumpkin Patch sounds so fun. I hear you about those temps! I can’t take the heat anymore either.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I hope things cool off for you Kimberley
Wishing you a happy reading week
Have fun at the event! It has been hot and humid here as well, but I believe it wasn’t as bad compared to you.
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Yeah, we had the miserably high temps all week and will “only” be in the 80s this week. Still warmer than I normally like, but so much better than the last week! Hope you have a good one!
JK Joy (aka) Jody
I loved taking the kids to the pumkin patch, we always had a blast trying to pick the best pumpkins. Have a great week, Kimberly
I hope your family has a lot of fun at the Pumpkin Patch and that your day is cooler than it has been. Have a great week ahead Kimberly!
S. J. Pajonas
Enjoy the pumpkin patch! It was hot here too this week and I’m glad that’s behind us now.
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Yeah our temps were brutal this week! We had heat warnings that started Monday and didn’t end until Friday night. I’m hoping the lower temps I’m seeing in the forecast are without humidity because that just makes everything worse!
Nice new reads! I still need to read the Hawley book I bought earlier this year but they sound delightful! I will have to make sure I get this one on the list in case I fall in love with the books! Lol! Happy Reading!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Enjoy the pumpkin patch and the cooler temps!
Well I know how the heat can affect you when you have menopauses or even pre menopauses! That’s no joke! But summer still remains my favorite season because of the light and long days. I hope the heat abates next week Kimberly!
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
Glad the weather will cooperate for the pumpkin patch visit! It will be October (or later) before we seen temps around 80.
Juli @ A Universe in Words
Honestly, by Wednesday I was an absolutely puddle as well. I spent most of Thursday and Friday trying to dry out my brain and get it back into action, to middling success! A pumpkin patch sounds lovely though, makes me eager for Autumn to arrive! I hope you have a lovely week 🙂
Juli @ A Universe in Words
Those temperatures with that much humidity sounds not fun, glad to hear your AC could help a bit and I hope the temperatures go down a bit soon for you. Have fun at the pumpkin patch!
The pumpkin patch visit sounds like a lot of fun. Have a great week!
Our temps were lower than normal this last week, but they’ve started climbing again this weekend. Might be our last truly hot weather of the summer. We’ll have to see what September brings.
We had the heat too but I will take that over cold weather any day. Have fun at the pumpkin patch. Until next week!
Laurel-Rain Snow
Oh, we have had very high heats here, too. I am grateful for A/C, however.
Enjoy your week!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Summer is not my favorite season even before menopause made me feel like I was on fire! Hope you get some cooler temps! 🙂
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
I hope you get some lower temps. Have a great week!
Taylor @ Taylor Fenner’s Bookish World
I hope you and your family have a great time at Val’s Pumpkin Patch! It sounds fun! We had one 90 degree day and then it cooled off and I turned the fans off and was wearing a sweatshirt yesterday.
The pumpkin event sounds fun. I’m ready for pumpkins and allthe fall things. Those temps though… yikes