The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.
The first full week since the holidays brought homework and adjustments for the Royals and my husband. I had a few client meetings, a tour to send out and a few to plan. I’ve almost completed my finish a series in a month challenge. Mostly because I got them from the library, which added three to my Library Love goals… go me. Just wanted to cocoon myself and did very little interacting. I had the winter blues this week with cold temps and dark days. How do you beat the blues? Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- Max Abaddon And The Crystal King By Justin Leslie (audio review)
- The Cloisters By Katy Hays (audio review)
- A Chance Inheritance By Carolyn Brown (book review, guest post)
- WOLF By Rebecca Zanetti (book review)
- Dead Things By Stephen Blackmoore (audio review)
This Week on the Blog
- The Backup Plan By Jill Shalvis (book review)
- How To Sell A Haunted House By Grady Hendrix (book review)
- Lie To Her By Melinda Leigh (book review, guest post)
- Blog Tour: Ever After By Kate SeRine (spotlight,book review, giveaway)
- Broken Souls By Stephen Blackmoore (audio review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- The Bride Wore White by Amanda Quick
- The Duchess Takes A Husband by Harper St. George
- Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
- The Levee by William Kent Kruger
A special thanks to Berkley, Penguin Audio & Simon Audio
Around The Blogosphere
- 2022 New Release Challenge hosted by the Conventional Bookworms
Caffeinated PR

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Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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soo many books to start reading again and the though part is all sounds like a great books
i have selected 5 books from your list and I am sure they would be great as a coffee lover I know your taste will awesome same in books too
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
This time of year definitely makes me just want to stay indoors and hibernate. LOL!
I’m afraid I can’t help you as I thrive on the coldest, darkest, dreariest days. You’ll find me depressed in the heat of summer. I do not like to be hot. However, I wonder if one of those special lamps would help? I forget what they’re called. Anyway, the good news for YOU is that winter is halfway over already! lol
Hope you have a good week!
Tanya @Girl Plus Books
Sounds like you had a busy week, Kimberly! I can’t say that I’ve ever dealt with the winter blues. Living in Florida, we don’t get to many cold/gloomy days in a row. Even when it’s cold it’s usually bright and sunny.
I relate to winter blues although for me it is just weather under 40. It makes me want to curl up in bed and read/listen to my books. 🙂
I have been eyeing Kruger lately. I think I’ll be getting one of his titles soon. Do you recommend one particularly?
Have a good week, stay warm, and have Happy Reading!
The rain is keeping us in more often than not.. but books do help!!
It was a long week here too – I just want to not work, ok? LOL! I’m quite fortunate in my work schedule, but having so much time off for the holidays spoiled me 😉
I hope this week things feel a bit more settled. oh and i hate the cold, but I can’t complain in comparison to your weather… I still spend every winter just waiting and praying for the warmer temps of spring and summer.
Mary Kirkland
I don’t get the Winter blues. I love this time of year. Winter is the best time. All the cloudy skies, rain, dark clouds and cold days. I love walking the dog during this time of year.
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
I try to get away for small breaks if the weather is brining me down. I hope you get over the cold weather blues!
So sorry to hear you’ve been feeling a little blue. Cosy socks, snuggly blankets and lots of cuddles are my remedy. Hope this week is brighter for you. x
How to Sell a Haunted House sounds intriguing! I really like winter even though I can’t get around well in snow and ice. I just snuggle up inside and watch movies and read. But when it isn’t snowy or icy, I like bundling up and getting outside in the cold to take my walks. It’s actually the summers that I really dislike. The heat and humidity make me tired and miserable. The good news is these seasons are always changing and it will warm up for you in due time. In the meantime, stay cozy…and caffeinated of course. 🙂
Sophia Rose
Getting used to new routines or getting back on previous ones can be a challenge. I don’t tend to get the winter blas, but I do try to keep from dreariness by get outside for some fresh air even if its just five minutes or ten minutes at a time due to freezing temps, candles or twinkle lights in the early evening, and even some vibrant foods like fresh oranges with breakfast or spicy foods at early dinner. Way to go on getting so much work done and finishing the series challenge (I’ve got two more books for that).
I got Bride Wore White, too.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
Angela (Angel's Guilty Pleasures)
That’s great you’ve already got 3 books toward your library goal. I’ve picked up 2 audiobooks, but haven’t started listening. We’re getting so much rain this month that I’m feeling the blues and no motivation to read/listen just bing TV. I can’t wait for the sun to come back. It always chases the blues away.
Great book haul. Happy Reading!
sherry fundin
I was late getting my post up. I love your snowflakes and I’m glad it is the only place, other than TV and photos, that I see it. lol
Anne - Books of My Heart
You’re off to asn awesome start with library love and COYER, two challenges I LOVE. I would say I beat the blues by planning, dreaming, organizing. Thinking about the possible options cheers me up. Of course reading helps since it takes my emotions to other places than where I am. I hope you have some sunny days ahead.
The sun is starting to stay up later so hopefully, your winter blues will go away soon. Congrats on the challenge though.
I hope the sun shines on you this week a lot!
Victoria Hamel
Winter can be rough. I’m happy that by Feb 1st the sunset will be at 5pm. What I do to minimize the winter blues is to run outside in the sunlight. That can be very hard to do for everyone who works full-time–but I will say that if you can walk on lunch break it really helps.
Stay caffeinated? Don’t have to tell me twice!
Laura Thomas
I don’t have any way to beat the blues. I just try to escape in reading and take plenty of naps.
I always plan a trip to somewhere sunny to beat the winter blues. Even just planning a trip and not going seems to make me feel better. I hope. you feel better, Kimberly.
Vi @Inkvotary
I go outside for a walk or do some work in the garden to beat the winter blues. It helps every time. No matter how cold it is or if the sun shines or not, a half hour walk, even if it is one to the local library, and I feel much better.
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
First full week back for us too. But it was long and busy! I’m looking forward to this next short week myself.
Lover of Romance
Beating the blues can be hard. What works for me is just being spontaneous and going out and doing things and it normally pulls me out of it. Like a movie theatre or something.
Well Kimberly I usually beat the blues with books, walks and some craft project. But it’s dreary weather here too so I get it! I hope next week will be better for your mood. Hugs.
Michelle@Because Reading
It was a long week for me too, we have been so busy at work I feel like I am there more than I am at home.
I love winter and dark nights so I can’t help with the blues, I do a lot of gaming (the sims) so that helps 🙂
Hope this week is awesome for you Kim! Happy Reading xx
S. J. Pajonas
It was a long week here too! I’m grateful we have off tomorrow. I beat the blues by going out for walks as much as possible, even in the cold. At first it sucks because of the cold and then it gets better and I’m usually happier when I return home.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Well it’s summer here right now, but honestly I’m happiest in winter because the bad weather is a great excuse to stay home and read.
Wishing you a warmer reading week!
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Well it’s summer here right now, but
I’ve been struggling with the winter blues as well lately and haven’t found anything that worked yet. I tried setting my screens brighter for more light, go outside and take vitamin D, but it doesn’t help as much as I had hoped. I hope you feel better soon and you get some sunny days soon.
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
I feel like just cocooning right now as well! Things that help me survive the winter are spending time making soup and bread, and planning my garden. 🙂 And of course reading!
I feel the winter blues here too Kimberly. I try to get outside to walk as much as I can when the weather allows. I’ve tried light therapy but I find it not that helpful. I like to make things cozy at home and enjoy not having to do yard work! Have a wonderful week ahead.
Jessica @ a GREAT read
I guess I just never felt blue during winter myself. That hits me in summer. Lol. I’m weird I guess. Too hot to go hot and do anything so I’m homebound for the majority of the year because of the weather. I just snuggle in with my AC and read a good book to combat my summer blues.
Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
It’s definitely been a long week and January always seems to drag. I’m sorry about the winter blues, when it’s sunny I go for a walk if it’s not too cold. And crafting or binge watching a series is a nice distraction too. Happy reading this week!
To beat the blues, I mostly just watch light fluffy goodness that I know will get me laughing. Once I start laughing, the blues tend to disappear. Have a great week!
Amy @ A Novel Start
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had the winter blues. I try to keep busy (cleaning mostly!) OR pick up a new project. This week I’ve taken up bullet journaling for the first time. I love organising and want to try being more creative, so 2 bird with one stone 🙂
Try to find something to get completely engrossed in if you can. I hope this helps x
A Voracious Reader
January is just a shit month. No holidays, shitty weather, deep in Winter’s bowels, just ugh. It should be the month of snuggles, hot baths, fires, hot chocolate, and soft blankies. And reading, of course. A month of recharging before Spring starts revving up.
Thanks again for hosting the Sunday Post.
Hallo, Hallo,
It feels like half of forever since I’ve blogged but its only been about three months where I was regularly active. So much has transpired and I just felt it was time to share what has been going on in my life and what my family and I have been going through in respects to my Dad. It is more about life than reading – so just beware as honestly I didn’t have the energy to read or blog or tweet except for when I microblogged some updates. I’m hopeful to get back into stories this January but for now, this was a cathartic update for me.
I loved Daisy Jones and the Six! I’m sorry the weather is getting to you. So far no snow here just lots of rain. A close friend of mine for 46 years died a few of days ago and I can’t even go to the funeral back home. That’s what’s getting me down.
Emily @Budget Tales Book Blog
It has been grey and wet here in the UK. I have to admit though that when I walk to collect my son from school it is refreshing so I don’t mind it too much after spending the day at home!
Have a great weekend and week ahead!
Winter is my fave time of year so I make sure, on a weekend, that we get out for a walk and do the shopping during the day and in the afternoon and evening we can just relax!
How To Sell A Haunted House sounds like an intriguing book. Is it a horror read? I’m quite fond of books about haunted houses, so I’ll have to check it out.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
The winter blues really suck, don’t they? I try various things to break free of the blues: reading, taking a walk, doing something creative just for fun, and making a list of all my accomplishments during the day, no matter how small — so I can feel at least a little satisfaction at getting things done.
Sometimes one of those things helps, sometimes not. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercise help me over time, but not right away. I really hope you find something that works for you. If the winter blues are a seasonal thing for you, you might look into SAD light therapy. My mom swears that the 15-20 minutes she spends in front of her SAD light makes a big difference for her.
For some reason, my Sunday Post for this week didn’t show up in the “click here to include a link” list, so I linked it here.
Laurel-Rain Snow
Sounds like a great week! I hope the next one is just as awesome.
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
I’ve been living in Florida for the last 3 years and I don’t have any real weather blues here. Although, when it rains alot and it’s cloudy, it can be very dreary and that’s depressing. But, when I lived in New York, I would always get weather related blues. I just tried to read and watch TV – something light. I hope things get better for you. Have a great week!
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
I don’t usually suffer from weather related ups and downs whether it’s too hot in the summer or too dark/cold in the winter. To break out of the doldrums, I make a drink, get my favorite warm blanket, and either call a friend and chat, or mindlessly binge something on TV. Hope you get over the blues and back in the swing of things quickly.
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
Taylor @ Taylor Fenner’s Bookish World
I like to surround myself with bright colored things when I get the winter blues (like doing my nails a vibrant color). And dreaming of my next vacation doesn’t hurt either. I enjoyed the review of The Cloisters this week! I want to check it out!
I’ve had th winter blues too. It’s been s grey! We finally had a little sun today… it was needed. Have a good weekend!!!!!
I’m sorry to hear you had the winter blues. Reading is definitely one way I beat them.
I have a tendency to want to hibernate when it gets cold. I hope you are feeling better this week. The Amanda Quick book is really calling my name. Have a great week and happy reading.
Angela @ Simply Angela
Sorry to hear you’ve had the winter blues, the weather’s just been mean and nasty. I usually try to get a bit Summery with my reading and tropical with my drinks. I hope this week’s sunnier for you!