The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Now y’all know this fall baby prefers summers, so I am not one to complain about the heat, but my goodness it was hot & sticky this week. With temps surpassing the 100s, the grands and I laid low, eating ice cream, watching movies and swimming at the Y. I am slowly catching up from my vacation. Mr. Caffeinated and I have been watching season 2 of Evil on Paramount Plus. He cannot binge, so we watch one a night. It works, as I work a little after dinner and then read or listen after the episode. The Disney rash came back with a vengeance this week on both legs this time. Did I mention aging sucks? LOL. Stay cool, stay healthy and Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- 🎧 Tough Justice By Tee O’Fallon (audio review)
- Trouble With The Cursed By Kim Harrison (book review)
- The Science Of Murder: The Forensics Of Agatha Christie By Carla Valentine (book review, guest post)
- Unforgiven By Rebecca Zanetti (book review)
- 🎧 The Boardwalk Bookshop By Susan Mallery (audio review)
This Week on the Blog
- The Friendship Pact By Jill Shalvis (book review)
- 🎧 The Witch Hunter Trilogy By K.S. Marsden (audio review)
- A Match Made At Matlock By Jan Ashton, Julie Cooper, Amy D’Orazio, And Jessie Lewis (book review, guest post)
- 🎧 The Warden By Jon Richter (audio review)
- 🎧 Between Kings By W.R. Gingell (audio review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire
- Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire
Around The Blogosphere
- SYNC Free Summer Audiobooks 2022 from AudioFile Magazine. Get details and register HERE for Free.
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Ugh…I hear you about the heat. It’s been pretty beastly.
Sorry about that dang rash. I remember getting a rash on my thighs in Arizona during the heat of summer when I was a kid.
Why can’t Mr. C binge? He CAN’T or he WON’T or he doesn’t LIKE to binge? Just curious as it is my preferred way to watch something. 🙂
Thankfully, this rash is near my ankles, and has finally cleared up. Mr. C has the attention span of a gnat…lol He can’t sit for more than an hour. So, if we watch a show or series together, it is painfully slow. I prefer to binge the series or at least focus on only one series/show and only watch that until I’ve completed it. When the Harry Potter books came out, I would devour them, then read them to my kids or they would read them themselves. We’d all be done the month of its release. It took my husband a year to read each one.
Hahaha thanks for explaining about the hubs. 😀 I prefer to binge as well, so, although this chapter-o-day buddy read I’m doing with Bellefleur is FUN and I’m enjoying it very much, some days it kills me not to keep on reading. But one chapter a day is our plan and we are sticking to it!
M. Ravenel
It’s been crazy hot here as well. I have such a bad tan. But on the flip side, I really need all the sun I can get after being homebound for so long. There’s no middle ground!
Sophia Rose
Yeah, a couple days last week were sweltering so I don’t blame you for holing up with ice cream and movies. Hope the rash goes away soon. Yay for getting back on schedule.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
I agree – you have to stay inside in this heat.
Sounds like some fun with the grands.
Sorry about the rash. I hope you find relief.
Have a good week and Happy Reading!
Keep cool and keep reading 😉
It looks like you and the grands are finding good ways to stay cool. I hope it cools off just a bit for you soon
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
Thanks for hosting yet again – it’s a fun virtual get-together. The Boardwalk Bookshop sounds like a perfect summer listen – it’ll be next up on my commute book list! Happy Reading.
A Voracious Reader
I like Spring and Fall best. This Summer heat can go suck it. lol
I love summer too. It didn’t get quite as hot up here but the heat was nice as I fight off a nasty cold. Hope you have a great week!!
Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter
It was disgustingly hot in the Midwest this week. We don’t usually see those temps until late July. I much prefer spring/fall weather. I hope that the rash clears up! You’re the second person who has mentioned Evil so I may have to check that out. Hope this week is good to you!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Season 2 of Evil was weird, but had some good episodes! I just started season 3 since it started last week. I’m with you on this heat! But I’m not a summer lover, other than it means I’m on break from school. Have a good week!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
It’s been hot and then cold, flip flopping back and forth here. We were at the beach for a couple days and it was cold! We’re supposed to get really hot here in the next few days. I’m not a big Summer person, but I’ll survive. Still not as hot as down South, thank goodness!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying the heat and ice cream makes everything better. Hope you get rid of that Disney rash!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
My mom got a rash on her leg (and swollen ankles) from our trip to Disney. That’s never happened before! Worse, though, we all came back with COVID. Ugh!
Oh nooooo… I hope you all have mild symptoms.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I am not a person for the heat so I am loving the 80s for a few days with a north wind and low humidity. I hope the rash is very short-lived.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Keep your feet up, and stay cool Kimberly
Wishing you a great reading week
I love the show Evil!! So good! It was super hot here last week as well. I’m not a fan.
I am doing The Sunday Post for the first time. It was super fun. Thank you for hosting this amazing Book Meme.
Welcome!! It’s a great way to meet fellow readers.
Patricia in New Mexio
Yes, I totally understand vegging out during a heat wave! My dad says, “Growing old has a price.” So true, but he always laughs when I reply, “It’s better than the alternative!” 😊
McGuire’s series sounds so interesting! I’ll have to share it with my grandchildren! Happy reading week!
It was a hot week here too! Hoping for a cooler week to come.
S. J. Pajonas
Oh man, I love bingeing TV! My husband is mostly the same as yours, though I can usually get him to watch 2 episodes in a night. Otherwise, I binge shows on my own. 🙂
I got him to watch 2 episodes on Saturday. I complained a date out to the movies would be at least 2 hours….hehe.
Kelly Lyn @ Lifestyle of Me
the heat wave last week was brutal!!! i am not sure i can handle the one coming this week.
Jennifer | Book Den
I love summer, too, but it’s just beyond hot right now!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
It’s funny, I’m a winter baby–although I guess technically I am a fall baby since my birthday is just before winter solstice, but I always considered myself more winter baby than fall, lol–and I love the winter! I loathe summer as it always starts around April and lasts until October around here and it’s just awful. I hate every day of it and we’re in real high temps here too. Upper 90s, but then you add in that humidity and we’re 100+! I’m longing for fall, but at this rate our one week of fall won’t be here until late October!
I’m pretty bad about binging shows as well. I can do a few in a row, but when they’re longer episodes, I begin to tire of sitting still so long! Lol. My latest binge was Stranger Things Memorial Day weekend, though since Netflix decided to hold the last two episodes hostage after almost three years of nothing due to the pandemic, I was outraged. So I only watched 5 our of the 7 episodes that they dropped, because I refused to be left with another cliffhanger for a month! Lol.
Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
The Disneyland rash sounds dreadful! The Boardwalk Bookshop is on my summer reading list ( Susan Mallery is an auto-buy for me). I hope you have a great week ahead!
I hope you enjoy Evil! We finally got Disney + in my country this week and it’s been binge season at my house
Too bad about the rash! I see you had a good, relaxed week otherwise. The summer is getting worse here and I hate it, I hope you have a great week ahead.
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
I can relate to the extreme heat. We’re in the midst of it, too. On Friday I was standing outside taking family photos for a wedding and I thought I would absolutely melt. It’s “only” going to be 90 today and I find that I’m excited about that. LOL
Emily @Budget Tales Book Blog
I hope your rash gets better soon.
The weather here has been awful too. I don’t like the heat anyway though – I’m more of a cloudy, but bright with a warm wind kind of person!
Have a great week ahead 🙂
Laura Thomas
I’m watching the second season of Evil too. Such a crazy show! And it’s been around 100+ here too with 100% humidity. Yuk. LOL
It was a hot one here too. Bleh! Hope the rash goes away quicker this time. I’ve gotten it when traveling before but luckily it didn’t come back. Hope you have a wonderful upcoming week!
Vi @Inkvotary
It sucks indeed *lol* I experience the same with insects in my garden. I have to stop gardening by 9pm or I get totally bitten *sigh* Glad you could enjoy ice cream and a pool. Happy reading and have a wonderful Sunday and new week.
we had a mini heatwave here in the UK on Friday and the rain arrived on Saturday! I hope you are able to keep cool, chilled and comfortable this summer. 🌞
Yes, the heat has been maddening even for me here in the Caribbean where we are used to heat. I’ve seen reports of heat advisories in parts of Europe and the US. I couldn’t help thinking of one of the books I read last year, Daylight Come, a climate change themed future dystopia in which the sun has become deadly to humans. Yikes. Stay cool.
Lover of Romance
I am looking forward to seeing what you think about that Jill Shalvis. And wow that is high temps, we haven’t had those temps here, we are still in the late 80’s which is just right for me. I hope that it cools down for you soon.
Happy Reading! b
We are in the over 100s here too and I’m not enjoying it. I don’t mind hot weather but this is ridiculous! I’m so sorry the Disney rash is back. I’ve never had it but I’ve heard about how uncomfortable it is. I hope this week is much better!
Jen at Introverted Reader
We were in the 90s yesterday and today. The air conditioner in our RV could barely keep us at 85, even with blackout curtains. Luckily we’ll be back in the 70s tomorrow. I hope you’ve cooled off and the Disney rash heals soon.
Stay cool. I’m like you, I love summer, but mainly because it means I get to do stuff like swim, which keeps you cool.
Diana @ Book of Secrets
We’re on season 3 of Evil — it’s so good!
There is such a thing as too hot, and over 100 is it! I hope you get a cooldown! I hope the rash goes away soon- what a pain.
I’m really curious about the McGuire’s, I haven’t read her in a while.
Laurel-Rain Snow
Oh, your summer activities sound good! The rash, not so much.
I hope you enjoy the week ahead and all those books.
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
It sure has been hot and humid here too. I love Evil on Paramount+. We’ve been binging it here.
I hope you have a great week!