Do Covers Speak to You?

December 26th, 2019 Kimberly Discussion 17 Comments

26th Dec

Do covers speak to you? Covers with DOORS always call out to me regardless of their genre. I will scroll Goodreads, Amazon and Audible and slow my roll as soon as I see a door. Check out some door covers and let me know what you think. Please tell me I am not a freak.

caffeinated coffee cup divider

Maybe it’s because doors hold secrets behind them. People, families and histories.

Some doors hold magical worlds behind them….

In an Absent Dream
Every Heart a Doorway

I love this door with the light glowing from within. It creates both warmth and mystery.

A Study in Scarlet Women

Holiday door delight me with their promises of good cheer…

Or covers that promise a door… with a keyhole, keys or door knob……

Don’t you love them. Honestly, if a cover has a door on it I have to stop and read what it’s about. Chances are good I will read it.

What about you? Anything about a cover that speaks to you?

Do certain covers speak to you? Covers with DOORS catch my eye, come chat with about it…. Click To Tweet
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

17 Responses to “Do Covers Speak to You?”

  1. blodeuedd

    I never thought about it, but sure, doors are cool! And covers always speak to me, I know I know, we should not judge a book by its cover but I always do. Cool covers speak to me, pretty covers makes me long

  2. Olivia Roach

    Illustrated book covers speak to me. Maybe because I really love art and I enjoy drawing book covers, and illustrated ones look drawable to me 😀 Lots of YA covers have started to become illustrated in style and it makes me want to buy them all…

    Olivia Roach recently posted: 2019 Resolutions Wrap Up!
  3. Jackie Briere

    I love that these covers speak to you. I wish that they spoke to me and you are not a freak! Omg, I love the stories behind a beautiful cover though.

  4. Lover Of Romance

    oh I LOVE covers with doors on them!!! Its so fascinating what covers can connect with to the reader right? Hope you had a great Christmas darling.

  5. Sophia Rose

    You are not nuts. As soon as you started explaining I knew I had similar quirks. I love silhouetted figures against sunsets/sunrises and shadowy figures running away through streets or forests etc. Yes, doors always make me wonder what is behind them.

  6. Laura Pond

    Doors don’t catch my eye but a cover filled with lots of color does. I am an artist on the side, painting psychedelica. I must have bright colors in my life.

    Laura Pond recently posted: Genesis