Sunday Post #334 Pumpkin Spice Everything…

September 16th, 2018 Kimberly Review 127 Comments

16th Sep

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Our weather was lovely all week and it was nice to get outside. How is it mid-September already? Fall begins next Saturday and I fear if you blink it will be Christmas! I’ve been seeing commercials for fall TV and look forward to Doctor Who and Midnight, Texas.  I’ve been in a fickle mood with my reading. I’ve been diving into my Kindle archives and jumping from genre to genre. What have you been reading this week?  Stay Caffeinated!

Help: I have only one confirmed host for Fraterfest Challenges. If you’d like to a host please email me. You would need to host a spooky, festive challenge and offer a small international prize. Ideas for cover scavenger hunt, fill in the blank, crossword puzzle, festive puzzles, movie titles, spine poems, creative writing and whatever your imagination can come up with. I have an Instagram challenge already. I’d like two more hosts.

 Last Week on the Blog
 This Week on the Blog
  • It’s In His Kiss By Julia Quinn (audio review)
  • Lies By T.M. Logan Giveaway (giveaway)
  • Modern Love By Beau North (audio review)
  • Daughter Of A Daughter Of A Queen By Sarah Bird (review)
  • How To Dance An Undead Waltz By Hailey Edwards (review)
  • Echoes Of Evil By Heather Graham (audio review)
New Arrivals to the Caffeinated Cafe′

*all images linked to Amazon/Goodreads

A special thank you to Lauren Blakely, Audible Studios, HarperAudio and Montlake Romance


Around the Blogosphere
Caffeinated Happenings

SAVE THE DATES: Fraterfer Readathon and HoHoHoRAT

  • Fraterfest October 11th through the 16th. All things spooky or supernatural!
  • November 9th through the 18th. Winter and Holiday reads. Sign-ups will go up September 26th. I will also be looking for challenge hosts.
Totally Random

Link Up your edition of the Sunday Post

Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

127 Responses to “Sunday Post #334 Pumpkin Spice Everything…”

  1. Stefanie

    Yeah, time is flying by. Halloween decor has been at Costco for weeks now.

  2. Lorna

    I kept expecting Midnight Texas to be back this summer and then nothing. So glad to hear it will still be on! I have Love and other Wild Things to listen to as well. Love Molly Harper.
    And oh yes, Christmas. Not bothered. I’m just glad it will be cooler. I’m going away for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas this year so it’s just not the same as being home. But that’s what having to work around a big family schedule causes 🙁

  3. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    I signed up for Fraterfest! Thanks for hosting it. I wish I could spend more time outside. I didn’t even run last week because it was nearly 100 degrees every day. I hope it cools down soon. Have a great week!

  4. Anne

    Well it’s been rain and wind here with the Hurricane. I’m lucky to be about an hour out of the worst of it, including flooding. At least it’s cooler. I love snuggling up under the covers! I am just trying to get things to normal and figure out things for my daughter.

    You have some great books, old and new; we read many of the same genres and some same authors.. Anne – Books of My Heart

  5. Ardis @ Pondering The Prose

    I’ve been listening to a lot of audio books, this past week. Wildcard, by Marie Lu, and the new book from Hank Green, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. I loved them both!! Now I’m listening to A Trick Of The Light by Louise Penny. I want to read her entire series, so I can read her new one that is out soon, and by all caught up.

    Happy Reading.

  6. Sarah

    Weather here was nice, but is now getting warm again. It’s not supposed to cool down enough to enjoy the outdoors until next week.

    There must be some kind of reading bug going around that has us reading something and then picking up something else, reading that for a little then changing yet again before any of these stories are finished.

  7. Michelle Gilmore

    I have to get some spooky/fall reads for the Fraterfest! I hope you can find another host! If you still don’t have one before your deadline, feel free to contact me either on my blog or FB and I can give it a shot.

  8. lisa thomson

    Hi Kim, lots for me to have a look at here. Last weeks reviews and the new ones coming look interesting! I’m always reading two books at once. Right now, I’m reading Little Women b/c I’ve NEVER read it before and it’s a classic. Also, almost finished Red Notice by Bill Browder. It’s astonishing and scary. Can’t believe we are already into fall weather here. I’ve been unwilling to let go of my summer wardrobe tho, I guess it’s a form of denial.

    lisa thomson recently posted: My Daughter’s Gettin’ Married!
  9. Sophia Rose

    I was just having an existential moment over the fact that next weekend begins fall just yesterday. Whew, does it ever fly by! I’m ready for it to come, though.

    Neat that you’re hitting the dark corners of your Kindle with this mood. I will ignore it for the longest time and then suddenly find those older ones quite fascinating (usually about the time I’m supposed to be reading some new release review commitments). 🙂

    Enjoy your week!

    • Kimberly

      Right. It was like shopping, I have no idea what I own on there. Between audiobooks and kindle books I have well over 1,000.

  10. Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

    It seems like the summer has flown by. I can’t believe it’s nearly fall. Of course, we’ll still have summer temperatures in Virginia for another month or so… but at least they should be down into the 80s instead of the 90s.

    My reading has been fickle all summer. I need to get back to reading my ARCs; they’re backing up!

    I hope you find some hosts for Fraterfest. I don’t read scary books (for the most part), but I’m definitely looking forward to HoHoHoRAT in November. I need to start lining up books for it!

    Have a great week!

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 9/16/2018

    The temps here have been great but the mosquitoes have been awful. They can cart you away if you stay outside too long..

    Have a great week!

  12. Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic

    Have you watched any of the Midnight Texas series? I wondered how good it is. I haven’t done a lot of reading this last week. I’m enjoying the book I’m reading, but just not feeling like reading. I don’t like that feeling 🙁

    I hope your reading gets back to what you want it to be. Hope you have a good week.

    • Kimberly

      We watched season one Jan and enjoyed it. The reading is fine, I am just diving into the archives which is unusual for me. I read 4 yesterday!

  13. A Voracious Reader

    We’ve had hot temps and it hasn’t cooled down much with all the rain from Florence. Everything is so wet. Ugh. I haven’t had a lot of time for reading, but I do have 10 reviews to write. Now that the furious activity of this past week is done I can get to those. I hope you have a great week, Kim!

    • Kimberly

      Our folks are in Moorehead City NC. Eep! I am actually all caught up on reviews, well I have one to write..but I read 4 books yesterday!

  14. bookworm

    I know, it will be Christmas before we know it at this rate!
    You always host such fun season read-a-thons 🙂 Enjoy your week !

  15. Michelle @Because Reading

    I have been in a weird reading mood. Sort of jumping around a little.
    I also sent you an email about the challenge. 🙂
    I am waiting on that cool weather, my curly hair hates this NJ Humidity. 😉

    Have a great week, Kim! Happy Reading!

  16. Darlene

    Are Kendra Elliot and Melinda Leigh the same author? The series sounds good.

    Sometimes I get like that, too, when I’ve overindulged in a particular genre (usually mystery) and then I need to avoid it for a while. That happened to me last year. I’m currently binging on mysteries again! Switching up genres is a good idea.

    I haven’t yet indulged in the Pumpkin Spice craziness, but I have a recipe for Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal that I want to try! Have a great week!

    Darlene recently posted: Stacking The Shelves and Sunday Post
    • Kimberly

      No they are not, Both are best selling mystery, crime, romantic suspense writers. They did a series together before and everyone loved it..all 4 and 5 stars. I have read the two books listed above already and loved them! They take turns writing books in the series.

  17. Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!

    LOL, PS Xanax! I love it. I feel like I have missed so much. I have to go read some reviews today to get my fix! I hope you are doing well. Please I don’t want to think of the holidays just yet. =)

    • Kimberly

      Right. I am not ready. We still have my birthday, Halloween,, a visit from my in-laws, the Prince’s 2nd birthday and Thanksgiving before we even start thinking about Christmas!

  18. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    I wish it were Fall already! Sadly, we’re nowhere near there in our weather! We had a nice break this past week 80s instead of 90s and above but this week we’re back to the 90s and I’m already miserable because of it! Lol. Fall might not be to mid-late October for us. You would seriously think our weather was coastal weather with how freaking warm it is!

    Nice new reads too! All totally new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every of them!

    Here’s my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  19. Lola

    Sorry to hear about your fickle reading mood. I hope you can find something good to read soon. I had my third 5 star read of the year, a lovely contemporary romance book. I am excited that fall is almost here and am enjoying the slightly cooler weather. Have a great week!

  20. Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem

    I’m looking forward to fall weather! We’ve been hot and humid this week and are getting the remnants of Florence today ?

    I understand the Reading mood. I’m right there with you! I’ve been bouncing between old favorites and different genres all summer. Haven’t really found a good groove yet.

    Hope you have a great week! Look forward to both of your upcoming readathons ☺️

    Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem recently posted: Sunday Post #148 – Happy To Be Back
  21. Samantha

    I love Doctor who! Such a great show! I’m ready for this heat to go for good! Its been hot and humid for too long! I haven’t been finding any books that really hold my attention lately. It sucks!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: Hurricanes suck
  22. Natalie @Natflix&Books

    It’s still so hot here. I’m definitely ready for cooler temps. I’ve been doing pretty good reading wise this week. I honestly always kind of jump around. Happy reading!

    • Kimberly

      I jump too, but not like this. I am actually scrolling through the Kindle archives..some books I forgot I even had!

  23. Lynn

    HoHoHoRAT looks fun! I am still in a reading slump and I don’t think it will improve soon. I miss summer but I’m also looking forward to Christmas since it will be the first time in 7 years that I can celebrate without stressing for exams.

    Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

  24. sjhigbee

    I can’t believe the summer is dying, either. It’s now pitch dark at 8 pm and night is closing in the bit earlier every day… Now I get ready to grit my teeth and endure the dark and cold:(.

    Are you enjoying your genre-jumping? Sometimes, I quite enjoy mixing it up as my eyes drift down my TBR list and I go looking for something else, instead. Have a good week, Kimberly.

  25. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    So envious of your lovely weather! We’re having record high temps. It was 97 yesterday. 97! Gah! And yep, I’m starting to see pumpkin spice everything. Bring it on! I bought a bag of apple-cinnamon pretzels at Target the other day. Fabulous! 🙂

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted: The Sunday Post #120
  26. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    With weather in the nineties this week predicted, I don’t think fall will be here in Texas for a while. Sigh. It’s okay. You take the delightful winters and you must accept the late falls.

    I’m sorry your reading has been sporadic. Maybe I’ve used up everyone else’s reading mojos…I can’t seem to stop!

  27. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    We have awesome fall weather already, too, and I love it. It’s really nice and warm during the day, and cool during the night. The trees are slowly starting to change colors, and it’s really beautiful.
    I can’t believe we’re moving toward the last stretch of 2018 already! Where has the time gone?
    I hope you’ll find your hosts, Kim, I won’t have time, sadly, or I’d be in your inbox right now 🙂
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

  28. Ceri

    The weather has been horrible here so it’s definitely feeling like Autumn. I’ve also started reading a lot more spooky things so I’m so ready for all the pumpkin spice stuff.

  29. Sam@WLABB

    Still waiting for the fall weather to find us here in NJ. Hopefully, it gets cooler and less humid soon. Time is definitely flying, but I am excited for the holidays, because I haven’t seen my daughter since the beginning of June.

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post
  30. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    I’m not fussed about the ‘official’ start of Autumn, for me it’s September 1st, lol.
    I can’t believe how quickly the rest of this year is going to go. I actually saw Christmas trees and decorations available in Costco yesterday sitting a couple of displays away from the Halloween goodies. :-/

    Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted: Weekly Update #29
    • Kimberly

      Yes, when the kiddos went back to school it was Fall for me too. Now since my nest is empty I can hold on a little longer.

    • Kimberly

      I found some old downloads and some from the past few months. It is so sad when you hve no idea what books are in your Kindle library.

  31. ERK ?

    Hope you have a good week ahead! Fall is personally my favourite time of the year ? being on the other side of the world, I haven’t really tasted Pumpkin spiced stuff :/ would love to taste!

    ERK ? recently posted: The Sunday Post #9
  32. Jovita @ Inky Impressions

    We’re still having warm Summer temps here in Colorado, but I see that next week it’s suppose to be more Fall temps. I’m reading to turn the air conditioner off! Yummy, pumpkin spice, I need to stock up on the keurig cups and visit Dutch Bros. Coffee. Enjoy your week ahead and hopefully you’ll find that genre that changes your fickle mood.

    Jovita @ Inky Impressions recently posted: Inky Edition of the Sunday Post
    • Kimberly

      I haven’t had a pumpkin spice coffee yet, but I am sure I will in October. Right now it’s 90 with the week looking to be more of the same.

  33. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    The weather’s still hot where I live, but I’m up north this weekend and it’s been warm in the afternoon, but cools off quickly Fall is in the air! Hope you find a book to suit your mood. Happy reading! 🙂

  34. Greg

    Ooh you had nice weather too this week? It warmed up a little for us after feeling very fall- like there for a few days. Midnight, Texas has me curious, I must say- even though I don’t read a ton of urban fantasy, shows in that vein always seem to attract me!

    Hope you have a great weekend Kimba.

    Pumpkin spice Xanax lol. Pass me some. 🙂

  35. Laura Thomas

    Our week started out rainy but then turned sunny and hot. Enjoying the last few weeks of pool time:) I’m reading mostly spooky books right now to get ready for October. Which isn’t far off now!

  36. Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts

    Aww, sorry to hear your reading has been up and down mood wise! Hopefully it’ll be gone soon? At least it’s better than a slump, but I guess it is in a way? I can’t believe it’s ALMOST fall – I’m very much ready for hoodie weather, haha. No more humidity, so things will finally look up JUST a little (not really considering finals week gets closer).

    Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up: I’m Apparently 21 and Adulting?!?!?!